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Bryant Ta

A member registered Sep 02, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! :D

LetterShip - build a ship that operates using random keys of your keyboard, with ship parts in any configuration you want. 

Would appreciate any and all feedback!! :D

Ran out of time during the jam, but maybe now I can go about adding it. Being able to choose the letter there would be nice too. Thanks! :D 

Yep unfortunately many a bug took up the time. Thanks for playing!

Thank you :D

Same comments as others, but got it in the end. Me like big numbers go bigger. Nice!

Hey another ship-type game, and one with modular parts too! I liked "docking" next to the part with the placement I wanted, but it usually would lead to me losing that part and more haha. Good juice on killing enemies.

Chill game, adding another bug report

If you spam start button, boxes everywhere :) Couldn't get a screenshot of the true chaos before it reset. Was able to win some levels throwing some boxes over walls this way hahah.

The box physics are a nice touch even when not being abused to win. Great!

Enjoyed swinging the ships around. Nice!

Great job with the polish on this one! The combine animations, logo loading screen, water shader/post-process, and the salarymen falling over - I'm sure I missed some, but it's nice to see a jam game with this level of extra detail and it really adds to the enjoyment. I did feel the combine sound effect was quite jarring, even more so due to the cohesive relaxing tone of everything else. Love the different level environment designs too!

Chill game with fitting sound effects. Nice!

Playable but challenging as a singleplayer game :) I can imagine the chaos with more people. Nice!

A fellow ship-type game :) Did feel quite godly with the Godly upgrade but got outscaled or outskilled lol. I like the multi-tasking from starline vs. shooting. Nice!

Hey, your game has ships too! And it is much less of a headache to control than my game hahah. Thanks for playing :)

Had to sacrifice music and animations just for base mechanics :) Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Building an insane minigolf course/observation deck. Pataya you da real one. 

Useful for big builds where fine placement is not needed.

Edit: just realized Pataya is the dev LOL. Nice job!

Building an insane minigolf course/observation deck. Pataya you da real one.

A simple concept and intuitive controls, and very fun. Also fits the theme very well. Nice!

I like the camera movement design. On paper I would expect it to feel frustrating that I can't control it directly, but it adds to the chill pace of this game, almost forcing you to slow down and look around :) Nice!

Read the title as Google Royale at first and was confused by the gameplay haha. Interesting little game theory experiment. Nice job with the polish for all the animations.

Clean gameplay! I initially missed that "exiting" the board as long as it wasnt into a RED node was a good thing and actually casts the main spell "horiverti". Its damage scales based on nodes connected when you exit (or run back into your path). As long as I kept overload at 0, I could keep spell hor and ver ammo at max and defeat anything. My hand started getting tired, so I stopped at phase 33 lol. Each of the 3 spells felt useful too.

Seems like a nice game to zen out to music while having something to occupy your hands and brain! Great!

Nice! I enjoyed watching size 999 slowly paint the world haha

Very clean aesthetics :D Both the game and the itch page

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Wow the last wave! Thanks for playing and sorry for the bugs, I know there are still several game breaking ones :( Unfortunately, I won't be able to work on this any time soon, but hopefully one day. One of my first games, so everything's a bit of a mess haha