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Jarl Hytchopia Gaming

A member registered Jun 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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100% hessler storage was mean as heck, the devs brilliant at what he does so ive high expectations (within reason since he's solo)

Hats off to the developer, really loved the game, great atmosphere, mechanics and story. its very immersive with great audiowork, loved every minute playing this game. if youve ever played Layers of Fear, amnesia, resident evil or are just a sci-fi geek then this games for you! i love the inventory & menu interface, ive never seen it before and i love it! cant wait to see more of episode 2!

so i give this a 4/5 stars overall... it gave me big pokemon yellow/ gameboy vibes and it brought some nestalgia into the games artwork, i found the interface useful... i noticed once in awhile itll count 1 step as 2 steps... maybe a slight bug... could've been a one off... but thought id mention it anyway incase... the interface was simple and straight forward... though took me awhile to see items on the pause menu but thats on me for not being observent possibly, the sounds were great when picking up items killing mosters etc... and the music changing for almost every area was a realy nice touch, theres not much more to say really it was very enjoyable and well polished, i probably said more in my review of your game so feel free to take a look around 59:24 to 1:13:19 which is the end, all in all good luck and i hope you found this helpful! 

so i loved the idea this game has, great atmosphere, great sounds and the light mechanic was interesting although everything lacked explaination though i presume everything will be clear in the full game that i look forward to, though in an updated demo it would be nice to see some depth and context, i was in the middle of nowhere, pathfinder showed up from apex (LoL)  so overall i give this a high 3.5/5 stars, for more see my video review at 17:01 - 33:15, thanks for sharing!

i love it, directions were clear though movement was abit limiting in this crawler, felt like i was crawling through the room before reaching a door having to spam the direction keys, id like to have seen either a hold down function or have it so only combat initiates the tap tap tap strategy of the movement, overall great game, ive no experience with pixel games but ive seen pixel art and this seemed lovely, ive more information in my video review of your game at 30:44 - 41:49... i hope its helpful.


so i enjoyed this game... die in the first 5 minutes but ive no complaints really other than the fact your not using chess pieces but solitair playing cards... doesnt make sense to the 'chess' style seems random, more here in my video at 26:47-30:43, i really thought it captured the essence of a tower defence, though id like a description on the towers and what they do for context. 

This game was really well made, hard to combo with a mouse in some instances but was still really fun to play, you did recommend a controller though tbf. I loved the art style, didnt seem buggy or clunky. music was very on beat, reminded me of trek to yomi, though i wouldve liked to hear abit more dynamic and diverse music as you go through maybe altering with enemies, but thats just me, its great either way, tutorials were greatly detailed. nothing bad to really report, only think i would ask to improve is the lore or story of whats happening but once again could be that its a demo and you intend to have the full game have a story. i added more fresh detail on my (first ever) video review. 14:53 - 26:46 link below...

 ive just realised why i couldn't find your first game... the names different... 100% going to play that... the game was rather cluttered with objects/symmetry i felt everything was in the way and i felt i didn't have much direction at the start other than use the battery and the button, the elvator wasnt slow enough to just walk onto moved too quickly, i mention it below, and when the new objectives occurred they seemed obnoxiously large and in the way, i felt a smaller banner would've sufficed for such a small amount of text, i also found there to be Zero horror in the demo, not sure if this is because of how early in the game it is or just because its a demo. The settings do not work and it has some issues with starting up and seems to be very temperamental, caused the pc to crash oddly (im running 2060 super 16Gb RAM octacore i7 so somethings abit funky not to be rude) i really enjoyed the game other than that, i loved the scenery, the flowers, the aliens, the glowing crystals in the cave, it needs alot of TLC but its got alot of potential, heres the video review (my first) i hope you find it useful... more useful than my typing haha 00:00 - 14:52. 2.5/5 stars due to not being able to guage the horror aspect.

(1 edit)

Above is my experience, if interested, below are my thoughts!!

Brilliant game, very well made, lighting was very well done, abit too much green but i get it symbolises night time, really enjoyed it and the sounds and feel were great too, great textures, great use of hallways and corridors, always expecting a scare due to the atmosphere and vibe, but couldve probably made it abit less chaotic in the diner section at the end when caught by adding some sort of scare factor but i loved the vibe of being trapped and having to keep away alot, added so much suspense, i 100% recommend!! thanks for making this. i look forward to seeing more.