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A member registered May 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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I enjoyed playing it. The only thing I would suggest is using AWSD when moving objects instead of the arrow keys, it would just be a little more intuitive. But the rest of the mechanics worked really well.

I enjoyed playing it. The only thing I would suggest is using AWSD when moving objects instead of the arrow keys, it would just be a little more intuative. But the rest of the mechanics worked really well.

I'm glad you liked the game. I always find odd bugs appear when games go into WebGL, but bug finding is always a learning experience.

Thanks for playing the game and the feedback.I must admit on a through play throughs it got annoying, the fixed position gun worked much better in 2D. The changing keys originally came out of finding using left an right for up and down in 2d weird. This is why its always good to have other people test your game.

Thanks for the feedback and playing the game, and to be fair I agree about the gameplay, I really need to start playtesting my games more. The environments were thrown together in blender and need work, I will hopefully get some bug fixes and up grades to the visuals done over the next week while trying to play as many games as I can.

Thanks for trying it. Sorry, it is really buggy. Hopefully I can upload an improved version in the next few days. 

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the idea. I'm going to have a look at the controls and hopefully improve it a bit over the next week. I really should take the advice of the guys who run this and keep it simple.

I really enjoyed playing this game. I loved the 16bit style gracphics and music. It was challenging but not so difficult that it got frustrating. I liked the cut scenes, they worked really well.

Hi, thanks for playing the game. It is interesting to actually see somone else play the game. I like the idea of animating the background, the one i used was just a skybox I made out of convenience, but it should be a simple fix to do an animated one and it would get away from that static feel.

Thanks. I'm happy you liked it. I'm hoping to spend some time and give the game a more polished feel. I have been using the feedback to put together a list of improvements, it has been really helpfull. 

I am looking at how can expand the game and the idea of feedback had not occurred to me. I will have a look at a couple of ways to give the player some idea of how much damage they are doing to the asteroids, maybe some way of changing the colour of the asteroids as their hitpoints drop and I like the idea of particle effect explosions for each bullet hit. Thanks for the feedback, it really helps.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I am looking at expanding it into a full game with more distinct levels and hopefully will be able to use different music and sound effects to make the game feel less repetitive. It is my first game, having a deadline really helped me focus and get a proper structure in place and limit it so it could be done within the time limit.

Thanks for the feedback,  I just tried the game on a laptop with a smaller screen and with less power and hit some of the same problems.

I think part of the problem is that I created the UI for my system so used a stupidly high resolution for the game. I need to build to a smaller resolution that can then be expanded or do multiple resolutions and scale to fit. The stuttering in later levels is probably a bug, I didn't optimize the models for the asteroids they are probably far more complex  than they needed to be, the technique I used to generate them in blender looks good but is a bit polygon intensive. I think stuttering is when there are too many objects on the screen.

I'm happy you liked it. Enemies would be nice. I haven't had  a great deal of practice doing enemy A.I. but it would be a nice challenge.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It definatley needs more variation in levels now that I have had time to play it a bit more. If I take it further I will probably add more challenges and add a more of a difficulty curve to make it more interesting.

I'm glad you enjoyed it. This game jam has been fun.

My original idea was to use voxel models but I quickly realized I needed a lot more practice at making the models. But I agree it would have made a great look for this type of game.

Thanks. I agree about needing something to make the levels more distinctively different. I admit it is a lack of testing time. But this has been a great learning experience.

I like the idea of this game. The mouse look is a little over sensative for me in v3, it just makes  it a little difficult to controll in tight areas. But the exploration elements work well.

Really enjoied this one. It is challenging but the concept is fun.

Yes, in the slight rush to finish yesterday I forgot to add a collider to the object. So it was impossible to collect. I had implemented the pink spinning disks are extra lives, and the other 2 types are weapons upgrades to 2 and 3 guns. I really need to work on my texturing skills.