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A member registered Jan 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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Very creative, the art and music were amazing for being made in such a short time.

The audio was great and the art was very charming. Nice work!

This is awesome, nice job on all the assets and gameplay.

Nice idea and good presentation. I found it pretty difficult to win, but some balance tweaks and sound effects would make this a really solid game!

Funny idea for a game, I loved the music too.

The graphics and atmosphere were really special, this was a lot of fun.

Really entertaining, I love the art style

Nice introduction by showing us all of the spells! It was a fun game and a good twist on the theme.

Amazing art style, you should add some scary sounds when the hands leap out to build on the cool atmosphere.

Fun little game, the reversed controls were definitely challenging. The art and music were both great and it was cool to see that they were all made by your team in 48 hours.

Pretty entertaining little game! With some level transitions and camera changes for the main zombie I could see this being a full project.

The music transition is a great touch, nice job!

Funny and creative, liked all of the animations and dialogue

Fun little game, liked the presentation a lot.

Thanks for the advice!

Really fun concept, I liked how diverse the enemies were. Tricking the snakes into eating other enemies was pretty satisfying

Nice concept, it was funny and all of the hand drawn art was great to see in such a short time. The fun level at the end with max cash is a great touch.

Amazing art style and killer soundtrack

Hilarious concept, I loved all the low res art and sprites.

Words cannot describe mood guy

The art style is amazing, everything felt pretty charming. Let us know how to get some of the other endings somewhere.

Love the style for the game, I think I need more brain coins.

Funny idea, I liked the cutscenes. Gyoji’s honor has been restored.

Nice idea for a game! It would be nice to be able to get a hint where some of the platforms are going to come up from so there is less guess and check, but it was fun nonetheless.

Funny idea, keep it up!

Fantastic idea, it’s a ton of fun for such a simple concept.

10/10 walk cycle, charming game.

Great presentation, was genuinely scared at some points in the game.

Very charming little game, I had fun pushing around the alligators before I figured out how to interact.

The animations are great, worth running around for them alone. I agree about the lava hitbox sizes, and a funny death animation could top it off. Keep up the good work!

Amazing concept, always nice to see pico-8. Hope to see a full version out some time, the soundtrack was great too.


Features implemented:

  • Art and animations
  • Basic sound
  • Cutscene
  • Coyote jump
  • Jump buffer
  • Safe respawning
  • Parallax scroll
  • Menus


  • Full sound
  • Music
  • Bigger course
  • More items
  • Dialogue cutscenes


  • One running frame between buffered jumps
  • First respawn can be inconsistent