Thanks. Yep upgrading to latest and seeing if it shows up again.
The repro is tough like you said. Appears to be related to text that would extend beyond the setup limits of the control AND clicking through ie triggering a full ShowTextAll while its reading in the text. It appears to be timing based ie it happens, my guess when the text is being rendered out beyond the limits and you try and do a ShowTextAll and immediately set the text to the next statement. Like you said something in the order of that must be resetting the array vars. My guess its doing something like setting the next text and array length to the next statement which is shorter then the previous text but rebuild of the previous text is still taking place or gets triggered again. If I can come up with a hard repro I will pass it along but like I said so far little luck but used to be able to get it 1 out of maybe 5 times etc.