haha, omg, so chaotic. took me a while to understand you can change what each factory is making. interesting combination.
Ido Adler
Creator of
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We are considering if we should dive deeper into the puzzle aspect of the game, we feel like making it more difficult will take away from the exploration experience. I will look into the "zoom" idea, or we'll try to come up with other solutions, your game's art style is an amazing inspiration, so polished!
Thank you so much for the feedback.
The assets and shaders are so well done, I love it!
I missed a lot of what happens (the talk bubbles) while I focused on playing, perhaps I'll look for a play video later.
I think the classic snake stores your actions in a queue and perform them by order, which i expected here and felt like some of my clicks gone missing.
Professional and impressive submission.
Not my typical kind of games, it was interesting for sure. The coffee/pc routine was too demanding, i thought i would give up but i were able to keep at up until the 4th day, keeping the coffee/pc together with looking was too much, i hope i didn't miss much content. I really like the experimental vibe and the horror was inspiring.