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A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nicely done pixel-style game. Though didn't understand what to do with clickable squares at the top)

Tried several combinations of answers, first, of course, only wrong answers) Is there 3 endings, or I missed some

Thanks for review! Yeah, we didn't finish tuning the balance.

And there are actually several endings, one of which requires not loosing a single crew member, though it mostly depends on randomness of infections)

Fun game, though I didn't quite understand how the door is related)

Spin, spin, spin!

Nice idea, my team had the same during the brainstorm)

Cool effects and sounds, though the fog is really unoptimized. Thus TPS slows down and game is lagging, at least in web

Thanks for review!

Спасибо большое за отзыв!

Управление рентгеном было так задумано, чтобы на его использование тратилось больше времени и у игрока не возникало желания использовать его постоянно. Увы, забалансить это и доработать UX не хватило времени)

Fun game with interesting mechanic, I enjoyed it, thanks. I thought there is 8 levels (cause you know, there are 8 spawn points), however I got into 9th and nobody spawned so I was there alone. Probably bug :)