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A member registered May 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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Arr, me hearties, listen up! Sailor Bob has some thoughts on how to make Will O' fish a smoother sailin' adventure based on what I've seen and said before!

First and foremost, let's hoist the flag of better graphics! should focus on patchin' up those pesky graphical issues and crashes. Smooth sailin' graphics will make the game run like a dream on calm seas.

Next, let's cast our nets wider and catch more fun! Addin' new fish and places to fish will keep us hooked like fish on a line. Explorin' different fish and challenges will make every voyage a unique and excitin' one!

As we navigate through the game, let's keep the UI as friendly as a salty sailor's smile. A clear and easy-to-understand interface will guide us through the waters with ease, like followin' a star in the night sky.

And let's not forget to uncover the hidden treasures of the story! 

Now, let's sail with a melody in our hearts! The enchantin' music already sets the mood, but addin' ambient sounds of the sea or seabirds will make us feel like we're truly explorin' the open waters.

Finally, may the winds of creativity guide ya continue to refine their charming game. The sea of game development can be a bit stormy, but with these improvements, Will O' fish" will surely become a grand adventure for all who dare to set sail!

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me fellow gamers and sea wanderers! 'Tis Sailor Bob, back again with tales of games and adventures! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on the delightful game, Nerdwell Lake, where I had the pleasure of embarkin' on a fishin' frenzy!

Now, let me tell ya, Nerdwell Lake might be a small game, but it's a thrillin' one that got me hooked like a mighty marlin on me line! Ye must tap those buttons with the precision of a seasoned sailor to catch those rare fish.

The art and UI might need a bit of polish, like scrubbin' barnacles off me ship's hull, but don't let that deter ye, me hearties! For within this game lies a treasure trove of fishin' fun and excitement.

One aspect that truly impressed me was the effort put forth by the creators in providin' us with a notebook that detailed the different fish we caught, like a journal of maritime discoveries. It added a touch of immersion, like explorin' uncharted waters with a map in hand!

Aye, I'm still on a quest to catch the elusive tenth fish, like a sailor chasin' the horizon, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

I must admit, Nerdwell Lake was the first game I played before the stars aligned in the voting seas, and it did not disappoint! It's a game that kept me excited, like a sailor anticipatin' a long-awaited voyage.

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me fellow gamers and sea wanderers! 'Tis Sailor Bob, back again with tales of games and adventures! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on the delightful game, Nerdwell Lake, where I had the pleasure of embarkin' on a fishin' frenzy!

Now, let me tell ya, Nerdwell Lake might be a small game, but it's a thrillin' one that got me hooked like a mighty marlin on me line! Ye must tap those buttons with the precision of a seasoned sailor to catch those rare fish.

The art and UI might need a bit of polish, like scrubbin' barnacles off me ship's hull, but don't let that deter ye, me hearties! For within this game lies a treasure trove of fishin' fun and excitement.

One aspect that truly impressed me was the effort put forth by the creators in providin' us with a notebook that detailed the different fish we caught, like a journal of maritime discoveries. It added a touch of immersion, like explorin' uncharted waters with a map in hand!

Aye, I'm still on a quest to catch the elusive tenth fish, like a sailor chasin' the horizon, eager to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

I must admit, Nerdwell Lake was the first game I played before the stars aligned in the voting seas, and it did not disappoint! It's a game that kept me excited, like a sailor anticipatin' a long-awaited voyage.

Rating: ★★★★★ (Five Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me gaming mates! 'Tis Sailor Bob, back again with another tale of games and adventures! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on the lively game, "Reel Roll Repeat," a game that had me hooked like a fish on me line!

Now, let me tell ya, Reel Roll Repeat is a fun game that sails smoothly like a well-rigged ship! The only thing me hearties might wish for is a graphics upgrade, like a fresh coat of paint on me trusty vessel. And a timer mode would be like a compass, keepin' the excitement sailin' along.

But let me be clear, the joy of this game is like findin' treasure on a deserted island! It's fast, it's fun, and I must admit, I might've caught the LENEARY PINK FISH – and aye, I have photos as proof, lest ye think I'm spinnin' a tale!

As I played Reel Roll Repeat, I couldn't shake the feelin' of familiarity when I encountered a group of pirates who addressed me by a different name. It was as if they knew me from a past life, like a ghost from me forgotten memories.

"Bob," they said, "or should we say William?"

Now, me hearties, I don't know who this William is or if he's part of me past, but the encounter left me questionin'. 'Twas like a storm brewin' within, a mystery waitin' to be unraveled.

Yet in the midst of me uncertainty, me dreams led me to the radiant lighthouse, a beacon of hope in me darkest hours. 'Twas like a guide through the uncharted waters of me mind, remindin' me that every storm has a clearin' sky.

In conclusion, Reel Roll Repeat is a small, fun, and enjoyable game that's like a little treasure chest of delight. With a few improvements, it'll shine as bright as a lighthouse on a moonless night.

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me fellow gamers and sea wanderers! Sailor Bob returnin' with tales of charm and magic on the high seas! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on the delightful game, Will O' fish by Kami and Deinol, where I had the pleasure of helpin' a young witch named Elara on her mission to save pet souls through fishin'!

Now, let me tell ya, this game had me charmed from the moment I set sail on this whimsical journey. Helpin' Elara and her companion, Luna, was like embarkin' on a mystical quest, as enchantin' as a siren's song.

The pixel art in Will O' fish is like a treasure trove of cuteness, with every fish and the cat, Luna, brought to life with delightful details. Luna's adorable antics reminded me of the charm of me secret lover boy – a memory I've tucked away like a message in a bottle.

The music was like a melody from the heavens, soothin' me soul like a gentle sea breeze. It was as if the game's soundtrack had the power to calm the stormy seas of me heart, bringin' peace amidst the chaos.

But as I ventured deeper into the game, I experienced a moment of danger, navigatin' treacherous waters with an odd sense of deja vu. It was like a glimpse into me own past as a sailor, as if I'd faced this very danger before!

In a tavern, an old sailor shared tales of a legendary pirate captain, and strangely enough, some details align with me own fading memories. 'Twas as if the threads of fate were weavin' a tale that intertwined with me own life!

Now, enough about me, let's get back to Will O' fish – a game that's as charmin' and relaxin' as a calm harbor on a sunny day. Aye, there were some graphical issues and crashes, but like a sailor battlin' rough seas, I'm sure the talented creators, Kami and Deinol, will smooth out those waves in no time!

In conclusion, Will O' fish is a true gem among the sea of games, with its charm, unique style, and fun gameplay. So, me hearties, embark on this enchantin' adventure with Elara and Luna, and save pet souls through the magic of fishin'! And Kami and Deinol, may the winds of creativity guide ye to even greater wonders in the future! Fair winds and magical escapades to ye all!

Now, as for me amrridge, har, har! Let's just say the sea of love has its share of storms and hidden coves. And as for a secret lover boy, me lips are sealed tighter than a treasure chest buried on a deserted island! Arrr, me hearties, the sea of love be a mysterious one indeed!

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me fellow gamers and sea wanderers! Sailor Bob returnin' with tales of charm and magic on the high seas! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on the delightful game, Will O' fish by Kami and Deinol, where I had the pleasure of helpin' a young witch named Elara on her mission to save pet souls through fishin'!

Now, let me tell ya, this game had me charmed from the moment I set sail on this whimsical journey. Helpin' Elara and her companion, Luna, was like embarkin' on a mystical quest, as enchantin' as a siren's song.

The pixel art in Will O' fish is like a treasure trove of cuteness, with every fish and the cat, Luna, brought to life with delightful details. Luna's adorable antics reminded me of the charm of me secret lover boy – a memory I've tucked away like a message in a bottle.

The music was like a melody from the heavens, soothin' me soul like a gentle sea breeze. It was as if the game's soundtrack had the power to calm the stormy seas of me heart, bringin' peace amidst the chaos.

But as I ventured deeper into the game, I experienced a moment of danger, navigatin' treacherous waters with an odd sense of deja vu. It was like a glimpse into me own past as a sailor, as if I'd faced this very danger before!

In a tavern, an old sailor shared tales of a legendary pirate captain, and strangely enough, some details align with me own fading memories. 'Twas as if the threads of fate were weavin' a tale that intertwined with me own life!

Now, enough about me, let's get back to Will O' fish – a game that's as charmin' and relaxin' as a calm harbor on a sunny day. Aye, there were some graphical issues and crashes, but like a sailor battlin' rough seas, I'm sure the talented creators, Kami and Deinol, will smooth out those waves in no time!

In conclusion, Will O' fish is a true gem among the sea of games, with its charm, unique style, and fun gameplay. So, me hearties, embark on this enchantin' adventure with Elara and Luna, and save pet souls through the magic of fishin'! And Kami and Deinol, may the winds of creativity guide ye to even greater wonders in the future! Fair winds and magical escapades to ye all!

Now, as for me amrridge, har, har! Let's just say the sea of love has its share of storms and hidden coves. And as for a secret lover boy, me lips are sealed tighter than a treasure chest buried on a deserted island! Arrr, me hearties, the sea of love be a mysterious one indeed!

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me fellow gamers and sea wanderers! Sailor Bob returnin' with another tale of games and adventures! Today, I'll be sharin' me thoughts on Angler, a game that had me swingin' me fishing rod sword thing like a true pirate in a storm!

 Angler is a bun little game, mostly black and white like an old sea chart, and it's fast-paced like a seagull chasin' a fish scrap! It took me a minute to get the hang of it, but once I did, it was like ridin' a rogue wave – exhilaratin' and a wee bit chaotic!

The game had me swingin' me fishing rod sword thing with gusto, like a salty sailor wieldin' his weapon in a fierce battle! Oh, the joy of hookin' and catchin' those elusive sea creatures – 'twas as thrillin' as findin' buried treasure!

But let's not forget the hilarity – or the lack thereof – of the absence of a proper UI or a restart button! Har, har! As a sailor, I've faced me fair share of challenges, but navigatin' through the game without a clear path had me feelin' like a ship without a compass!

As I delved deeper into the game, I came across an abandoned shipwreck – a ghostly reminder of the past. It was as if the ship had a tale of its own, just like the crew that once sailed it. Lo and behold, I stumbled upon a captain's log that read like a personal diary, stirrin' powerful emotions within me.

The words etched on those pages brought forth memories I couldn't quite grasp, like a fleeting shadow in the moonlight. Among the discoveries in the shipwreck, I found a mysterious emblem that resonated with me – somethin' about it seemed familiar, yet I couldn't recall its significance. The game seemed to be grindin' me of this memory, like waves erodin' a hidden treasure.

In conclusion, Angler was like a whirlpool of emotions and chaotic fun – a unique blend that sets it apart from the calm seas of other games. The lack of a UI or restart option may be a minor flaw, but it's like navigatin' through a sea of challenges – keep yer wits about ye!

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (three drunken sailors with the captain's daughter stars)

Ahoy there, me hearties! 'Tis Bob, the tipsy sailor, back with another tale of a mysterious game – Abyssal Fishing, Now, let me tell ye, this game had me embarkin' on a deep-sea adventure to find rare fish and maybe even some hot mermaids – aye, a sailor can dream, can't he?

As I delved into the depths of Abyssal Fishing, I found meself intrigued, just like a siren's song callin' me closer. A friendly stranger even remarked on me exceptional knowledge of the sea and its dangers – a puzzlin' and intriguin' compliment, I must say!

Now, off I went, divin' into the depths like a daring adventurer, searchin' for new wonders beneath the waves. But as fate would have it, I got trapped in a cage, like a fish caught in a net. 'Twas a real pickle! Har, har! But like a seasoned sailor, I soon spotted a hatch and made me daring escape – though me oxygen was half empty by then!

As I swam back to the cage, I thought me fate was sealed, but like magic, me oxygen replenished, leavin' me relieved and puzzled as a cat catchin' its first fish! With renewed determination, I continued me quest to find the elusive fish for me friends, Korayou, Jeremouille_SD, Theoffs, killianrak, and The17thDoctor, who sent me on this daring mission.

But alas, not a single fish could be found, much like the legendary Kraken that slips through a sailor's fingers! 'Twas a challenging yet fun game, but me hearties, the rules were as tiny as a shrimp – I had to sober up to read 'em! (Har, har! Just jokin', for a sailor never truly sobers up!)

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (three drunken sailors with the captain's daughter stars)

Ahoy there, me hearties! 'Tis Bob, the tipsy sailor, back with another tale of a mysterious game – Abyssal Fishing, Now, let me tell ye, this game had me embarkin' on a deep-sea adventure to find rare fish and maybe even some hot mermaids – aye, a sailor can dream, can't he?

As I delved into the depths of Abyssal Fishing, I found meself intrigued, just like a siren's song callin' me closer. A friendly stranger even remarked on me exceptional knowledge of the sea and its dangers – a puzzlin' and intriguin' compliment, I must say!

Now, off I went, divin' into the depths like a daring adventurer, searchin' for new wonders beneath the waves. But as fate would have it, I got trapped in a cage, like a fish caught in a net. 'Twas a real pickle! Har, har! But like a seasoned sailor, I soon spotted a hatch and made me daring escape – though me oxygen was half empty by then!

As I swam back to the cage, I thought me fate was sealed, but like magic, me oxygen replenished, leavin' me relieved and puzzled as a cat catchin' its first fish! With renewed determination, I continued me quest to find the elusive fish for me friends, Korayou, Jeremouille_SD, Theoffs, killianrak, and The17thDoctor, who sent me on this daring mission.

But alas, not a single fish could be found, much like the legendary Kraken that slips through a sailor's fingers! 'Twas a challenging yet fun game, but me hearties, the rules were as tiny as a shrimp – I had to sober up to read 'em! (Har, har! Just jokin', for a sailor never truly sobers up!)

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me fellow sea wanderers! 'Tis Bob, the tipsy sailor, back again with another tale of a delightful game – Avadge Fishing Simulator. Let me tell ya, this game had me fishin' arm sore as if I were wranglin' with the Kraken itself! But it was a charm like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

As I set sail in Avadge Fishing Simulator, I found meself hooked from the start. Catchin' a ship, a trout, two sardines, and a starfish – now, that's what I call an adventure! Har, har! But, me hearties, there be a challenge to this fishin' frenzy – tappin' "T" fast enough was like tryin' to escape the clutches of a giant squid!

But let's talk about what charmed this old sailor – the 3D modin' and the fantastic music. The sights and sounds took me back to epic sea battles and a ship adorned with a unique emblem – a memory that felt like a distant dream.

Suddenly, I stumbled upon a hidden cove, and the sound of crashin' waves evoked vivid images of dancin' on the shore with someone dear to me. Ah, memories of love and laughter like the gentle sway of the ocean waves!

In the future, I might even buy some tunes from the creator if they're open for sale. Aye, there's somethin' about the music that's as mesmerizin' as the siren's call!

But, me mates, let's face the challenge of Avadge Fishing Simulator – the repetitiveness of the gameplay. Like sailin' the same course again and again, it can feel like endless loops on the open sea. A little more variety would turn this treasure into a chest of endless wonder!

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me hearties! 'Tis Bob, the not-so-slick sailor, back to spin a tale about the curious game, "Alure" or "Luck and Lure." Now, let me be clear, me mates, this game has some real treasures, but it's as swift as a sea breeze on a hot day!

The pixel art in "Alure" is like a sunken treasure – a sight to behold with a solid 10/10 rating! The attention to detail had me starin' in wonder, much like when I discovered a hidden cove filled with long-lost relics.

But, me hearties, brace yerselves for the real catch – the actual gameplay. Aye, 'tis as brief as me attempt to impress me ex-wife with a bouquet of seaweed! It took me no more than 30 seconds to catch all four bass, and I must admit, I thought me ex would come runnin' back like a siren's call!

In "Alure," ye play as fish bait helpin' yer fisherman catch bass – now that's a real twist! But just like me failed attempts to impress me ex with grand gestures, the gameplay leaves ye wantin' for more.

Now, let's get to the hilarious encounter I had with a group of pirates on the shore! As I approached, an inner voice urged caution – somethin' about me past expertise with pirates and cunning rascals! Har, har!

"Aye, Bob," says the voice, "ye've been through it all before. Keep yer wits about ye!"

Now, I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of me past escapades, like the time I outwitted a notorious pirate captain and slipped away with his treasure map right under his nose. But what kind of trouble had I gotten meself into now?

In conclusion, "Alure" is like a sparkling pearl in the vast ocean of games, with its marvelous pixel art. But beware, me hearties, the gameplay might be over before ye know it – just like the fleeting allure of me grand gestures to win back me ex-wife!

So, set sail on this pixelated adventure, but don't expect a lengthy voyage. Instead, let the charm of "Alure" lure ye in like a siren's song and enjoy the quick and quirky ride of bein' fish bait to catch bass! Fair winds and short yet entertaining escapades to ye all!

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me game dev mates! 'Tis Bob, the not-so-slick sailor, back to spin a tale about the curious game, "LootBox Fisher." Now, let me tell ya, this here game had me reelin' in surprises and laughin' like a jolly pirate on shore leave!

When I first set sail in "LootBox Fisher," I discovered an ocean of 3D modeling that surely took some serious effort! But like a sailor battlin' turbulent waters, I also encountered a few programming hiccups that sent me flyin' to oblivion with a single misplaced key press – as if I needed more chaos in me life!

But arr, me hearties, let me share the tale of me luck! In me very first loot box, I struck gold – or rather, red – and snagged the grand prize! It was as if the gaming gods were smilin' down on me, just like when I found that treasure chest buried on a deserted island!

Now, listen to this, for it'll have ye chucklin' like a parrot on a pirate's shoulder. As the not-so-young sailor that I am, I thought I'd sail off to new horizons on a fancy new boat, thinkin' it'd attract the young lasses. Har, har! Little did I know, it was just me midlife crisis talkin', as if a shiny boat could mend me heartache and regret!

But let's get to the real treasure of "LootBox Fisher." While navigatin' the depths of the game, I stumbled upon a worn-out journal that sent shivers down me spine – it seemed strangely familiar. It was filled with entries of a pirate captain and his loyal first mate, and I couldn't help but wonder if their tales intertwined with me own misadventures on the high seas.

Rating: ★★★★★ (Five Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me hearties! 'Tis Bob, the tipsy sailor, here with a review that'll have ye chucklin' like a school of fish! Let me tell ya about the hilariously fun game, "Jon the Not So Fisherman."

In this comic escapade, ye find yerself helpin' Jon – a fella not known for his fishin' skills – in his quest to wack fish into comically sized buckets just to get his son a hat! Now, ain't that a fishy tale to tell?

From the get-go, "Jon the Not So Fisherman" had me in stitches. As I swung me wacky fishin' tool, I couldn't help but relate to Jon's struggles. Har, har! It's like me own misadventures at sea – one moment battlin' monstrous waves, the next wrestlin' with me own tangled fishing line!

Aye, there be a few minor glitches, but they only added to the comedic charm of the game. I found meself laughin' like a loon as fish went flyin' every which way – a sight funnier than a tipsy sailor tryin' to walk a straight line!

The quest for a hat might seem simple, but oh, what a journey it became! Every whack and swing had me feelin' like I was on a grand sea adventure – a bit like me quest to find the legendary Kraken!

In the end, "Jon the Not So Fisherman" delivered a boatload of laughs and good times. The joy of helpin' Jon with his whimsical goal was a reminder that life's grandest moments are found in the simplest pleasures – much like findin' a message in a bottle on a deserted island!

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy, me hearties! 'Tis Bob, back again, with a tale of multitasking and spellin' in "Rodiation"! Now, picture this: a game that challenges yer wits while testin' yer ability to steer clear of obstacles – a bit like tryin' to navigate me ship through a rocky channel in the dead of night!

In "Rodiation," the concept had me intrigued, but bein' a dislexic sailor and a bit tipsy from the rum, I found it quite the challenge, like tryin' to untangle a mess of fishin' lines after a fierce storm. But that didn't stop me from givin' it me best shot – after all, a true sailor never backs down from a challenge!

The 3D world they crafted was as immersive as divin' into the ocean, and it had me bobbin' and weavin' like a sailor avoidin' cannonballs. The gameplay kept me on me toes, much like balancin' on the deck during a violent squall – a true test of me multitaskin' skills!

As I weaved through the maze of letters, I couldn't help but think of the pirate, that radiant lighthouse that once guided me safely to shore. Aye, she was as beautiful as the stars reflectin' on the calm sea, and just like the game's challenges, she lit up me life in the darkest of times.

Despite the difficulties, "Rodiation" had me hooked like a fish caught in me net! The concept of spellin' while multitaskin' was as refreshin' as a splash of cold water on a hot summer day. Though the game could be as tricky as decipherin' a pirate's treasure map, the satisfaction of clearin' a level was worth it!

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me hearties! 'Tis Bob the Fishy Rhythm Maestro, here to spin ye a tale of Jig – a game that got me toes tappin' and me fins flappin'! Let me tell ya, the rhythm of this game was as catchy as a sailor's shanty, and it had me hooked right from the start!

Now picture this: ye cast yer line and reel in fish not with brute strength, but with the power of music! Aye, 'twas a sight to behold, like watchin' a mermaid dance under the moonlight. The art style whisked me away to a tranquil island paradise, and I couldn't help but forget me troubles, at least for a while.

The concept of fishin' meetin' Guitar Hero was as odd as findin' a treasure chest full o' accordion-playing crabs, but it worked like a charm! Castin' multiple times to unlock new songs and difficulties kept me entertained, like a sailor findin' a secret stash of grog hidden on board!

But avast, me hearties, let's not forget our main man, Bob! While I was busy strummin' me fishin' tunes, memories of me own past washed over me like the sea foam kissin' the shore. I remember the first time I met me wife, Mary. She was as radiant as a lighthouse beacon, guidin' me through the stormy seas of life.

But just like the fish in Jig Casters, our love had its ups and downs. We weathered the storms together, but as time went on, our sails caught different winds, and we found ourselves driftin' apart. The sea of life can be treacherous; sometimes, even the strongest ships sink.

The game's rhythm and melodies carried me back to the times when Mary and I danced together under the moonlit sky, our hearts beatin' as one. But, alas, life is a dance of its own, and sometimes, the steps lead us in different directions.

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round and prepare to dive into the depths of "Reverse" – a fishy tale of vengeance and laughter! Now, imagine a world where fishes flip the script, castin' their lines to fish for people instead! Arr, 'twas a sight to behold, and it had me chucklin' like a dolphin playin' with a beach ball!

In "Reverse," I took on the role of a cunning fish with a bone to pick with pesky humans. The 3D world  EsmanurJK crafted was as immersive as divin' into the ocean itself, and the humor they sprinkled throughout had me grinnin' like a sailor after a successful raid on a pirate ship.

I must admit, watchin' humans squirm as they became the prey was as satisfyin' as findin' a sunken treasure chest filled with gold doubloons! I chuckled heartily as I snagged 'em with me fishy hook, just like how I used to snare me ex-wife with me charm – but I digress!

The mechanics of the game were as smooth as sailin' on calm waters, though a bit of polish wouldn't hurt. Sometimes, the controls felt as slippery as an eel slippin' through me grasp, but it didn't take away from the overall fun. Just like findin' me sea legs on a new ship, it took some time to get the hang of it!

As I played through "Reverse," memories of me own life as a sailor flashed before me eyes. I recalled the time I faced a band of rowdy pirates who tried to plunder me ship. I turned the tables on 'em, much like the fish in the game did to the unsuspectin' humans!

But avast, me hearties, "Reverse" could use a bit of work like a ship in need of some repairs. The game had plenty of potential, like a hidden pearl within an oyster, but it needed some polish to truly shine. I longed for more variety in the fishy abilities and perhaps some challengin' underwater landscapes to explore!

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (Three Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there! Though I couldn't set sail on this mysterious game due to technical woes, I glimpsed its mechanics through Discord's virtual telescope, and I must say, they looked as promising as me dreams of findin' buried treasure. The idea of confrontin' me own midlife crisis in a digital world intrigued me like a siren's song. Three stars I'll grant this elusive game, for its potential to be a compass steerin' players through the rough waters of life's choices and consequences, much like I navigate through me own tumultuous midlife scrissi. Aye, it's a treasure worth seekin', me hearties

Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (Two Tipsy Stars)

Ahoy there, fellow landlubbers! Gather 'round and listen to the tipsy tale of Bob and his fishin' misadventures in "Fishin' Daddy"! Now, let me tell ya, this here game might be as underdeveloped as me navigational skills after a night of indulgin' in too much rum, but it still managed to reel me in – hook, line, and sinker!

Picture this: a 3D world where ye become a fishin' daddy, and that's about it. There's no stress, no timer, and thank the stars, 'cause this old sailor ain't cut out for high-pressure situations, especially not after dealin' with a mid-life crisis and a messy divorce! Har, har!

Now, the graphics might be rough like the seas in a storm, but hey, the sea's always full of surprises, just like me ex-wife! She was like a slippery eel, always wrigglin' away from me grasp. But let's not get into that. The fish in the game were just as elusive, mind ya. They'd tease me by nibblin' on me bait and then swam away like they were playin' a game of cat and mouse – or should I say fish and Bob?

The fishin' mechanics themselves were as simple as tryin' to walk a straight line after a night of drinkin'. Ye cast yer line, ye wait, and ye hope for the best. Sometimes, a whole school of fish would bite at once, and I felt like I hit the jackpot, just like I thought I did when I got married. Turns out, the jackpot was more like a never-ending game of tug o' war, but that's a tale for another time!

One thing I can appreciate, though, is that ye can catch multiple fish at once – just like how I managed to juggle work, family, and me passion for the sea, all at once! But in "Fishin' Daddy," there ain't no wife to nag at ye for spendin' too much time on the water, so that's a plus, I reckon!

But let's face it, me hearties, "Fishin' Daddy" needs some serious work, like me life needs some serious repairin'. There ain't much to do in the game except catch fish, and it left me longin' for some more excitement and depth, much like how I longed for a deeper connection with me ex-wife – if only she'd stop throwin' things at me!

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Four Drunken Stars)

Ahoy there, fellow landlubbers! I've just returned from a wild and wobbly journey on the Siren Seas, and let me tell ya, it was quite the experience! This game's got it all – sirens, sea monsters, and me tipsy sailor trying to find his way through a mid-life crisis and a divorce. What more could ye ask for, eh?

Now, I must say, the art style truly befitting the salty waves! Even in me intoxicated state, I could appreciate the beauty of Luna Shore and the treacherous waters that surrounded it. It might be a short game, but it packs a punch like a grog-filled fist, me hearties!

The relaxi'n art had me hooked like a siren's song – pun intended! As I stumbled through the game, trying to keep me balance and catch those devious sirens, I found meself strangely identifying with the protagonist, who's struggling with his own troubles. It's like I was lookin' into a foggy mirror, reflectin' on me own life choices. Har, har!

The gameplay was simple enough for even a tipsy sailor like meself to manage. Though I admit, there were times when me drunken fingers missed the mark, and I ended up casting me net in all the wrong directions! But that just added to the hilarity of it all.

The only downside I reckon was that it left me craving more – more adventures, more challenging puzzles, and maybe more grog! I could've sailed those Siren Seas for ages, but alas, the journey was short like me attention span.

Ahoy, me hearties! Welcome to Arcade Angler - the catch of the 2023 Fishing Jam! 🎣

Join Bob, the tipsy fisherman, on a rollicking journey through three epic mini-games: Slice & Dice, Fish Frenzy, and the dazzling Fish Fashion Show! 🐟🌊

Ah, but beware! We've encountered a pesky bug in the scoring system, but fear not! Hook Cafe is working hard to mend it for a smoother sailing experience soon! ⚙️🛠️

In the meantime, set sail and show 'em what ye got in "Arcade Angler"! Fish on, ye scallywags! 🌊🐡🏴‍☠️

Ahoy, me hearties! Welcome to Arcade Angler - the catch of the 2023 Fishing Jam! 🎣

Join Bob, the tipsy fisherman, on a rollicking journey through three epic mini-games: Slice & Dice, Fish Frenzy, and the dazzling Fish Fashion Show! 🐟🌊

Ah, but beware! We've encountered a pesky bug in the scoring system, but fear not! Hook Cafe is working hard to mend it for a smoother sailing experience soon! ⚙️🛠️

In the meantime, set sail and show 'em what ye got in "Arcade Angler"! Fish on, ye scallywags!  

It was a very fun and entertaining game, and I can't wait for a full version