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Isa Arrans (Isattorney)

A member registered Jul 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Muchísimas gracias <3 Seguimos trabajando para que el juego final esté lo más pulido posible. Comentarios como este me dan la fuerza pa seguir :)

Es algo que me gustaría implementar cuando esté más avanzado el proyecto :)

Me la apunto

Los controles me han resultado algo complicados. ¡Aún así, qué pasada, me gusta un montón lo retro que parece! Narrativa, mecánicas, sonido y arte muy de las consolas antiguas. Me dicen que este juego es de la NES y me lo creo. Enhorabuena!

¡Me ha gustado mucho! Juego de observación y memoria rejugable, con un estilo musical súper lindo y estilo artístico rubber ross precioso. Chapeau tb para los programadores por las rutinas randomizadas

Qué cosa más bonita de juego, por favor. Con tutorial pensado, mecánica súper divertida, level design entretenido y arte espectacular, hasta una cinemática final! Redondo <3 Mi más sincera enhorabuena

Me ha parecido súper noble que, como adaptación al tema, se haya usado la idea de los basureros recorriendo las calles por las noches limpiándolas. Que haya una intro y que las instrucciones se integren en ella, me ha gustado mucho. Las mecánicas son sencillas de entender, pero puede todavía suponer desafío. El arte, además, una pasada. ¡Enhorabuena! <3

¡Es súper satisfactorio el ir desbloqueando mejoras! Además, tiene un ritmo que es fácil de irlo pillando y dominarlo a medida que se complica, resultando todavía un desafío. La música, los sonidos y el arte están muy bien y te da gusto ir matando bichitos.¡Buen trabajo!

¡Muchas gracias! <3

¡Nos alegra mucho saber que mecánicas y la narrativa han conseguido ir de la mano y de que te haya gustado el resultado! Hemos estado especialmente coordinados para intentar lograr el efecto :D

Juan, hermoso, qué maravilla de juego has hecho. ¡Por fin sale uno de ellos a la luz! I'm quilloproud of you.

Well, except when dark whales appear. They get me nervous

merecido premio para tan increíble juego. Ha sido súper divertido estar durante el desarrollo en la misma sala de trabajo que vosotros. Vuestro juego es de mis favoritos de la Jam! Enhorabuena!

Very funny. Loved the fact that there is a leaderboard. This made me want to replay three times in a row! Congratulations on your game, fantastic team!

Very interesting concept! It is the type of puzzle game that i would play travelling, for example. Congratulations on your game!

Really fun mechanics hahaha Congratulations!

Monsters stay away from my food! hehe

Thank you for you kind words, we are glad you enjoyed the game! <3

Cute game, congratulations for your first jam!

However, I have two suggestions for the game. First, adding a menu. This way, game doesn't initialize inmediately and player can process a bit more what is happening. Second, It's nice when players have the controls written down in the main menu, so they don't have to come back to the itch.io page to know how to play properly.

Nice work, glad you liked your first jam experience and I hope i see you in future GMTK jams!

WOAAAAAA NICE GAME! Concept so funny and so well animated. I love the fact that, to recharge the feather gun, you have to poop other birds hahaha. It's really enjoyable, congratulations for the game! <3 

Could you make a web version after jam, please? That way, it would be easier to new people to try your awesome game. I have one suggestion: please, add a controls section. Even if controls are obvious, it's nice to actually to could check them inside the game.

Love the "Nooo noooo" that kid says when the pidgeons get near him xD. Really cute idea, pidgeons guide the kid back with... his parents I guess? Congratulations for the game!

I couldn't achieve the kid entering the hotel doors, it felt like there was some kind of hidden collider blocking the exit.

I suggest doing a web version so more people could give it a try easily :D

Nice try, but there are some things you could try to improve your game:

- First, try adding a main menu with the instructions of your game, a play button and maybe credits if you want.

- Second: using music could add more life to the game while you're playing. Try using the Audio System in Unity. It isn't complicated and there are plenty of tutorials!

- Third: bird could have a little of random movement. If you don't move the pipes from the start, you can make infinite points without a single key press. It would be great if you manage to force the player to actually having to move the pipes.

Fourth: Try moving the background for a graphic sensation of advancing in the world.

Keep working! Cheers!

The idea of guns using people to killing people is pretty hilarious xD

I have a couple of suggestions that could help improving the game: First, a web version could be okay, so more people could give the game a try easily. Second, controls are a bit confusing. When i first saw the numbers 1,2 and 3 next to "human" pictures, i thought it was quantity of humans instead of the keys you have to press. It too me a while to notice that

So cool core game loop and great art style. So cool there is also an intro! I managed to find 3/4 of the death scenes haha. Congratulations on the game!

I suggest making an online version so anyone could try it easily!

Precious presentation! I found the puzzle idea cool. Congratulations for your game!

Awww, it reminds me a lot of Wario Ware! Cute game, congratulations! It must had been challenging programming a variety of minigames.

Couple of suggestions: It would be cool if, after the votings, you could add some music and more minigames. Also, even if it's just played with mouse, adding explicitly the controls in a section of the menu would be great.

Amazing! Game Loop is complete, with an introduction of context and an ending. Cool! Also controls are indicated and there are various levels. Congratulations for the game!

I have a few recommendations, by the way. Making a web version could help more people giving your game a try. Also, chicks behaviour was a bit bugged, but i's just normal. AIs are difficult to design and code.

OMG, What an amazing game design and mechanics. It's so funny to play this game. I'm absolutely in love. Please, tell me you're going to expand this game in the future.

One of my favourites of the jam, for sure. Congratulatioons <3<3

<3 <3

Really creative and unique idea! Is this a solo game? Pretty impressive, congratulations.

I have some suggestions. First, i would be nice if there was a web version, so more people could play the game quickly. Also, i had problems with some tries, as the brush started in the same position as I. It would be great if the player could be invencible the first 2 seconds so they could know where they are

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Woahh, impressive and very creative!! Scaring the streamer and hearing the comments, really funny. Also well programmed, didn't find any bug. Congratulations!

I suggest making a web version so more people would try it.

HAHAHAHA Wow, crazy graphics ideas for the farm you had. Really funny and a bit creepy.  And that is a good base system for a farming game, which is really cool. Congratulations for your game!

I suggest you making a web version for Unity. It isn't really complicated and could make more people trying your game. Also, if you're going to make an update after the votings, I suggest adding the counter which will determine when you lose points and adding random events that make you loosing or winning points, to  avoid repetitions,

Graphics and sounds are really cute! And love that there was an intro that well done. Game design is also interesting.  Congratulations!

I have one suggestion that could improve the experience: it could be really useful to indicate what the controls are inside the game, instead of having them at the itch.io page. It can be really helpful for players not having to memorise keys.

(1 edit)

And we programmers are like shamans communicating with this tiny people to tell them how we want our game haha That's how programming works, but we don't want anyone to know the truth...

Now seriously, the whole team did their best! thanks you very much, love to read you enjoyed it! Your nice words make us very happy <3<3 

Oh! Interesting! I'll surely consider it! Thanks for the info <3

An interesting take on the theme! I liked it so much. Congratulations for the game!!

I would recommend doing a WebGI build version and also adding sound volume options because default volume is pretty hight.

Making a simple Game Over screen with points would also be fantastic!

wow, html!🐍 I didn't understand what I had to do, thought

Really impressive! And more impressive when I noticed in the comments that it is a solo game! Congratulations on your game!

Very funny concept. However, i have found the camera control a bit frustrating. I think reducing mouse sensitivity would help a lot!

Congrats for the game!

So interesting concept! I didn't get it at my first try, but once I undertood I found it very cool. Congratultions for the game!

So cool that a path from the knight to the chest is always possible and that the game can detect when you're making "impossible" paths!

I've observed a thing that I don't know if it is a bug or a feature. I've played the web version.When I move around the maze I am building, my "character" (the box with eyes) erases tiles when moving above them :( So I couldn't move the camera to see how the knight was doing.

We're planning to making an update after the voting ends to solve possible bugs and adding mechanics that we couldn't make in time for the deadline. Thank you for your words and for playing our game!

The game is an interesting take on the "be the platforms instead of the player", I found the mechanics very curious. Congratulations!

I have a few suggestions for future versions, if you are planning to improve the game after the votings. It would be more comfortable for the player to have the hability to move the camera to see the entire map of obstacles to chechk what obstacles come next. The other think I've noticed that would be cool is a checkpoint system, to avoid repeating the level since the beginning.

Thank you for your kind words!

We are planning to do an update of the game when the voting ends, so we can consider making a co-op version. Thanks for the idea and for playing our game <3