* OK FOR NOW IGNORE THIS. Appears the update did not take last time and so now I see the changes. Sorry about that stupid unity said it was on the latest version but some of the files apparently did not take. Fixing and will let you know if there are any issues.
Here is the exact text. You can see there is no space at all at the end character '。' Actual text is included at the bottom.
Toggling off and on the hyphen made no difference. Thanks for the help going to take a look as well inside the code.
Also using a true type font so not sure if that has something to do with it??? Though it does appear to be working sometimes with ! inside of text ie not at the end.
Oh another oddity "linebreakUnfriendlyCharacters" could not find this while searching the code. But I can find linebreakFriendlyChars so that seems odd. Going to check if the update did not take at some point or if my custom changes interfered with that.
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