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Gem Atlantic

A member registered Feb 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate that you tried to see everything, sorry about the crashing and room transition bugs,  I didnt end up being able to test some of the later game aspects as much as id have liked to

I thought this was pretty fun, I actually kinda liked the art style. The transitions were very jarring though. Cool conecpt

This is really good, i like puzzle games and this one used the theme really well, the art is amazing. you wouldn't know it was only one dude who made it in a week. 

I really like the game play! Not gonna lie I could play it for hours. I really hope you can find the time to work on it more cause I'd pay money.

The puzzles are super cool, a crosshair would be cool though for sure.

Thanks for playing our little game, Undertale was a big influence for us. Sorry about the bug there, we couldn't iron out all of them before submission, thanks for tell us though we're fixing it now, we'll update it after the jam.

Thanks for the input, we've updated the description and the site so that you can find the door to continue easily

Cool puzzles. I like it.

Really cool, the only issue I had with it was the controls which didn't feel great, but otherwise really great. It would be cool to see what you make with it if y'all do

Its a cool concept and the humor's fun; for your first game this is great. A little dark so I couldn't see things, and its pretty challenging.

This is fun, the chase is good but the fruits fly around so much its hard to control