thanks for the comment!
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Hey! I decided to check out your entry and I have to say I'm pretty impressed!
here are some things I liked
- I very much enjoyed the moving crates around puzzle!
- I liked being able to look around freely
- enjoyed the graphics
- Liked the feeling of discovering chests and looting them, made me feel like I achieved something
- Game definitely has an initial "creepy" and unnerving vibe in beginning which I liked
Here are some things I think can be improved on
- enemy dying animation takes a bit too long to occur, making me think its still alive and going to attack me even if its health is below 0
- I felt like the narrative could have used a bit more work, instead of just having the player get dropped into a cave, maybe he's a cave explorer? or maybe he survived some sort of shipwreck and has to explore underwater caverns to survive
- needs some sort of sound in order to alert when you're about to run out of oxygen, perhaps like a drowning sound or whatever, because I didn't even notice I was losing HP rapidly after my oxygen tank ran out
Other than that a solid entry!!
liked the controls and I'm a sucker for PS1 style graphics so I liked that
intro was short and sweet
the ambience was spot on but wasn't a huge fan of the fight music, it was jarring and completely took me out of the ambience
I liked the text sound
cool inventory!
did you make this by yourself? is so its very impressive!
Hey! just played your game, got some feedback as well as some compliments for ya!
1.too much text to read in the beginning, should try to keep it short and sweet
2.annoying that you have to go through that text again after dying, does the saving system not work?
3.otherwise I thought it was cool to have checkpoints
4.finding keys and health felt rewarding
5.time definitively made the game more engaging
Wow! Thank you for the detailed feedback and positive comments!
Yes the knife is broken at this point haha we are aware of it.
You need to headshot the mutants- a headshot is a one shot kill - However the laser pointer gets a little buggy when the mutants get up close
Thanks again! Ill be sure to play your game soon - it looks kind of similar to ours !