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A member registered Nov 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi, im glad you enjoyed it and we did do it on purpose, we were planning of having the powerup you would get showing  like on the wall or something so the player could choose whether they wanted to fight for that powerup or not but we never got around to implementing it.

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As Ellie said, the web version hasn’t been updated but Itll be updated soon, the apk is fully up to date so you can use that if you can for now

I beat your score, give me my $2 lol

You don’t need $2 to play it, it’s just itchs default donation price. The bug that u are getting is a unity issue but if you download the windows version it should work


Great game, the blocks were really hard to place, and i got stuck on the 2nd or 3rd level, also the player goes in a random direction when spawning, other than that great game!

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Thank you glad you enjoyed! And I’ll tell them.

No worries, play when you can, I’ll check ur game out in a bit, hope you enjoy!

Great! I will check out your game in a bit, hope you enjoy!



Thank you! Yes, that is adaptive music! We disabled collision for the cube because some you could break some levels by standing on the cube whilst the robot is holing. The throwing rock bug could get annoying sometimes, we'll fix it after the jam ends since we cant change anything right now. Anyways thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed!

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I've figured out the issue , on this level the robot was paused when i spawned in, i had to walk onto the play button and i saw him, maybe make the button a bit bigger? Its so small that i didn't see it until i replayed the game. A few other levels also have this issue

Thank you!! I also really enjoyed playing your game, it was amazing!

Love the game! I have encountered a bug on the last level, the robot doesn't get spawned and i cant beat the level. Other than that really good game, keep up the good work!

Thank you! The bug you encountered we didn’t have time to fix, but you can always restart the level it happens to you again. We were using Wwise for the audio so I’m not sure how it felt weird, I’m not experienced in this though. Anyways thank you again!

Unity Mac builds don’t work, sorry

there is a tutorial in the description

Just added a how-to-play to the description, Hope you enjoy!

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Love the game, but maybe make the forward movement of the tank based on the camera position because sometimes I had to press back (S key) if I wanted to move forward. Also making it so that the barrels destroy the cats when they blow up would be nice.

Great game! However I suggest adding a main menu or retry button because dying to restart isn't always ideal. Also maybe have the jump be the space key and shoot be the mouse click but its up to you.

Alright, I've fixed it, it should work now.

Hey, I've added a slider to the top right that you can use to zoom out. Hope this help!

Hi, can you please tell me the screen resolution you were playing on.

Thanks! I think I fixed the bug but if it happens again you can reset the level in the top right.

You cant open it in unity but you can edit its code using an app called dn-spy

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