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A member registered May 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ill take a look and try to have a bugfix patch out soon!

I'll look into it and try to have it fixed!

It might be a little while unfortunately, as I recently started a major reconstruction of the combat system in the game that's going to take a little while as it involves redoing a large portion of the skills, enemies, and even misc things that were connected to the combat system like walking student's pathfinding and anything that used the pixel-movement systems.

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The game is linear, is there any particular area you're having trouble with?

For the minigames, remember to read Lily's advice at the end! Most of the time she has information on anything in particular that's new with a girl's minigame in her loss evaluation.

Generally, if your arousal goes up too high you can always "pull out" so to speak and switch to touch mode.  Be careful to do this well in advance of a reversal, so you'll have time to break free before you get hit and lose mana.

For Olivia's minigame in particular, it's best to have done all training beforehand. The difficulty is a step up on purpose and is still being tuned (likely down a bit, might be a bit tough at the moment) but it's certainly possible, even at 0 stats gained, if a bit finicky.

For hers, focus on spending as much time in super-mode as you can. As long as your stats are high enough you should be fine on pleasure build up on yourself so you can focus on offense.

You'll deal some extra damage to her if you can line up super-mode with when she orgasms. If you're not up to date on your stats (I think something like 5 STR 5 END 20+ Mana was what I had, basically everything but the pregnancy training stats) then you'll pretty much have to use the super-mode's power boost to actually deal more than 1mp of damage to her.

The completion shown on the journal is bugged, but it will count for the grade at the end of the semester properly as long as its in your inventory, and the journal will be cleared after the semester.

I have got a good idea on the cause now and should have a fix out soon!

It involves the reccomendation system not properly clearing out after the semester is over, which will be  fixed in the next update!

if you can navigate to a combat map and die it should reset it. There's probably a few other things that will fix it as well, including a fade in item in the inventory if you can open your inventory and use it somehow.

Possibly sleeping in the bed could also fix it if the above methods fail(and the bed should be fairly easy to navigate to as its right next to the spawn point that morning!)

Im working on fixing this one as well as a few other major bugs for the next release as soon as I can make sure it's all working properly. There were a few issues like it including broken character storyline issues, issues with the new slime scenes, and more that slipped through the cracks, but once it's all fixed I'll do a bugfix update as soon as I can!

Hotfix has been released(V0.10.1) fixing black screen bugs on loading into certain scenes (including the very first one)

Thanks for letting me know about all this! Replaced the discord link in the game's page, here is the new one.

I'll look into the android issues, I swear I had tested in on my own android phone a few days before I put up the update but I'll go see what I can do to fix it up!

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Pregnancy mechanics are tied into gameplay, changing the character's selection screen and lasting a few in-game days thanks to the power of magic!

Each character has an alternate selection screen with a different minigame (mostly milking so far), and a training scene that gives a unique h-scene. Pregnancies are repeatable, though rewards are really only obtained once for each training scene, and the milking minigames don't currently have any rewards at all!

The game is still a work-in-progress, with only 2 girls being mostly complete and the third (out of a planned 4) having only a single scene and nothing else so far, but the first two girls do have their pregnancy mechanics mostly implemented, if still in need of some polishing!

Which image or animation is stuck?

Most of the events use the same image slot to display their animations, so  if it's from a more recent event just playing any other image/event again (even through recollection room near homeroom!) should fix it.

But let me know which event/animation caused the issue too so I can fix it for the future!

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Ill look into it and try to have it fixed for the next update!  it looks like a bug in the plugins being used for crafting recipes

I think theres a script error with qabs and qpathfind there.

the plugins and combat system is getting updated in the near future, so it should be fixed then (and also moved over to the new version of the waterway dungeon!)

From the very buggy forest ruins dungeon.
To get there you need the growth spell from homeroom's quest that you get after attending a few times, and you use it on the upper field area outside of the school near the cliffs, which should grow a plant you can climb up.

There's not a completely fleshed out prostitution path for them, but there are ways to get them to go out!

For Anya, after finishing her story call her on the comm and you can start her side story, which involves her playing with village men.

For Eillana, after finishing her story talk to her at night in her room with no other events running to start her side-story, which involves a series of misadventures in search of a way to increase her magical power! (And this eventually leads her into, among other things, playing around with village men!)

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 Her implementation hasn't been completed yet. I meant to have a scene ready for her for this update but I went into surgery and as a result couldn't get it implemented unfortunately!

There will be updates on the third girl next update, sorry for the confusion!

Not anymore! I didn't realize there were other payment options when I set up itch a long while ago, so it should be fixed now.

The game is still very much in early access, and is developed by a single developer with a dayjob in an unrelated field who does all of the art, coding, scripting, writing, animation, and everything else.

Polish will come, but it's taking a while.

in the dorms? I'll look into it, they should respawn on changing maps but I'll test to make sure after saving/ loading they reload properly

The main protaganist in this one is a male farmer whose village gets attacked by a naughty succubus and gets trained by the girls.

Noted. Ill look into these. They look like theyre connected to the quest journal scripts.

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Human births take a much longer period of time than monster births, about double that of nekomatas and triple that of imps, according to the code, or anywhere from 30-45 days after you enter stage 2 (full belly) which itself takes 15ish days to enter.

Part of the issue might be the variance that human pregnancies have compared to monster ones. Imp pregnancy always takes 28 days according to the code, but human pregnancy can be as short as 52 days or as long as 72! days.

The enhanced length of the pregnancy is supposed to tie into some more in-depth pregnancy events around human pregnancies and separate them from monsters, which grow rapidly in comparison.

I think the birth scene itself might be broken at the moment(I think I was redoing artwork for them and needed to make some new ones for it), but the pregnancy will resolve after a lengthy wait, and the missing scenes will be implemented once I can finish up the art for them.

Thanks for letting me know on the bug, the entire slime hunt section is getting a revamp with the next update so it should be fixed soon! I'm not quite sure why it would lock your movement, I'll look into that as well.

Any manual saves before the autosave should still work, the autosave goes to as save slot that shouldn't be normally accessible to the player (if it is it's a bug)

Thanks for the bug reports!

Ill look into all of them.

The last one is a bug with the animations system for a lot of the older animations. I think the newer ones dont have the same issue and the older ones that do have it are being replaced with updated art over time.

I'll see if I can get it fixed faster but the issue involves rpgmaker's own engine having some issues loading images at runtime. Without porting it to the new system it will take a while to fix these older ones, and porting the older ones without updating the art at the same time will take a lot of devtime that will have to be repeated a second time for the updated artwork as well.

I'll do some testing and try to get some bugfixes in soon!

Possibly, for certain characters in the future. Likely nothing permanent though because of the difficulty of retrofitting all previous scenes to the new bust size.

It wouldn't be anytime soon either unfortunately, as there's a ton of stuff to do in the backlog already!

I ran out of money to pay for hosting unfortunately! I was paying for it all out of pocket but lost my dayjob with the pandemic and the costs finally caught up as my income dropped. The game will still be developed the same, just no website for a while.

Thanks! I've been working hard to improve my art skills (so much so my programming skills got a bit rusty in the meantime and it's taking me longer than it should to learn javascript properly!)

I too enjoy sexy content in more complex games. It's something that's somewhat hard to find, the closest I've gotten being heavily modding skyrim/oblivion to include fun content!

The dorms is a known bug. They return anytime you leave and re-enter.

It was built before the walking and standing students were implemented, and needs to be redone entirely to use the same system, but will take a while to be properly redone.

Events are planned for it for the future but haven't been implemented yet.

I'll check to make sure combat is properly disabled on teleporting out, thanks for letting me know!

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I think choir/dark church events increase willpower, and also likely a class or two, though I would have to double check the code for all of them. Stats are gained from classes (each class adds 1 stat), clubs (gardening club, choir/dark church, book club (gives mana regen!), and jobs (kitchen, tavern, and nurses)

It's somewhat logical in most cases (you'll get intelligence and mana from stuff like book club or magic classes, or strength and agility and hp from more physical jobs and clubs like kitchen work or combat courses, etc etc) Some of them can be found on the wiki here, although its not 100% up-to-date with everything.

Most consistent way to get willpower is probably attending choir or repeating the mana manipulation 1 class (which gets you +1 each and is available at the start)

Thanks for letting me know! I'll need to do some more testing and probably reordering in the code that controls the timing for when things run.

I'll have to test a bit more to see if I can recreate the larger issue. I had that happen once or twice in testing early on, thought I had fixed it, and hadn't seen it since. There's probably something else that's triggering at the same time that I have to figure out.

I'll look into it! The gardening club was somewhat recently updated, so it might just be broken and I hadn't discovered it yet.

For the discord server, I think I have it set up that you have to react to a message in the rules channel to get the role to be able to post, I'm not sure. I'll look into that too to make sure it's all working!

I don't mind answering questions at all! The main place I think most people post bug reports is on the public discord here There's a dedicated bug report section for it, as well as other channels for misc questions and chat.

The incomplete potion scene is still in progress as well, so it ends there for now. I had a bad habit of rushing in and adding just one part of a bigger section (half a dungeon with the forest dungeon, 1 scene in a side-story with a character event, etc etc). 

I'm trying to break that habit now by focusing on one area at a time now(for this current phase, the underground base and the new on-call system) for multiple updates until it's fully functional and bug-free so I don't have half-implemented systems in the game for a year or more.

That is a problem yeah. I'll see if I can at least get it to be playable to that point. I need to fix some of the changes around that area anyway(as it's currently causing some technical issues throughout the rest of the game as well due to the way I'm currently saving the position/location of enemies)

Selfishness should go up with the corrupt church's ritual (the bottom room one), but it's unlisted on the stats screen and might be bugged out. (I honestly don't remember if it's even properly usable like it's supposed to be anymore). Both the church and the corrupt church are certainly due for a revamp very soon! (as they're some of the earliest content added to the game), but it might take me a while to get there as so is much of the rest of the game's content!

The first time you visit you should have a spell that Anya can use. and you can run away for a bit to get some space and then fire as they approach.

There's no penalty for waiting as far as I remember, so you can always come back after you learn some new spells from future classes, then retake the artifacts class to properly finish its assignment.

Thanks for letting me know! The forest dungeon seems to be having issues with the mob spawning code I wrote, so it will be a bit of a task to go back and re-write it all but I'll try my best!

It's still missing the end-boss and a small puzzle section I was trying to build in the waterway area, so it still needs quite a lot of work.

I'll look into the new base sticking you into walls too, I had that happen a few times in testing and thought I had fixed it!

It should be possible to get both curses and blessings, although you will likely have to get your character to be corrupted to get curses and increase your purity to get blessings. It might be glitched and broken though, I'll test and see.

Both the church and corrupt church are in need of some updates in the future regardless in the future!

Thanks for letting me know on these! I'll test and see if I can get them fixed soon! The curses and blessings are on the wiki (which, while outdated, does have information on those)

They will be added to the status window later on as well, once I finish the redesign for it.

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I am so sorry about that! The links broke because I didn't properly update the latest public version's links!

I will have them fixed right away, and make sure they stay up-to-date from now on.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to fix up the issues in the future. I'm new to android development and didn't expect it to be so finicky on different resolutions!

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Should be fixed with the next update, hopefully soonish! Might be a bugfix on the main site's download too, least for the bathrooms