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Inner Realm Studios

A member registered Mar 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ok, so basically you look at the chart on the right and click on the color you are wanting to place.

There is another arrow on the other side of the place you click, the opposite side, and that shows you the colors complimentary.

Basically you want to lay tiles down so that they're closest to their complimentary colors as you can get, because the closer they are, the more of the multiplier you get.

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I'm struggling to reproduce it. It's weird, because this was a bug that would happen on a few occasions, but I've since seemed to fix it...until your report haha.

I've even fished out entire ponds and no luck catching it. I'll be pushing an update soon that balances the game out, so maybe this update will fix your issues somehow.

Your picture suggests it's happening while they have their line casted out, so that's where I'm looking.

I'll continue to dig in though and hopefully I can find it.

Thank you so much for pointing this out for me! It used to happen a lot, but I thought I sorted it all out. It happening twice is intense lol, I'll work on this immediately.

Hey thank you for playing and posting the video! I hope you enjoyed it.

Ok, made a number of the changes plus other improvements/balancing.

You can check it all out here: v1.1

Thanks again!

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No, I really appreciate your feedback! It's all really helpful, I want to work hard to make this balanced and as enjoyable as possible as well.

I will have an update coming, hopefully in just a few days, where I will replace all of the SFX with custom sounds, instead of various sfx pack content, and lighting will be a major one that is reworked. And I'll check in on the sounds lingering, and any stray ones that may not be getting muted, thanks.


With the DPS what exactly do you mean? It does get tough to deal damage, even if you have all of the possible upgrades purchased. But skills that have been Mastered get a boost in their damage, so it's required to have a lot of them mastered to progress through higher levels. You may have already discovered that, but just case that's what you meant.

I believe I  just realized what you meant - Once you've purchased all of the skills, the dps being converted into money is pointless since there is nothing else to buy.

What I think might be the confusing bit is I never directly stated that the goal is to get the bar to level 100, which will "defeat" it and effectively been the game. So what I will do is change the bar's level to read "1/100" or whatever the current level is, and I will explore the options of using money after all skill are purchased.


I will work with your other suggesting, and balance things out again. I already though of adding a slider for all settings that can be accessed with a right click on a button, so I will go ahead and implement that for all of them.

I'll post again on here, and a Devlog with all of the changes once I get them in - it will be a small update so it won't take too long to put together.

Thanks for playing, and for your feedback.

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Hey, thanks for the review! It's seems the game is serving it's purpose for you just as I intended :D

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Hi everyone!

I couldn't be more excited to announce the release of my first game here on Itch called The Myriad.

This is the first tale in a much larger saga that is unfolding throughout the course of the existence of a distant Universe, and in it, you will meet "Nepsis," a mysterious disembodied voice,  and "Papu," a reserved adventurous type (who is based on my dog) - two integral characters - and how the great machine "Myriad" came to be

While this is only the first part of the story and only covers the tip of the, it is an origin story of Nepsis and his dive into the perfect Labyrinth to understand and train Heroes.

The main goal is to reach the end; however, there are a couple of artifacts spread throughout it to help you reach the end -  one is more for fun, and helps provide a new perspective on the whole Labyrinth.

❖◈❖◈❖◈❖◈❖   Planned Content Updates   ❖◈❖◈❖◈❖◈❖

There are currently three planned, major content updates. These will add new events and content to the Labyrinth, extending the experience, and provide those who are struggling with more means to navigate.

  • Update 1 - The Labyrinth Awakens - The labyrinth will begin to go through some strange changes, and a new companion will appear to offer a new challenge and aid in the Labyrinth.
  • Update 2 - Extended Journey - ??? - The content for this update is currently a secret.
  • Update 3 - ??? - Event the title is a secret.

 These will come in relatively short periods from each other. More information for the first, and future updates will be coming next week.


I look forward to seeing how everyone performs as they delve into the depths of the maze.

The Myriad