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Hiroshi McBride

A member registered Nov 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Sorry I didn’t get around to playtesting the latest version of this when the survey was still open, but I’m so glad I came back to it!

The atmosphere and the tension are so THICK and the writing highly evocative. I love the combination of Disco Elysium’s inner voices, and the thinking, feeling exoskeletal companion à la In Other Waters. And since this game’s narrative seems set up for some psychological horror, I can imagine a scene where these interact with each other directly, bypassing the physical voice entirely.

You seem to have such a strong vision for this game that I rarely see, and I’d love to play the full version if/when it comes out!


The Banned In China Game Jam is almost here! This Friday at 17:00 CET the 48-hour jam will kick off and we will make another announcement to elaborate on the theme and specifications of the jam. If you or your team haven't signed up for the jam yet, make sure to do so on the jam page! We also recommend joining the Discord: https://discord.gg/ckMfdF5JKm

Based on some community feedback, we have made a minor change to the rules. Before, we said that any criticism towards the people of China was prohibited. We added a bit of nuance to this and made the distinction between political groups of China, and the Chinese as an ethnic group. Obviously, criticizing the latter is still not allowed, nor is bigotry of any kind. We hope that this adds some clarity to what the boundaries are! If you're still unsure about whether or not you can safely execute an idea, we are always open to discussion.

We are really excited to get started and hope to see you on Friday!

Our chances of ever reaching the Chinese games market are not very bing chilling after this. *shrug*

Fun concept! The visibility range was punishingly short though, I ran into enemies many times because I barely had time to stop when I spotted them. Great atmosphere

wow he really did beat those mfs up. Nice

Thanks so much for playing!

that's what you get for designing game elements at the last minute mijkol

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing! Getting lost is part of the experience, we made it in such a way that you loop back to the other side if you walk too far away. But I concede that it's a bit too extreme sometimes.


the puzzles are common but well-executed with good visual language. Visually pleasing too but the amount of foliage was too extreme for my pc to run comfortably :(

really cool concept, the sound of every entity walking around got "annoying" but it very much supported the idea the game was communicating. The disconnected camera is very clever

Recent puzzle hit Baba Is You was made in Multimedia Fusion 2 (the predecessor to Clickteam Fusion) which certainly validates that it's possible to make a good game in it. I haven't used it in years though, so I wouldn't be able to say much else about it

Lately I've learned to work with an iterative mindset. Instead of fully implementing each feature right away, I do all of it in a quick 'n dirty way, sometimes not even in a game engine but in something like PowerPoint if possible. Just to see if my idea has any potential. I understand that it's not something you necessarily do consciously, but try to avoid going for a 'full' implementation right away and just embrace the raw spaghett.

What are you trying to do? If you want to make games, there are engines like Game Maker Studio which has its own simplified scripting language, lots of tutorials and community support. George is right though. The quickest road to learning is to take the first step and just try doing it, googling tutorials and documentation as you go.

(1 edit)

Hi everybody!

I'm narasu and I'm a programmer, musician and game designer. I'm also just starting to get into sound design and exploring how sound and game design can work together. Sometimes I draw stuff in my spare time. If all that sounds like a handful, you... might be right. But I'm enjoying myself!

As a game developer I'm just starting out. About a month ago I released the biggest project I've worked on to date: https://narasu.itch.io/fish-eye I'm pretty proud of this one! Not working on anything else right now, aside from some research, I've got plans to get some other projects going.

As a musician, I've got 10 years of experience as a composer (though not so much in the context of games), but also playing guitar, singing, producing, and sometimes I mess with some other instruments. You can check out some things I've worked on here:

I hope this doesn't come across as too pluggy, I promise this isn't a self-promotion post. I just like to share my work!

See y'all around.
