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A member registered Mar 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing :). I had very little time for balancing and i am planning to finetune that after the voting is over.

The artwork is made by and (with some minor modifications by me) The Background is from  (a mashup of city scapes by me) and the ui is from  (recolor by me) 

The main Character is a reimagination/upscale by me of these characters :D
I also matched all colorpalettes to the muchopixels color palette.

Very polished and fun game. The controls especially the finisher attack feel and look very good :D

I like the idea :) . The flinging was very satisfying. The difficulty was too easy imo (or the weapons too overpowered after a certain upgrade point). The fire just obliterated everything before enemies could even enter the screen

As a huge TNG fan i loved all the small details you added to your game :D I recognized a bunch of the 4x12 pixel characters 

Haha :D Thank you

After understanding the game mechanics it was a fun challenge :D I don't know if its cheesing or a valid strategy but I was able to keep a large number of furballs stuck on the screen by letting left runners collide with right runners so their forces balance out and they are just stuck in place- this way i managed to hoard a large number of furballs on the screen without a lot of mouse movement and then using them on demand.

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Had lots of fun strategizing about how to reach the heavens :D In the end my best strategy was to farm and build only the last 2 turns. But thats cheesing it i suppose.

There is no punishment for farming 55 bricks to build the tower straight to the top and then farming 11 bricks more to beat the game, but a lot of punishment to have a small tower over multiple rounds. The farming strat should be more punishing in my opinion.

Very cool concept and i enjoyed the game mechanics after reading the comments and finding out the possible combinations. Would love to see a polished version with harder maps and more combinations. :)

The current difficulty is too easy.

Fun Game! But I didnt realize i am playing against time :D the timer had 10 seconds left when i first noticed it. My highscore

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Damn, what a harsh learning curve! 😅 I went from failing the first level a million times to finally beating the game.

It’s a very intriguing and fun game concept. I liked the levels where I could shoot the most.

Also, judging by the enemy tower designs, I think my method of solving the game was a bit odd—just stacking wood from thick to thin and tanking all the hits. 😄

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Incredible work and incredible library :D

I used your library in my game for a gamejam. If you wanna check it out

I like your gametitle so here is my obligatory Spieltitelkreativitätsbeeindruckungskommentarbeitrag. 

Jokes aside, i had fun playing your game :)

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Funny autobattler, but i had no clue what i was doing and what item did what :D
In the end I was in an endless battle where every side was always missing and the restart combat button just vanished after clicking and nothing happened

Somehow i like the sparce description and the cryptic style of the pictograms and explanations.  Finding out for myself what the goal of each map is. But in the end im not sure if I understood everything correctly. After round 5 its said game over so not sure if i won or lost :D

I had fun reaching stage 4 but then the armored snails on opposite lanes overran my defense😅. I like the cute artstyle and the music was very relaxing. A "double speed" button would have been nice.

My favourite so far. Sadly i shattered the hopes and dreams of the cats because of skill issues :D and tanks ran over everything (also because i couldnt change characters while playing the timed minigame because tab also rotates the focus between buttons so i was somehow forced to win 3 in a row before being able to close the item selection screen. luckily key bindings are changeable, but tab as  default is not ideal)

As a huge Balatro fan I liked your game a lot. chill and relaxed vibe and very beautiful Artwork. Got to floor 7.  Really enjoyed your game :)

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Thanks :). Endless mode is a very interesting idea. I was thinking about procedurally placing furniture on each floor but then ditched the idea because of time constraints. I plan to add more content after the voting is over and endless mode is on the list now :D

Had fun playing your puzzle platformer (fyi played the browser version in firefox and it didnt lag for me, at least)

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Thanks for the nice words 😊 my goal was to make a funny silly game. Was fixing bugs till the last minute 😁. Oh I was about to play your game and realized i already played and rated your game yesterday. I Had fun playing it and your artstyles reminded me of old CGA graphics games

I'm planning to do so after the lockphase (when the gamejam voting is over). 

In the meantime, here is a playthrough. it starts at 44:44

Thank you. a little Tutorial was planned but there was no time to add it before the deadline. Also stay tuned for more Game Features, when the voting Phase ist over :D

Thanks for playing :D sadly i couldnt Unserstand what you said. I really have to adjust the music DB Volume when the voting is over and edits become possible again

As a huge Balatro fan I liked your game a lot. chill and relaxed vibe and very beautiful Artwork. Got to floor 7.  Really enjoyed your game :)

One suggestion. It feels like a punishment when i have a very strong last hand but only 10pts. left for the next floor. I am forced to play a weak hand to conserve my cards. Doesnt feel very Pokerlike to be forced to play a weak hand because of game mechanics. maybe the points should carry over into a gold bonus or as points into the next round.

I had fun playing your game :) this is my highscore

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Thanks mate :) you made my day

Thx for this great tileset. I noticed one thing in godot. The spritesheet is 639px wide instead of 640px and the godot tileset atlas refuses to recognize the last column of tiles because it expects 16x16 tiles and the last column is only 15px wide. 


wow amazing music! castlevania symphony of the night vibes