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A member registered Aug 08, 2023

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I'm going to wait for the remake of Sea Dogs, which should be out soon. It's a shame, because the version with the maelstrom engine can be really excellent, but it's no longer maintained and we'd still have to change a few things.

(2 edits)

Still no answer...

you should also improve some of the crappy quests where you have to look for a ruby in the forest but the item is tiny, and there are some gameplay issues, maybe include a quest marker on the map that would be cool to improve the game or improve quest tracking (It's a suggestion).

As it is, too many problems, even if the gameplay in boat is cool and you've improved it visually.

But I do understand why this game isn't as well known as Assasin's Creed Black Flag, for example, you have to search for hours for a quest because it's poorly explained in the log, which is frustrating and the character's movements are strange.

The interface is a mess, sometimes the writing is too big and sometimes too small.

And really, I'm repeating myself here, but searching for quests for hours on end is ultra laborious, and the developers have let this slide,it's a waste.., even though the game's base is good.

Companion recruitment is also bad, you can't fill every role directly, you have to leave some companions in port and then buy others, etc. Anyway...

Then it's good to add additional companions that can follow you but the game itself manages them very badly, the companions block you all the time and you have to constantly push them.

This is my rant :)

In any case, there's plenty to do to improve the game.

Sure, we're not talking quality scenarios as Cyberpunk 2077.. but the piracy theme is still a lot of fun to play, and it's a shame that the quest system is so underdeveloped. In fact, you're told to "go find this person" (this is an example), but then you have to find out which pnj, and believe me, it's hellish.

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I accidentally came across a cheat menu when I clicked on F11, but I also started the vanilla version and it doesn't exist. It would be nice to remove it from the maelstrom version or include it as an option.

Personally when I see a cheat menu, I lose interest in the game (or they're well hidden like in GTA which is less of a problem since you have to search for them and perform a keystroke combination, and it also disables the trophies).

I tried this but it also removes the F10 menu :

#define MOD_BETTATESTMODE           "Off"

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Hello, it would be nice to reduce the size of the crosshair in the official version maelstrom to increase visibility because the original and horrible and very large.

Here's a really good size (Crosshair.Size = 0.0120;), that lets you sail your boat in first-person view without being bothered by the big crosshair.

Enhanced version : Visible, space-saving crosshair (Crosshair.Size = 0.0120) :

Original version : Horrible that spoils the first-person view (Crosshair.Size = 0.05):

If you can change the orign value to 0.0120 that would be perfect and greatly improve the visual in first-person view !

Thank you,

(5 edits)

I'd just like to point out a few little bugs in the world map, texts that are far too small compared to the rest of the HUDs, which should be made bigger by default :

When you are ship view, some text doesn't center correctly, I know that in some games it uses a variable like TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER or others to keep the text aligned with its position even if it is dynamic, there are also black lines visible below the texts, which should be removed :

My HUD settings :

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It's perfect, thank you very very very very :) much!

I highly recommend maelstrom engine, because the developer always fix the game and gives it love.

I'm very happy with my purchase !

On your photo, the text is offset and overflows your screen, and the font doesn't resize like the steam version by changing the resolution.

This problem needs to be solved because it happens to you too.

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I bought maelstrom engine yesterday to play age of pirate 2 in better conditions.

Everything works fine except for the texts that come out of the screen and I can't play in these conditions. The steam version (vanilla) has no problems and adapts correctly to 1920x1080.

Maelstrom engine (The texts are huge and not adaptable) :

Vanilla version (No problem on the steam version, texts don't take up half the screen, and aren't offset). : 

I hope there'll be an update as soon as possible.