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A member registered Mar 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is one the best game I played ,had so much fun ;)

(1 edit)

Great Game, Fun puzzles also loved the art. It would be better if add keyboard shortcut to restart

Nice game, How did you implemented gear system ,Need improvement in physics. It would better if you add obstact course

Ahhh another rage game ...

Simple game, need improvement in key layout, Game finishes at score 10. 

Nice game good art style

Great game, good color  interpretation,cute character Great!!

Great game, good work on animations and modeling

Fun game, it would be better if spend time on polishing

Great polished game man well done ,How did you created that smooth rope. it would be better to multiplayer support later release (As it is a Fish catching competition).

Fun game,Great Innovative experience

Best polished game.great work,Very satisfying

Nice game it the UI

Great game,it matches the theme very well,I t would be better if you put some time in polishing and game juice it up 

Thank you, for your comments i reuploaded the game with some fixes please try.

(2 edits)

Sorry, we will change the file right away

Thank you sharing your review !!,Sorry to hear that. we tried to make it as a bodycam

Such a nice game,enjoyed playing it !!




namaste mario ji, donkey kumar ko salam

Game is pretty juicey, I really appreciate that artist

mouse control is little bit hard!!,also need optimization

Great,inverse golf game. nice art and cozy music

(1 edit)

nice game playing as monster protecting other monsters from hero, the player controller want a little fix. it wil be great if you add move to look direction !!

Car handling is difficult to me, need to be improved

Great game ,reminds me picking ants , smooth control very satisfying

I see a guy's face on that slime hole

(1 edit)

Looks great

Great game, first i feel confusing !!

(3 edits)

I really like that music,it gonna be a banger

in web export menu is not working!!!!

good work !!

Great !!

I had a lots of fun playing this game,amazing

(2 edits)

Hello eveyone introducting hithard-1.0

need review,bugstest,playtest,etc

thank you for the reply, you use ability by right clicking mouse

(1 edit)

Got it it was the issue with the resolution,now can toggle to fullscreen.think it's stable now

mentioning added windows,mac and linux versions