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A member registered Apr 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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hallooo, i made a little fast paced overcooked-like game about sorting your house ! :)

check it out if you want, i'd love some feedback ! i'll go check what you'v done

i made a little overcooked like game about sorting your house before your parents arrives, would love some feedback :) !

i'll go check out your as soon as i get home

WOW the fact that you made this in 7 days is mind blowing, great game, seems really polished ! i had trouble understanding that i could upgrade buildings at first, i didnt understand where to click. Some sort of highlight when hovering over something interactable could be really nice ! well done, keep up the good work :)

REALLY COOL GAME ! I love the retro feel, i ended up replaying a lot. The differents types of ships are clever and original, it was fun to learn the paterns and to get better every try. well done !

aah yeah that's also a problem i didn't have time to handle, but it should be an easy fix, i'll look into it, thanks ! yeah idk what happened that night but it was for sure an intense party ahah. glad you enjoyed :)!

Ooh indicators are actually a good idea ! however it might part of the fun to have to look for those items 🤔i'll try it out once the jam is over !

thanks for the review :) !

aaah i see, well in that case that's pretty clever yeah. good game !

thanks :) !

heyoo :) i made a little overcooked-like game about sorting your house :

check it out if you want ! I'll go rate yours as soon as i get home :)

really fun game, i ended up playing multiples times. Maybe there should be a limit to coin spawns per wave because i was able to keep collecting coins on wave 1 while keeping an enemy alive and bought like the whole shop ahah. But it was very fun playing, well done !!

The ambiance at night was really cool, i liked all the particles, very moody. I was a bit confuse as what to do at first on this big empty island, but when i found the trap things got clearer ! i liked it overall, well done :) keep up the good work

really cool game ! cozy gameplay, and the graphics were ultra cute. I struggled a bit at first and then it got smoother, i still had to try 3/4 times to complete it but it was fun overall ! nicely done

thanks for the review ! Trying to find actual graphics could be a real good improvment indeed

thanks !

ahahah glad you liked it :)

thanks for the review !

omg i got my very own snakeDraft comment

thanks for the review ! The idea of having to escape your parents as well as cleaning is actually a good one, i might  try to implement that after jam ! 

For the trash, it's not really explicit (i added it in the "Tips" section on the itch page), but you can actually throw it into a fire to burn it once it's full.

The colliders of the trash are kinda fucked up :/ but that's an easy fix i  hope. as for the spray causing lag i think it might be because of the particles in browser version acting weird ? not sure, i'll try to look into it, thanks :)

As for the difficuty, there's actually a difficulty setting, set to easy by default, wich you can change in game. It controls the amount of mess your parents have to see for you to lose the game. It was meant to be played in "normal" difficulty, but while playtesting a few of my friends found the game too hard so i changed the default to easy !

anyway, thanks for the review :) i'm glad you enjoyed, keep jamming ! <3

i made a silly little overcooked-like game about sorting your house before your parents arrives :

i'd love some feedback :)!

i'll go check out your entry

hellooo :) i'm from france and i made this silly game about sorting your house :

i'd love some feedback ! i'll go check out what you'v done !

nice thread idea btw !

(also i must admit i found your game because i saw you commenting on a lot of other games, and your reviews are always neatly structured with little numbers and stuff and i was curious who was actually behind them lmao, if you want to check out mine i'll be honoured 😍)

Loved this one !!! really cool concept, and a nice challenge curve. the enemies design are really clever. The slingshot tree seems broken however, i wasn't able to acess it :/. i loved the art too ! overall it was really cool, i had a fun time :)

also the fact that there's a leaderboard is just brilliant. but who tf got 1.2k acorn ahah i hardly go beyond 150 lmao

Great game ! it was hard to understand what to do in the begining, but it was fun overall !

Really fun game ! i love the fact that you can make your own sandwiches and give them actual names. the little baguette indicators were perfect haha. Well done !

i made a little overcooked-like game, i'd love some feedback :) :

here's mine :

it's a little overcooked-like game in which you have to sort your house before your parents arrives !

i made a small overcooked-like game, where you have to sort your house before your parents arrives. i'd love some feedback :) !

i made a little overcooked-like game :) any feedback would be really appreciated!

i am interested in feedback :) i made a little overcooked-like game :

fun game ! really well balanced and easily addictive ! i had a great time

REALLY COOL ! some tutorial could have been helpfull since i understood how to actually harvest resources only on my 4rth run :') but overall a really nice game, absolutly beautifull, i had a great time !

Really nice game ! i loved the art and music, the ambiance was very chill. i wish there was some sort of hints in game, because i struggled quit a bit on some puzzles ahah. But overall i had a really cool time !

Loved it ! very clever and inovative mechanics, the drawing one excpetialy ! the jump was also very satisfying. the end bit was ultra hard compared to the rest, but overall it was very fun playing, the levels were interesting and never felt repetitive. i loved the graphics, too, very cute !! thanks for the game :)

ahah nice, that was the goal ! thanks for the review !

aaaah that's so nice to hear :) that review made my day, thank you so much ! maybe i should add a jump tutorial prompt, i'm notting that down. i'll go check out your game as soon as i find time ! i'm so glad you enjoyed playing, thank you again <3

thanks for the kind review :), yeah those trash colliders are buggy... i'll definitely go check out your game !

thanks for the review ! yeah thoses colliders could use some fine tune for sure :'). i'll try to fix web player and the .exe issue, thanks for letting me know ! 

also, the graphics are not from me ! 

cool little game !

thanks <3 :)

simples mechanics and BIG BRAIN puzzles. i'll play again for sure. great game !

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