Hello. Thank you for this tool, it is really fun!
Currently I don't see any information about the licensing of the products of this tool. I am curious what is allowed:
- Is it allowed to package the output page(s) as part of another product?
- Could the "wrapper product" be commercial?
- Is it allowed to modify the code of output page before packaging with another product?
There are also some extra ideas which could make it easier to integrate with other pages / html apps:
- Hiding the popup on closing the page.
- Hiding the title screen.
- Starting the page with a specific level preloaded (e.g. I might want to get level 3 to load instead of 1 because of something in the context of my app)
- Callbacks when specific places / checkpoints are reached, this would allow a lot of possibilities:
- creating a mini-game to collect items for another "master" game
- creating a teleport / quick travel system for another game (e.g. a top-down game)
- Callbacks when a level is completed.
- Callbacks on collisions with projectiles, spikes or any other way of dying
- Passing params to control what the player has unlocked e.g. double jump, wall jump - this would allow mixing this game in fun ways and replaying same levels with more options accessible. This one is maybe less impactful as I could as well export the game with different settings and open the page I need.
Maybe you could make money by selling it as "pro" version? Just a suggestion tho. I hope you like the ideas. I really enjoyed playing with your tool!
edit: After your response I found the other commercial license topic https://itch.io/t/3137357/can-you-make-a-commercial-game