Interact with the girl stuck in the wall again after you have sex.
Imperial Pixe
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They definitely aren't in the ideal shape for everything being clear and straight forward.
Music and sleep just raise the green stamina bar, passively and per customer respectively, so they're straight forward. The real issue is that the dicks cum on a die roll, so even though Sex makes it a 40% per thrust it can still take forever.
Not really into feral, but game's horny enough. Feels complete.
Could have used more variety in the loop, like a second set of options. Just felt repetitive as I got into the rhythm on which girl went with which option and was just clicking through without even reading after first few days. Probably the right length for random chance so people to get all 4 scenes through.
This was great. Good animation variety. Solid gameplay loop. I dig the graphics, even if the male model leaves a lot to be desired. Could definitely see myself playing through dozens of stages of this.
Enter is a weird key to need to use. I wasn't paying attention to the starting scrawl and tried to mash everything else before I restarted the game and saw that.
Conceptually very kinky and the "twist" is well telegraphed through the emails. Great use of both themes.
Visually, this is a text-based game, but I wish there had been some visual distinction between the generic and special subjects. Kind of forgot I had a volunteer and intruder in there until I clicked their pods. Gameplay-wise I couldn't really tell if the upgrades were doing anything significant since you don't spend much time on the generator screen, but I assume they did.
The game starts by telling me I have better things to do than fuck a statue and ends by letting me fuck the statue. Very fulfilling.
Sailing felt awkward at first but fun once I got used to it. Finding Presston was kind of unintuitive since it was the only one not on the main landmass and the Mermaid Statue "hub" wasn't the center.
Definitely one of the places the game isn't properly balanced/play-tested, but it's doable.
Fishing is reliable if you have a Stick or Spear and you really just need to keep at 1 point of Hunger to not starve so you can last pretty much indefinitely if you hang out at the sea after getting one of those from the woods.
Cute. Gameloop is a little awkward at first, but use water to make metal, and expand your island feels satisfying. The dumb luck of getting the right resources could use some mitigation in the shop. Demo was neat, but doesn't really have content since you start with enough money to unlock everything.
Trying to look at Girl 4's picture crashes the game.
Ah, I assumed I was the one being corrupted. Corrupting the idyllic island feels a bit cruel.
Progression felt pretty random, since I couldn't really predictably advance any of the character stories. Mark and Jacob both just seem to vanish after the first couple interactions and repeating the same scenes with Jessi several times was just tedious and I tried again.
The target changing speeds so you don't have a consistent idea of when you should "shoot" is extremely frustrating. Along with the 10~ second wait between runs really I just felt annoyed instead of accomplished when I finally won. Either lives or a penalty to her gauge would have been welcome instead of the instant Game Over.
That being said I enjoy the gimmicks and I like the model. The main POV scene is satisfyingly animated.