Hi! I've been looking into using PixelFXDesigner (version 2) to create particle effects for the Playdate (https://play.date/), which supports 1 bit black and white (non-grayscale) graphics.
PixelFXDesigner v1 has an option to render effects in black and white, which is perfect for the play date, but I'd really like to use PixelFXDesigner v2. I looked through the node color options and although I saw a 'grayscale' option, I didn't find eg a color thresholding option or a 'black and white' option.
Is there a recommended way to render to black and white (or, even better, black and white with 1-bit alpha) in PixelFXDesigner v2?
Do you have any plans to support different dithering options (eg bayer vs floyd-steinberg dithering)?