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A member registered Jun 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello i'll play your games and rate them guys !

Here's mine little game https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-4/rate/723090 

Beautiful game, really chill to play had a good Time on it ! Good job man !

Fun game ! Love the style of the art and the concept is simple but really fun to play ! Check this game guys ! :)

Really awesome game ! Kinda hard in the last levels but the art is amazing and that clock is great, nice immersion :)

Really awesome game ! Kinda hard in the last levels but the art is amazing and that clock is great, nice immersion :)

Really guys, just play this, it's hell of fun, and that "hand made " assets make you really connected with the man who made this ! You feel the love of his game in it !
Really fun experience :D

Really confortable to play, simple gameplay but everything working and it's really well polished.

The thing i enjoyed the most is really the art style. Feel like a kind of space aventure due to the color and some peacefull forest camping in the night feel.
Amazing immersion :)
I recommand you this game :D.

Great job !!

Really confortable to play, simple gameplay but everything working and it's really well polished.

The thing i enjoyed the most is really the art style. Feel like a kind of space aventure due to the color and some peacefull forest camping in the night feel.
Amazing immersion :)
I recommand you this game :D.

Great job !!

Great expérience, the game is really smooth to play.

The great thing in my opinion is the immersion.
We really feel like in a lab, testing things. The voice cover feel really great.
A great portal game feel.
Really nice job :)

Stunning art really !

Fun to play and immersive even in webGl the game run smooth, good job ! :)

Same for you ! Thanks for the help bro :)

I'll ! Feel free to rate mine if you want :)

Hello guys ! Feel free to try and rate my first game :D


Did and rated! here is mine if you want :)

Thanks you for your review

Thanks you, maybe because the game is " easy ", i meant this feature not to be the core of the gameplay anyways but like a " Lets get some risk for some rewards ".

Like : " Oh a shop, but i don't have enought money, lets do the next room and grind stuff , now i can rewind time to buy more stuff and get ready for the boss !"

or also to avoid harder room like the one with trolls who almost deal half of your health bar !

I'm trying to explain not to find any excuse, you are right, maybe the feature is deep enought :)

Fixed the arrow btw !

Thanks for your review :)

Thanks you for your review !

You are right, i made some fix to arrows everything is fine now, and some fixes on the collider but  i must be honest that was my tricky part for a first game i tried my best, hope you enjoyed anyways ! :)

Slime Rewind community · Created a new topic My review !

The gameplay is really smooth, i loved the art too, that was quite enjoyable to play, congratulation :)

Hello guys ! After this incredible week of work, i'm proud of releasing my first game in unity and in a gamejam !

Here is the link if you want to play it and review it, i would like to do the same with your games too if you want !

This experience was intense and really fun !  I hope you enjoyed it too :)



The deadline is almost near !

This is what i've made so far, i'm still on it and a lot of  things are WIP i hope i will have the time to polish everything !

Some things like boss combats have slightly changed but i wanted to share some of the process to you guys ! :D

Hope you enjoy :)

A death and the end screen !

A goblin boss !

A slime boss attempt that i changed ! In size of the boss and on behaviour


Work of the day ! I struggled to make a melee ennemy for the first time, this wasnt simple like a shooting one in my opinion.

Also it's not showed on the vid, but i made some tricks to avoid ennemy to overlap or push the player to keep the gameplay smooth.

I'll attack boss making and also activable item if i got the time !

Hope you enjoy this !

Thanks you my friend ! :)


Added some basic scene transition when you enter or leave and room

And added the rewind effect to show  that you are going back in the past ! 

Thanks you my friend ! I hope you will enjoy it when it will be released ! :D

(1 edit)

Oh thanks you man ! That's really kind from you ! I hope you will enjoy it saturday :)

Thanks you ! :)

This is the kind of game that make  me feelsbadman about my own project, because how good your game already look ! This is really amazing, i've suscribed to this topic and i'm waiting to playtest ! This is really awesome ! Great job wish you the best :D

Thanks a lot for your answer and your greats advices ! :D
Good luck to you too ! :)

Thanks you for your comment i appreciate ! :D

I'm afraid of being late for the submit time i have a lot of idea to implement in my game !

But maybe i'm looking " too big " for this project, it's my really first game and i decided to throw myself into a gamejam to have some pressure to help with motivation :D !

I've watched a lot of yours projects and as a new comer i kinda feel shy about submitting when i see what you all did :d

Good job to all of you and i wish you the best !

If you wanna take a look at my game here is the link !


Any review is appreciated thanks you in advance guys

Thanks you that's really kind ! I saw your older project they was pretty amazings ! Always good to hear good comments from people who are more experimented Big thanks :)

Look good! I like the contraste between this dark grey robot and the colorfull world ! Keep going and if you need playtester feel free to ask me ! :)

Thanks you for your comment ! Sure ! I'll soon leave a download link for people to try it every playtest is appreciated Big thanks my friend

Wow ! Thanks you that's really kind from you, i hope you will like to try it once it come out :D.
Big thanks !

Hello everyone, first of all good luck to all of us for your games creations !

I’m a new Unity dev and it’s the first time I participate a GameJ am.


Let me introduce you my game : Time Crawler !  


My game is a dungeon crawler where every door you use lead you to a random room full of enemies, treasure, gold and time crystals !

This is how I wanted to approach the jam theme. Not original I agree but I wanted a dungeon crawler game inspired by games like “Binding of Isaac”, “Enter the gungeon”, etc. My rewind feature is this :


You start with 3 crystal shards ( and you can collect some during your run ! ) which allow you to get back in the last room you visited ! This mean a back in the past ! So every enemies, every items that you can buy will respawn too ! This can lead to some strategies like :


Enter a “shop “ room, buy some items but you don’t have enough gold to purchase them all,

Enter the next room by the door, kill some enemies and grind some golds then you can spend a crystal to get back in the shop room with some fresh golds to spend !


But beware ! Every room your enter or get back in (!!) will make your player a step closer from that evil floor boss ! This is why you should use your crystal wisely ! because you can get really early facing a difficult boss !


Keep in mind that EVERY doors lead to a random level ! That mean if you get back in a room then use the same door you used before will lead you to a total new room ! With new danger !

Maybe dodging this littles slimes room wasn’t a good idea when you saw 4 angry trolls waiting for you now !


This is how I used the theme ! Back in room, high risk but high reward or maybe low risk low rewards ! Who knows ? 😊


The game is divided by floor and rooms ! (Basically : 1 – 1, 1-2, and so on ( Floor – room )

If you manage to beat the floor boss, you can ascend  to the next floor ! Enemies will increase in strengths and the game won’t be kind with you and you will find less “friendly” rooms.


I hope I can make a lot of floor before the release time but for sure 1 complete floor will be playable with a tons of Randoms room to explore !


What I’ve done yet ! :



Moving my character with some basic footsteps sounds !


Animate my character for every feature, Attacking ( melee and distance ), getting hurt, and being like a ghost when you got the recovery time up !    

Creating 2 kind of enemies ( Ranged and melee(WIP) ) who follow the player and try to attack him !

These enemies can get hurt and of course die !



Getting my player back in the past ! Jumping in the last room explored except if you are to close from the starter room !


A basic main menu (WIP)


A buying system for items which boost your stats and it’s 100% functional right know,

I wish to implement some “active” items with a limited use who let you use some spells !



Basic UI as you can see in the videos


WIP : Art, getting more room and make them less “empty”, Bosses, Scene transition !


Right now I’m still in the project and I’ll update this topic as soon as I can if you guys are interested In my game !

   Of course as you may have noticed  a lot of things need improvement, more sound on combat, more interesting room, actual display of the real floor and room, etc etc.
I know about theses things, i just work like i feel and i get back later to complete and polish everything !

I hope you enjoyed watching my first ever made game :)

Sorry for my basic English, this is not my main language, I hope you all can understand me 😊  

If you have any questions feel free to ask and I hope you will enjoy to try my first ever finished game !