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A member registered Nov 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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Also requesting a Linux version! Should be super easy to export via Godot (not more than 1 or 2 clicks).

Appreciate it! I used this on a demo project to prepare to (re)learn Godot for an upcoming game jam!

Just an FYI that this doesn’t work properly on Wayland + Nvidia 555 + KDE Plasma 6.5 for me. (Maybe it’s because I’m using fractional scaling for my 1440p monitors?). The interface is awkward in a way where I need to click like probably 100 - 200 pixels higher up than you would normally click to click on the desired spot.

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Don’t worry. I never received any feedback for my game from the people who put on this whole event, lol. Very disappointed with the way the organizers handled it. Almost feels a bit nefarious (like an attempt to get a ton of people to join their discord to eventually advertise to us).

Regarding your game, I like the premise. The one thing I’ll say that I didn’t enjoy: there’s a lot of downtime where you’re just waiting for the mines to diffuse. In general, you don’t want downtime in your game (especially for such a short game project). I would have considered turning the bomb diffusal stage into a mini game (maybe you have to click at the perfect time or something like that). At least that way you wouldn’t have moments where you are doing nothing.

Also the right click to either “Show” or “Diffuse” seems a bit unnecessary. There would never be a time when you would want to “show” a mine but not “diffuse” the mine, so the pop up could probably be removed altogether.

Finally, I’d add some sort of feedback when the diffusal is complete. A simple sound effect or some small flashy bit near your score just to give that audible and/or visual feedback of success!

Either way, great work!

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I have never received any feedback.

I submitted DashDoor:

Thanks for playing! I unfortunately never got to play Simpsons Road Rage (I do remember it quite vividly though and wanting to buy/rent it). Definitely seems chaotic enough! Haha.

You got it, Andrew! It’s tough at the start, but once you get the hang of it, you can do some damage! Appreciate you playing!

Really cool concept. Like it! Getting a memory leak or something when attempting to press “Main Menu”. It crashes my browser.

Thanks so much! The pitching up was a bit of a challenge. Definitely checking out your game!

Thanks so much! Appreciate it!

Very nice game! Calming and happy all at the same time. As for improvements, I think the one thing would be a gradual acceleration on player movement (as it would make aiming a bit more satisfying). Great work!

Very good point. Honestly, music genuinely never even crossed my mind. I guess it’s because with all the games I play I immediately mute the soundtrack and play my own music. Good food for thought for my next game. Most people probably want in game music! Thanks so much for the feedback!

Lol! That would definitely be a fun time. Nice to get revenge too! :D

Thanks so much for the kind comment! Appreciate it!

Haha you have my respect! I think my top score was ~$340! If I were to start this over from scratch, I would completely change how I think about difficulty (and also maybe traffic having to deal with stoplights as well). Appreciate you playing and for the nice comments!

Haha! Thank you so much for the kind words! The city’s motor vehicle insurance rates are surely going to skyrocket!

Thanks so much for the kind words! I definitely ripped what little hair I have left out trying to make it! :)

Great work! There appears to be a bug with the matching game. I was attempting to solve but items that were previously solved kept reverting back to unsolved!

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Really nice art. Unfortunately the Unity WebGL player has an issue either with Firefox, Linux (tried on Ubuntu, Debian, and Arch) or all of the above, in which the game constantly mouses downward (albeit at a slow & steady pace). Have seen this with several games in the jam. Very pretty game!

Really appreciate the feedback!

Appreciate the feedback! Judging difficulty, I now realize, is much harder than imagined. If I were to do it all over again, I’d make it a scaling difficulty over time. Thank you!

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Really enjoyed this. I do think having a visual to denote when a house is connected would go a long way (maybe change opacity/graphic and make a sound). Other than that, reminds me of Mini Metro/Motorways!

Really nice! Give me more!!!

Great attempt! I will say this game could really use a tutorial or something showing you the different functions. It seems like there’s a lot of options, but I wasn’t able to figure out what I was doing. Or maybe it’s a simple case where less is more? Either way, great first attempt.

Really nice and visually appealing game!

Oh I f’ed up for sure! Haha. Really enjoyed it. One (perhaps big) issue is that your audio was coming out robotic for me the whole time. Maybe it was the frequency at which the audio was recorded? Maybe Firefox was not having a good time with this game. But other than that, great work!

Nice game. Like the concept.


  • I really wish there was some sounds to indicate when you collected the money.
  • Several times I went to escape only to realize I had missed a piece of money.
  • Some more visual vibrancy to show the money would be great!

Great game! I really like how you walked us through what was going on and had the mini tutorial in there. The ONLY thing I was missing was maybe some sort of visual feedback when I successfully reached an activator with the roots. I was a bit confused by what those things showing up underground meant. (I spent a few moments trying to click on them to “collect” them.)

Appreciate the feedback! Yeah I learned that judging appropriate difficulty in game development is a tricky thing. I watched someone who streams play my game struggle for a few minutes but then nailed it. If I were to start over, I’d implement a sliding difficulty over time!

Appreciate it!

Really fun and great graphics! I’m not sure if it’s a bug or not, but the focal point is constantly moving down and to the right when I’m playing in the browser (on Firefox). Might be worth looking into to see if that’s an input bug.

Great work! I do wish there was a tiny tutorial. I also wish it was a bit longer of an experience. But great work on setting the mood!

Nice work! Really liked the simplicity and vibe. I would really love a shoot and enemy hit sound. I feel like it would give some oomph and satisfactory feedback. Keep it up!

Great work! I would say being able to “program” the inputs with delays might make a more fluid experience. Really enjoyed the tune that went with the game to set the atmosphere!

Very nicely done! I jumped the gap! Really cool project!