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Idle Cartulary

A member registered May 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's because it only appears for assets, not for other products. But, I seconded this because I'd love for the bulk tagging tool to be available for all users.

Dynamite is described in the rules, but think of it as you setting up an event or action to happen the next time a consequence occurs. 

I’d use spells straight out of B/X. Everything should convert, and they’re available for free. So, if I were to cast day “spider climb”, it just places a temp condition in your inventory called “spider climb” , and it expires two failures later (as a consequence). The limits of the tight format, sorry!


Thank you!

In my experiments optimising it below 35 megs compromises the art a little too much, but I will keep experimenting.

I’ve updated the discord link. It’s very strange, this is the third time it’s expired for someone, and each time it’s been an unlimited link. I’m glad you’re excited about the game!

Gosh, I don’t speak Portuguese but I’m really open to collaboration on translation if any Portuguese speakers want to volunteer their time! Portuguese speakers, join the discord and we can talk!

Thank you so much! Join our discord! I’d be shocked if they hadn’t he caught already, I just haven’t had a chance to update the files since launch!

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much!

I’ll take a look and fix it up! 

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!!!

It didn't come up on X! Very strange. Here's a download code!

Hodag’s fantastic work on art certainly helps a lot! Thank you!

Thank you so much!

When you view it from another page, it displays the discounted price rather than the full price, which was what I was trying to avoid using the first method.

I've switched to an alternate way of providing the price structure! It's not ideal (feels a bit deceptive the way itch wants me to do it), but it's an experiment, let's see how it goes!

Thanks for letting me know! Where does the error occur?

thank you so much!!!

I'm interested to know how you chose to interpret spells, class and race abilities, all that jazz! Did you introduce new rules? Incorporate a current rule? Not only will this help other players, but it'll help me develop the Infinite Hack going forward!

If you notice any errors or typos, let me know here!

this is an amazing realisation 🙌🙌🙌


The first excellent thing about this game is that you realise you are playing it, you do not decide.

There are many excellent things.

Astoundingly beautiful. Layout sublime. Poetic.

It might surprise you with what it means, but I’m not sure how loaded that is.

Check it out, but be careful

Wait actually no joke? Thank you!

Thank you :-)

This is a choose-your-own adventure lyric game about spending time with your grandmother. 

Grandmother loves you, grandmother supports you. It gives you a mama, to take the load off you. This is a very particular pleasant dream, about memory, or yearning, or imagined family.

Maria, I think your voice really and truly is here, and it's heartwarming, tear-jerking to hear you speak from a different space. I hope this is a huge success, and gives you confidence to speak from new spaces more often.

It is one of the most pleasant lyrics I've ever seen. Truly groundbreaking. One definition of lyrics was that they leverage the power of imagined play, and I think I AM YOUR MOMMA does this better than many lyric games do.

I think, support Maria, buy this game, if you want to feel the warmth of a grandmother, and the love one might bring.

May I submit a previously published game that otherwise fits your criteria, or new games only?



Oh my gosh I'm so happy you and he has been enjoying it! Fair warning, I didn't intend this for kids, so I think one of my monsters is inappropriate - but, I have updated the file here on to modify that monster, so that parents don't have to be worried. You can download the new version now!

It's your call as the players, but I think it's more interesting for them to be a secret until addressed in a message, so long as both player's safety is paramount :)

Oh thank you so much I'm glad you enjoyed it 🥰🥰🥰

Holy shit this is fucking amazing

Ok. Just the impact of the layout without any of the words just shocks your brain BOOM! feeling BOOM! response it's like you're rebounding from an internal sun to an an internal void like a fucking pong ball after 12 hours of ponging

Then there's the raw content this is like just I'M HERE IN THIS GAME LOOK THE FUCK AT ME AND FEEL ME OR JUST FUCK OFF

It feels like someone bottled your soul, strapped it into a loud speaker, blasted it out again, and then sucked it up somehow into a small box that I'm trapped in for me to linger in

Everyone, just experience this ritual that Maria has made

Dubious Pursuits from Nested Games is a really elegant 1-Move RPG about being a bounty hunter.

The reason it's elegant, is that the move receives a mechanical bonus to it's die roll as you learn more about your bounty, meaning that single move also has the mechanics for plot propulsion built into it.

It's a roll to answer a question move; your role gives you additional questions (again, elegantly) that you may ask.

There aren't many one-move games that I'd play - often they are more lyric than sit-around-the-table fare. This, however, is definitely one of them.

Dubious Pursuits, Five Stars!

The Letter Sketches is a lovely game by @Maharhar. Played by correspondence, you randomly generate a sketch associated with a theme ("imagination", "regret") and send it to the person you love that it reminds you of most.

They are asked to respond and consider why you felt that way. That's the game.

The thing I love both about this short lyric game is the introspection it encourages  in both participants. It is shared, communal, guided by love and by beauty.

I also love the twist: the second player does not know they are playing the game.

Is this twist dishonest? I'm not sure. There is some dishonesty here; not all lies are black though. I'm not sure how I feel about that but I still find it interesting.

This game: Worth buying; worth sending on; ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you! You can think about the rhyming game as a rap battle - both  players are flipping their card and responding to each other in real time, and rhyming back at each other. But you can do it also in other styles: Limerick, or even try Iambic Pentameter! It's quite hectic and smooth when you have two people who are good at rhyming :)