Woah, this is SO GOOD! Everything was excellent; writing, sounds, controls and graphics. Played it and got the Magical Kingdom ending, but plan to play again for a different ending.
Thanks for making this, I had a blast playing it!
Thanks for playing! I had a bunch of ideas that would have required having the inputs be recorded, but for these levels I probably should have only had positions and animations recorded to alleviate the desyncing issues.
Cool that your entry is 2 player local multiplayer, I'll give it a try once I have someone irl to play it with :D
Thanks! This was indeed my first game jam entry 😄 I do have a bunch of unfinished games gathering dust, so more of a first published game rather than first game 😁
All of the positive comments make me want to continue this project further. I had a bunch of ideas I didn't have time to develop before jam ended.
Really enjoyed your game as well!
Thanks for the kind words! There actually is a way to hard-reset through the pause menu without going to level select (Restart Level), but I could have communicated it better to the player.
Indeed only the inputs are registered, and frame rate can break it. I'm surprised it works as well as it does :D Another thing that can "break" it is if the level changes somehow, like a box is pushed in a clones way.
Definitely reserving time for sounds and juice in the next jam. I had a busy week so didn't have a lot of time to develop.
Really fun game centered around an interesting mechanic, enjoyed it a lot! :) A few suggestions on how to (perhaps) improve the game:
- Make the player have more control while airborne
- Have less backtracking, although it was a fun challenge to make my way backwards the level
Other than these, I had a good time playing!