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Iain (Eirreann)

A member registered Sep 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for playing! ^_^

Thank you so much for playing! And good news on that front! Once the review period is over, we'll be uploading a build with a fast-forward button. It's already working in our test environment and ready to go. xD

Absolutely delightful little game! I did encounter a small bug though, where after dying the scientist got stuck in the build animation, which required a restart to fix. But besides that, shows some serious promise, and looks/sounds fantastic! Great job!

Thank you so much! <3

Ah man, so sorry about that! Definitely some bugs to fix after the review period. But thanks for playing all the same! :D

Thanks for playing! :D To answer your question: we ran out of time. >.< We'll be adding those things in future updates, though, so check back in a week or so! 

Thank you for playing! Yeah, you spend all your Scale (bar in the upper-left corner) to put down the first building, but once you start exploding cars you get more! I hope you give it another go if you have time, it gets really good when you have a lot of structures down! :D We are going to work on rebalancing the early game to get it going faster once the review session ends, as well, so keep an eye on us!

This is a good start to what would probably be a great little game given enough time. Well done! :D

We're so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing! ^_^

That was so much fun! Great looking art, stylish interface and engaging gameplay! Really pushed my math skills as well!

Thank you so much! And thanks for playing! :D

Very clever and hilarious narrative experience! Some of the mechanics were a bit awkward (the growing large with the world map stands out particularly) but on the whole very well done!

Such a fun and clever core mechanic! Felt like an old-school 3D platformer with a twist. Would love to see this expanded into a full game! Also great job on the intro voice acting, you did great. xD

What a visual delight! The UI and game environment look and sound great, well done all! However I had a really hard time with the controls, kept accidentally placing my fingers wrong and then dying to obstacles. But the core idea has a lot of promise, and the whole experience feels really well put together!

Thank you so much for playing! :D We're so glad that you enjoyed it!

Such a fun implementation of a relatively simple concept! Very creative, well done! :D

(2 edits)

Hey, every megacorporation loves a good financially-lucrative military contract! Some of those self-driving vehicles just happened to have come from a closeby military base. xD

Thanks so much for playing our game, we appreciate it! We'll look at balancing the early-game a bit more after the jam. ^_^

Thank you so much! I also really appreciate the bug report. We may take this game further so I'll add that to my list of things to look into and fix.

Thank you so much for playing! Definitely appreciate the feedback, we shall take that on board for future work. ^_^

Hiya, article headline writer here. :)  They are all fabricated for the setting of this game, but for inspiration I researched and found as many newspaper headlines as I could from the 1918 flu epidemic, and endeavoured to mimic their style and tone as closely as I could.  It is eerie how closely the COVID crisis has repeated history.  Glad you enjoyed the game! :)