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Jason Pickering

A member registered May 09, 2014 · View creator page →

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I added a few. Enjoy

thanks glad you like it. This really got me thinking about making more solo RPGs

(1 edit)

thanks for the write up. Glad you liked it. I am going to make sure I add this to the page so other people can see it. Have you looked at the “hallow’s eve” expansion?

yeah I have been looking at how to “expand” the game more long term play. I don’t know that I want to add a lot of leveling. So I am looking at alternative ways. One possibility is leveling up the village instead of the players so adding shops and stuff or maybe new mission ideas. I also might add a “quirk” to each player, but I am still thinking about a better word. They do not have one at the start but a GM can place a title on them for doing a very special act. Like if “Kogan” the kobold takes a bunch of damage protecting a giant frog. The GM can name them “Kogan Frog Friend” and they can use that title like an item to get +1 if relevant.

I want to thank you for taking the time to let me know about this. I am glad you had fun and you brought up some great points. I am currently working on what I am calling a 2nd edition. I am hoping this fixes some of the issues you had.

1. Tokens. This is a great idea and would be very easy to create a bunch of paper ones to cut and fold real easy. i have seen several different ways to do them. JPCoovert has a great YouTube video on it. I might have to make a few tests and see what works best.

2. Hurt feelings. This was not something I expected. I understand that being randomly hurt can be a bit of a setback, but I hoped giving the fluke would be enough to offset that. This caught me a little off guard, and made me realize that different groups have different play styles. I might add a note this time to say that not all groups may like this so they could do away with bumbles and just give the players flukes to start (or let the GM award them like DnD does inspiration.) or maybe just have it be all story based. So your kobold got hit, but didn’t take any damage. Was it the getting hit or taking damage that caused the issue?

3. The big one is the DS system. It kind of works the opposite of what I would like because as you damage an enemy it makes it easier to hit the enemy and harder to take any damage, which kind of gives the opposite of narrative tension, which is what you saw. So for version 2.0. I will change how that works. The plan is to switch to a system similar to “powered by the apocalypse” so a giant spider might have a DS of 3. The player rolls (2D6) and depending on what they roll+stats they may get a failure(<6), mixed success(7-9) or a success(10+). These numbers are always the same so a 10+ is always a success, meaning players don’t need to compare number to number anymore. On a success or mixed success the DS is reduced by 1. So that giant spider will take at least 3 player turns to defeat. This gives easy numbers, easy goals, and also adds a teamwork element. This also means the GM can do certain actions at certain numbers. Think of them like boss phases. At DS 1 the spider starts spraying web everywhere. Oh no all rolls get -2 now.

4. I do like the fleeing monster idea. I might add it as an option like on a 12+ roll the monster flees. Or a Success roll when it is DS2 or lower makes it flee.

Can I ask what adventure you ran? Did you make up an adventure or did you run maybe a story from MurkMire?

not really, mostly because I didn’t think anyone would be interested in it. I have never done anything like that, so I would not even know how to go about it. If I had a good idea of the path to follow though I would not be against it.

you know I don’t actually know. I would maybe think like make a page and then link back to the game by a hyperlink. I think there are a bunch of modules on here for “mothership” so maybe see how those are handled. But I would love to see it.

Thank you for reaching out, I worried I might not have explained it will. so I will try again.

Think of the prompt list as a board game if that helps. Start at the beginning, roll a D6 and go down the list that many spaces. So if you rolled a 5 you would go down to prompt 5 which is "Resident stops in". You write about it, then roll a D6 again and continue down the prompt list from 5. If you had rolled a 2 you would move 2 more spaces down to prompt 7 (5+2 = 7) which is "something is broken and you need help fixing"

Does that make sense? Is there another way I could explain it? If I can write it better I would want to do an updated version.

I think maybe I should write like

Once you have finished writing about that event, roll another D6 and continue down the prompt list. If you move past the end of the list or answer 10 events, you have made it to through a busy day and it’s time to head home for the night.

maybe the "Continue down the prompt list" makes more sense then 

"move that much further down the prompt list." 

thanks. It was my first foray into TTRPG, and tunnel goons made it very easy.

Thanks. I had never used clocks before but I have always liked the idea. I am not sure what you mean by 50/50 success rate though. Could you elaborate?

when I read this my first thought was index cards that way you didn’t have to write it down each time.

yeah I don’t deal with Sci-Fi much but my favorite is hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. And I wanted that like really jaunty corporate tone. My one idea that didn’t have time to add, was an AI in the mecha that was similar to Clippy meets the boss from office space. An easy way for the GM to talk to players while also being like “you have done fantastic and will receive a 3 credit bonus! A MANDATORY 3 CREDITS HAVE BEEN DEDUCTED FROM PARTYS NEXT PAY TO SHOW THEIR APPRECIATION.”

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my name is Jason

I don’t do much with TTRPGs but I enjoy the design behind them and I have been doing more investigating I to Solo RPGs

this is my first time in this jam, although I have made one other one page RPG, called Kobold Krew.

I hope to make a mini-zine format RPG that will probably be a hack of Tunnel Goons. I have a bunch of ideas but not sure which to go with this time.

I will be doing a hack of tunnel goons for a TTRPG to have a good foundation.. Hopefully I can draw like 4-5 pieces of art.

Thank you! Glad you like it. Let me know if you get to run it.

So I have finished my first TTRPG and its called Kobold Krew. It's an easy to learn, rules-lite role-playing game, where players adventure as kobolds, small clumsy dragon like creatures. I based this game on Tunnel goons by Nate Treme, Its a small booklet that has quick character creation, and an easy 2D6 resolution mechanic that allows for lots of collaborative role-play and imagination with easy stats and inventory management. Beware your actions though, failure may end up hurting your teammates more than the monsters.

Kobold Krew

this game and all the people hacking it inspired me to make my own. It’s early but I like what I have so far.

Kobold Krew


  • Players get quirks that can help or hinder.
  • Failing roles may damage the other players.
  • Use flukes to refill dice and negate damage

this is pretty early but I hope I can get some feedback. The final layout will be a mini zine book made from a single sheet.

please take a look at this early work in progress. 

not likely. The original version was built in Adobe Flash.

No. I uploaded it with the win floor set as 3 and not 10. meaning there are like 3 enemies the player will never see. (Face Palm)

The original is an Android app. This one may follow suit.

Do you mean down as in tiles? or floor? and is it specifically when you start a level? that is a bug that i missed during dev.

Yeah I came across that, but I did not have time to fix it. I will try and put in a fix version later.

Misspell community · Created a new topic Changelog
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So this will be a change log going forward of everything different.


  • The Slime has been replaced by the bandit as the basic enemy
  • The slime now removes one max HP if it hits you.
  • Potions Spawn less
  • added some small effects
  • A bandit will show what it type it steals
  • changed the HP UI to show max hp also.


  • Added the new Salamander Enemy
  • Redid the Main Character Sprite.
  • changed scroll sprite to fit theme better as a book page
  • added the amulet treasure (Might get back a spell after casting)
  • Changed the HP to a bar instead of a number.
  • Added a title screen
  • new animations and effects
    • Pages move
    • Heal Animation
    • Feather animation (Placeholder for now. Need a better item for this)
    • Clouds! pretty cloud shadows
  • Book actually shows up on the last level.
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Well Big updates to this so far.

So these are the changes:

  1. I have changed the resolution and the layout of the screen.
  2. The inventory has been changed and now holds both spells and treasures.
  3. Treasures are items you carry with you and have passive benefits
    • Feather - Will heal you if you die (Needs a better name,)
    • Shield - increases your max health by 4.
    • Life Leech - small chance to gain a heart when you kill an enemy
  4. I removed the potionize spell

the game feels good now so my next tasks are

  1. Add 3 new spells (Not sure what yet)
  2. add 3 new treasures (Not sure what yet)
  3. add 2 more enemies (not sure what yet)
  4. name the game
  5. Create the intro, ending, and dying scenes.
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the main thing I was kind of aiming for was Items. I wanted the player to be really focused on using the items they found to try and beat the levels. I think the problem I have at the moment is Items are too limited in their scope. The Fireblast and stuff are nice to blast out walls and I have done that to create shortcuts to get to the exit. I wonder how it would feel if I removed attack all together, but that means I need to find a mechanic where the player always has items. I am also wondering if maybe I could go further and use items as a type of currency maybe have the player sacrifice scrolls for health or something.

Edit: oh about the Art. I am using the Pico8 color palette as a challenge to myself. It allows only 16 colors very limiting, but limits breed creativity.

Misspell community · Created a new topic Game Feedback

So if anyone any feedback, please leave it here. I would really like to talk about this game, get ideas, and see what people have problems with.