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A member registered Jun 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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Apparently not.. Shame :(

(3 edits)

That actually does help. Thanks :) Without the site specification flag thing, the results are too numerous..

EDIT: Doesn't work actually.. It also finds all forum posts and dev logs etc.

The search feature, at the moment only look at title and author name - and possibly the short description. This very limiting. At least add option to "enhance" the search - e.g. search for word match for "spiderpig" AND (because spiderpig has too many results?) narrow to results where word match for "rpg" is found in the description. 

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I release game music on ITCH and most of it is CC0 / Public Domain and I don't require anyone to credit me, but some of my CC0 music was recently featured in a game. The developer was kind enough to mention me in a tweet. Got me wondering, if I have been featured in other games, but no one contacted me about it(because, why would they. I'm not asking for them to do so :) 

It's always fun to find out games that do. I quite frequently google myself and my artist name and sometimes find my music was used. My music was actually on a PS/Twitch/PC game and I only found it out by googling.. Long story short: Does the search currently search the description for matches, as well?


Aron (A.K.A. ONE ABE)

Thank you so much :)

I would be interested in teaming up with you as a sound designer/music composer. Check me out here and reach out if you like

Hi. I'd be interested in joining your idea the sound effects/music guydude. Check out my stuff on my itch page or here BTW. All free (royalty free and free to download) ;)

Sorry for not replying sooner. Yeah.. 1BD has arpeggios that you can use to generate patterns from long notes. But when you export the MIDI, the arpegiators are gone and it just produces the MIDI that you drew, not the "MIDI FX". If that's any clearer.. :D Also making your own arp presets would be awesome :DThese are the arpeggiators you are looking for

Using an arpeggiator to make a pattern with "one long note" -> Export MIDI -> "that one long note" is still an isssue.

There are "ready made mold arpeggios" that you can choose any instrument to trigger with every note. Making /importing your own "molds" would be cool, too..

When expoting to MIDI, I love to have the "generated arp notes" as well. Right now it only exports what you "actually have drawn" on the piano roll(s) Designing your own arpeggio patterns would be awesome, too!

It says free CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) Asset so personal AND commercial use is allowed.

(1 edit)

Uh Oh.. I listened to the video. Not to toot my own horn, but it's actually quite relaxing to listen to this for 8 hours - just sayin'...

Anyway, I noticed a few non-public domain entries slipped their way to the video. One movie theme and one children's song. Can you spot them?

They were removed from the package as I obviously don't have the right to publish them on my own name, as they are not public domain. They are still in the video as Youtube won't let me trim the video, because it's too long. Editing it and re-uploading the video would just take too much time. Should I get to some kind of problem for leaving them in, is my responsibility to carry. Anyway, the package was "audited for any problematic tracks, so anyone downloading it is still free to use any track there.

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I recently found a collection of stuff I made from 15 years ago as I was just starting out this music thing. At first, I thought of just hitting 'delete' on these, I thought it might be of interest to game developers and content creators just starting out.

And so, I released them  all 200+ MP3s completely free - like," creative commons zero // Public Domain: no copyright nothing" free. Anyone can do what ever with them. Let me know, if you found any of them at all useful :)

The page is here

Thanks for checking me out. Not that I'd know.. So I guess I'll thank everyone in either case :)

Thanks for reading,

Aron (ONE ABE)

Hey guys,

Just in case there's some developers out there looking for royalty-free, Creative Commons music, I just recently finished my sixth "minialbum" and second "Trinity" The terms I tried open a little on the page, but here it is

And here is a link to a video of my latest minialbum release (ALBUM 6)

Thanks for hearing me out :)

Aron (ONE ABE - iamoneabe)

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Sonic Eternity Project

Technically, it will never be complete but I'm sharing with you "The First Trinity"

as that sets the "pipeline" for "The Second Trinity" that is currently in progress.

Each "Trinity" is a compilation of three "mini albums" that contain 10 tracks each.

Once completed, I publish them on Youtube for easy access and to show on "The Nth Project" page.

Album 1 (The First Trinity)

Album 4 (The Second Trinity)

And so on...

Once three consecutive mini albums are published, an album titled "The Nth Trinity" is mastered and released to Google Play, Spotify, iTunes etc.

The goal is for me to have actual game concept and ideas to compose for and the suggestors getting music that is custom-tailored

to their game/asset/idea/cut scene etc. but as they are released free for everyone to use, they don't need to pay anything for them - a kinda win-win-win, if you will...

I've worked with some game developers and some tracks are indeed for a specific use case, but my ideal situation would be, where I could draw more from the actual game makers rather than just my head..

Check it out and tell me what you think of the idea :)

(2 edits)

So, what should the first push look like? I mean, if a channel name is a name for a downloadable item but it's also required for butler to push.. How do you create a channel name? Is channel name the right word to describe type of downloadable asset? Or maybe I misunderstood..


Now it makes sense.. First push succesfully done! So, "channel name" means type of item/asset in your package (repository) So, you're not maintaining a single project but several assets inside a project. This enables people to msintain a project that has executables, soundtrack and other project file types. Maybe it's just me but I didn't realize "channel name" (makes me smile, that one. Channel name, really? I'd love to see the discussion board that came up with naming convention xD) refers to the dropdown list that you use to define the type of your asset on the upload form. I'll refer to "channel name" as "type" from now on..

So, pushing to soundtrack "type" creates a zip file of all the files pushed. The types are: soundtrack, source-code, book, video, documentation, mod, 'graphical-assets', 'audio-assets' and 'other' if the type is an executable the types are prefixed 'win' or 'windows', 'mac' or 'osx', 'linux' or'android' for each platform respectively 

I think, the thing that misled me, was the term "channel name" - if it was asset type, I think I would have got it. Though the commandline tool could refer to this "channel name" page as the channel naming convention is set to these keywords and it's not something that you, yourself create - as I initially thought.

Thanks to leafo for taking the time to help me with my dumb questions :D

Aron (iamoneabe)

So, first create a project?


and then what? Push from command-line with butler like butler push . iamoneabe/sonic-eternity-project:something

What would the channel name be? What does'channel' mean in this case? The files that are on the project now, I uploaded via the HTML form, but I would like to "update the source" with butler.


 I am in the process of adding my first asset on itch store (?) - I think.. It would be a donation thing. Like, free for everyone but donations appreciated. The library itself would be a collection of music and sounds that I constantly add to grow the library. I'm interested in the idea of maintaining the library with butler but it seems it's asking for things like channel name and wharf game name (or something?) If an asset library can be maintained with butler, what would the "workflow" look like? Thanks in advance for any help on the matter.

Aron (iamoneabe)

Thanks.. I meant inside a thread though.

I would like to look at past projects I've been collaborating/participating in as well as the individual users/accounts that were on that team.

When browsing the forums, I would really much like to sort by most recent and most liked.

Helou ^_^

I am one Aron Ben Elal - iamoneabe. Nice to be here! Decided it was about high time to enter the forums after doing a couple of online game jams :) I'm programmer by profession and that's what I do for money, but I have always dreamed of being a game music composer / Sound Designer and work with interactive music with WWISE snf FMOD etc. Interested in everything gamedev so message me nad I'll gladly check out your stuff ^_^ I tried to follow eveyone here, who had social media contact info. You can find me on Soundcloud, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @iamoneabe - and here, naturally ("If we're here we can't be anywhere else" - Misty, Pokémon)


I am one Aron Ben Elal - iamoneabe ;) I am a music commposer, sound designer and WWISE programmer and I make 



If you need music or SFX or Soundbanks for Unity/Unreal, I can help you.  The price could even be as little as nothing.

If you have the skills and the will to make me a gameplay (music) video for any of my music on the above mentioned playlists or if you can write a customer feedback for me on delivery. Or do a Skype interview about it that I'd then upload to Youtube/LBRY, or any other form of collaboration that would help me build my portfolio. DM me here on, witter, Facebook, Instagram, Souncloud, Snapchat or Kik. iamoneabe on all of them ;) Or just simply E-mail me iamoneabe(at)

Thanks for the jam ^_^ Love the game!