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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very polished but I'm with the others who said there wasn't time to read the text on the right, also I found I could keep myself alive and maintain all the organs without much struggle. Still a very impressive build in 48 hours!

This is a really cool and interesting idea, super original too

'keep going this is cool' things: Skeletal animation, smooth controls, music loops nicely

Minor tweaks: Polishing (particle effects, landing sound effects), less aggressive sounds (the breathing is a nice touch but it feels very loud and in your face)

Game design: The best strategy is pretty much to stay still so having a hazard go to the player's position would mean they have to move more. Something that the player should try to catch would also be a good addition so they have to move around. An increase in speed/amount of hazards would make the game harder as it goes along because right now it feels the same difficulty no matter where you are in the game

This game was really good fun and I particularly enjoyed the sound effects and aesthetic. The areas were cool and felt like they all had something new, and I liked the touch of being very generous with where the player could kill enemies from. One thing I would change is that when you die after the first few sections it can feel frustrating to have to redo what are now the easy sections, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. It was fast paced and the fast and agile controls really sold the robot to me, though it would have been nice to have an indicator of what they were and some of them didn't feel very intuitive, such as the A key not meaning jump. The style was chosen really well and felt very immersive, and as I said before the sounds made it feel very juicy and sold the robot and machinery vibe. Awesome game!

This game was really interesting and cool to play but I found it a little frustrating at times when I would reach the end of a level and not know where to switch in order to make a jump, and would inevitably fall to the bottom of the level. That aside, this game was polished and felt finished. You did well with the combo of telling the player stuff and having them work it out for themself, so it always felt like I as the player had worked out how to do something without needing complex problem solving skills to do so. It was a clever idea and amazingly executed in the time limit.

This game was super polished and fun to play! The sounds and particle effects made it very satisfying and the game felt finished. One thing I will say is that the controls were quite slow and it was difficult to move around, but the indicators were helpful and the style was excellent.  Count this as a success!

This was nicely controlled and the graphics were smooth, but I'm not sure what the objective was? I tried shooting both the enemies, but nothing happens. If this was more of a demo then go for the full game it felt nice to play but I think it needed some more structure

I enjoyed this game and the concept was really cool but I think it could have done with a few minor tweaks. The game was nice to play but didn't feel very polished. There could have been more by using particle effects or a tiny screen shake when the player lands and scene transitions. Also I think one feature that would have been really cool would be a star system for the player's performance on each level. Aside from those things the game was super original and I definitely enjoyed playing it a lot. The sounds of jumping and of delivering the power (? Colour?) and the little touch of jumping using up power added a lot to the game. 

This game is nice and juicy, but I wasn't really sure how to play? At first I thought you had to destroy the bit in the middle, but then I looked in the description and it mentioned enemies so I tried taking out all of them but that didn't do anything... Anyways aside from some presentation issues this was well executed and the game felt completed and very polished.

this was good fun and I liked the randomness but I think the enemies were a bit unfairly spawned. Often they spawned right at the start of the level, which meant you died before you had a chance to react. On the other hand the auto-generated levels are really cool and the fact it's so short makes it very easy to try again and again.

This reminds me of a dr who (maybe?) game I used to play on the school computers but yeah it's a cool game. Could do with a bit of polishing and a restart button but overall it's fun