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A member registered Oct 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Unfortunately, a last minute addition ended up blocking clicks to our UI elements effectively making the game unplayable. We uploaded another version on itch without the issue that we would love you to check out (also includes a WebGL build).


Here is a link to the fixed version : . This disqualifies our game from winning but ratings and comments are very much appreciated so our dev team can get feedback :)

I just played your game. I also took a look at your game page and read your story. I have definitely had a similar experience with many team members being difficult to manage. Props to your team for pushing through and releasing something, even if it is not everything you wanted it to be.

The wing flapping animation looks really well done. Good luck on your future game jams!

I really wanted to build a WebGL version, for the exact reason you mentioned. we had used Unity High Definition Render Pipeline in order to learn how to use it in this project. Unfortunately, HDRP is not compatible with the web build. I would love to go back and make one with the standard Unity render pipeline so that we can have a web build. 

I am really happy you enjoyed the game, I think my team did an excellent job.

I liked the game's narration. I felt like it fit very well with the short and sweet levels. I often feel that in games with a lot of narration I need to sit through so much before I can get back to playing. I did not feel that way with your game, the narration was paced really well!

I noticed that I would seemingly die at random, maybe the time that kills you does not reset each level, I'm not sure.

The movement was extremely quick for me, so much so that I thought it was one of the mechanics to slide all the way to each wall whenever you moved (like in Pokemon ice puzzles). Not sure if the movement is tied to the frame rate or something, I have not used Puzzlescript before.

Since the movement was so fast, I did not really have any precision with my choices so I felt like I could not appreciate the puzzles you made.

I think you have a really cool game here, but just needs some adjustments so people can see what you made more clearly. The shopkeeper said "General Kenobi" so I was a bit confused lol

I liked the retro sound effects, although quite loud before I lowered it.

The presentation was really nice, it reminded me of a GameBoy title.

I do think there is a bug with your ammo display, maybe you didn't set the value of the max clip size correctly?

The game worked for me on Firefox.

At first I was pretty confused since there was not description of how to play either here or the game page. I would make sure to add that either in game or with your submission for the future. Once I realized what was going on I found out that this is a Clicker Game. I liked that the birds changed forms after feeding it bread, I do wish I knew at what level the bird changed form so I knew what my objectives were.

I also was not exactly sure what the hand upgrade did. I think it increases your petting score but maybe it also makes you generate money passively? I also liked the music and how you could turn it on and off by clicking the radio, that was a nice touch. 

I think overall this was a good entry into this game genre, and I think it should be easy to add on more features and improve the game. Good job!

First off, the game looks stunning, and I like the aesthetic.

A couple pieces of feedback for the visuals. The orbs are really hard to see against the white clouds, maybe if they were a darker shade of red it would be more clear. Also, the birds were so small, that it was really difficult to tell if they were going to hit you or not. When I was initially playing, I did not realize they were a hazard since most times I just passed through without really trying. Once I realize that they could hit me, it seemed unreliable to avoid them. Maybe if the pigeons were larger it would have helped.

I'm very surprised this game does not have more plays since it looks very nice. If your game is compatible with it, I would recommend installing WebGL build support so people can play your game in the browser. I find that in game jams, people will often pass over a game if they have to download it.

Good job!

(1 edit)

Thanks for sharing your demo! We also used a NavMesh for the first time so it is cool to see what others can do with it. 

It was cool to sort of explore this unfinished project. It almost added to the mystery. It is similar when dataminers find unused assets in a game and it makes you wonder what they were for. Like I know you mention that this is just a demo, but the level was fairly fleshed out in terms of different thinks going on. For example, it was cool to see those block dispensers shooting out. It made me wonder what you ultimately wanted to do with them.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, it would be great if you added a reset button, just cause I fell off the map and then couldn't get back without restarting the game

I think the game mechanics are solid (although sometimes it seems that death is completely unavoidable due to random spawns since  you cannot control your horizontal movement).

I do think for such a fast paced game that you are expected to die many times, it is important to be able to get back into the action quickly. And while I was impressed by the opening credits cutscene, needing to rewatch it each time you died before you could play again felt frustrating. I would make it so you respawn after the credits has finished.

The spritework of the bird was particularly impressive. I do think that the background they were on did not contrast them well so it is harder to appreciate the great spritework.

I think there is alot going on mechanically in this game and it is unfortunate that I do not think many people will be able to play that long for a game jam to really appreciate all the work you did here.

I like they idea to kind of take control of the antagonists.

The concept and presentation were both top notch, loved that art style. I also think the game mechanics were very thoughtful. The levels were designed well around the objectives and limitations.

In my experience, the controls did not feel so reliable, so it often made the game feel frustrating. In particular, it seemed like I would die for no reason or I would stall out when going very fast. I think if the controls felt smoother I would have enjoyed the game a lot more. 

Great job nonetheless!

I liked the ideas you were going for here with all the special movement options, but since the player did not have a choice of how they could move, it felt more like candyland. I think if you have the player the option to pass their turn to let the fox move, you could introduce more strategy into the game.

I think the core puzzle game mechanics were very solid. Especially when you started to have to juggle multiple birds. I understood how well designed the levels were.

I do sort of wish there was a limit to how quick you could move and rotate. Since if you were fast enough, you could complete the levels without really solving the puzzle I felt like it became more of an action game when this seems like a better puzzle concept. Had fun!

Loved the presentation, looked really beautiful. The bird's vertical control felt really responsive and natural. The horizontal movement felt a bit unreliable but maybe that was intentional so you had to keep moving.

Absolutely adored the aesthetics and animation in this game. Super polished and professional looking.

I wish it could be played in an endless mode, but I understand that you needed to have a reason for the player to take shelter so if the player could run forever, they would not use it.

I agree with Hallow Inc, great shell to develop on top of. I would love to know the story of this game

Nice solid game! Although some people did not like the controls, I actually thought the game played just fine on mouse. I understand it is not conventional, but I am a sucker for unique control schemes. The medals you get that rank up as you grab the last several orbs was a great addition. It really made me want to keep going for that gold medal. I also think the music was catching and fir the game and style very well.

Good job!

That makes me so happy! When we set out to make the inner game, we wanted to go for a Doom sort of feeling, so to hear that it felt like Quake makes me feel like we did a good job emulating that feeling. 

I am really proud of my whole dev team, our artists and musician totally nailed it imo. 

Just so you know, dying in the inner game does not actually mean it is a game over, it just reduces your final score at the end so you can still finish the game and get a presentation grade. But you will need to not die or miss any questions to get that juicy "S" rank ;)

I feel like as soon as I started playing this game, I immediately got the "lemme just swing though this entire city like spiderman" vibes and that was totally awesome. Just being able to fly through the city and have that depth of finding collectables was a great feeling. I think you used the 3d space really well.

Great job!

Loved the game, although I totally suck at managing the birds, it feel really well done. During my first solo game jam, I also attempted a DDR style game (with no music lmfao) but I had a hard time making the hits feel responsive and timed well. In this game, the challenge felt really laid out, and that the only thing holding me back way my skill and because the game did not work reliably.

I also agree that once the birds swapped positions or overlapped, I forgot which button mapped to each bird.

Very impressive project to me, fantastic job. If I may ask, do you feel like this game accomplished what you set out for it to achieve? To me it seems like you wanted to make a rhythm game with unconventional controls and it turned out great. What do you think?

Thanks for the feedback, I am glad you enjoyed it. We actually caught that bug in development but decided to keep it in since it was kind of funny. Like we thought that maybe the teacher would think you were studying more at the cost of obscuring your screen. But I do agree it does not really make the game fun, I think if we were to properly add it as a feature (like maybe if it didn't block as much and gave you extra time to answer) it could be interesting.

I liked the randomly generated level. I did fall off the level and it did not kill me, so maybe you can also add that if you fall below a certain depth, that the game will end or restart.

The acceleration based controls made it hard to speed up and slow down, I think that the slow speed up felt frustrating but making it hard to stop I think is fun

Good job!

I kinda love the chunky boi penguin just sliding menacingly into fish.

I wish you could maybe change speeds to sneak up on and catch fish before they started running away.

Camera controls were good, so I appreciated that!

The camera felt really hard to control. It was like I was always fighting with another person who as not trying to photograph the birds. I got better luck by tapping WASD since I could not even get one bird when holding it down.

On the debugger, I kept getting an error when my mouse would enter and exit the screen. Maybe there was some original purpose of the mouse but not sure.

I think the concept was good and I even think the camera control would be fun if it was hard to control if it felt like my inputs were as strong as the random ones.

I loved that you added a level select so we could try all of your levels even if we could not beat them. Often times in my game jams, there is a lot of content that none of my players see since it is too far into the game or is too hard.

I am not sure what the exact concept you were going for but I liked to think that it is not really about finding the perfect solution but rather about finding the solution that is most probable to work. I really liked the randomness of the boids and I wish I could see more of it, so maybe in each level you could guide hundreds of boids and the goal was to get a certain % to survive.

I wish you could move your attractor/repellor positions once they were placed down so I could adjust little by little each attempt.

Thanks for the game, I had fun!

At first I was confused, but after I read the controls (yeah bad idea to skip that haha) and learned that there was a double jump. I actually love the concept of this game. Basically your babies will just hurl themselves into danger and you have to save them while picking up ammo to shoot.

The pacing of the game felt well done, like I felt like if I positioned the babies well, I would be able to react to the danger.

Great job on your first game jam!

At first I had a hard time figuring out how to jump higher (even after reading the instructions), but once I did, I thought the concept was cool. I felt like I needed to have good positioning in order to be able to travel in the same direction for long enough to get the super bounce. I also liked how you could use the super bounce going in one direction and then turn around mid air to get to a higher platform in the other direction.

Great presentation, the menuing and bird character were particularly nice.

Você esqueceu de enviar algum arquivo! Adicione arquivos e eu vou jogar

Love this take on the snake concept! It was cool trying to figure out whether I wanted to spend time breaking blocks or just go for chasing the leaves. 

I could not understand what to do if the bird started to chase you, it seemed like once it decided to get you, there was no way to escape.

I also really appreciate that you have volume sliders, many game jam games are way too loud and there is no good way to know what the volume will be before you start playing.

The game's presentation was also really nice, the only thing I might have changed was made the textures of the different levels of broken block look more distinct since it was hard to tell the progress I was making.

Like that you provided an options menu for the game! 

Not sure if the game has an end condition, but I got a score of 50. Maybe if you added a timer it would add more urgency to the collecting? I liked the bird animation, simple but cute.

I thought you did a good job on the sprite work. I do wish there was more of an objective or urgency in the gameplay.

On another note, you zipped up way more than you need to for the submission. You can just zip everything up in the build folder :

I would also recommend downloading 7zip for zipping up your files since not everyone has WinRar. I find that in these game jams it is most important that your game is easy to get running otherwise people will just skip to a game that is easier to setup.

Love the music, total bop!

The gameplay kind of reminded me of Space Monkey, where you have to turn to catch and avoid objects coming at you.

I thought it was interesting that the birds changed size as they came closer to you. I wonder if that could have been made into a more clear mechanic, like maybe there are different types of birds that grow and shrink as they get closer.

I think this is great shell to add mechanics on top of, good job!

I tried to download and play your game, but you only uploaded the .exe file so I cannot play it. Make sure you zip up all of the files in your build and reupload:

After that, I would love to try out your game!

Hey all,

I am going to challenge everyone here (including me and my dev team) to Play, Rate, and Comment on at least 10 other games. If we all do the same, we will all benefit from the feedback and visibility.

I would also recommend prioritizing games that do not have as many ratings/comments (you can sort the submissions in order of lowest rating).

I hope you all agree and happy jamming!

I loved the level design. Since the monitors got faster when picking up more contraband, it made it interesting to pick the rout to collect everything in. At first, I went for the rightmost items last, but the monitors in that area were much less predictable in their movement and my the time you get there the tracking one is way too fast to make it up and down that hallway. So I had to adjust my rout.

Good music too!

Love the music, felt very fitting. I got hooked on the level where you have to toggle switches and switch between to the clone in the laser field. That's where I thought, oh wow, this is what you can do with this premise. I will say that the laser felt like it would hit you when you are far away, that in combo with the high acceleration had me die many times.

The visual design was great, loved the menus and credits scroll. The constant bouncing felt unclear if it was if it was working correctly. Also, I had initially tried to use A and D to move, only realizing later that only D worked to move right it seemed so I switched to the arrow keys. Also for the boost arrows, it was not clear whether they are always active as sometime when hit the launch high and other times they did not seem to work. It also felt hard to use the time slow effect in a productive way. I do love the concept but the controls felt hard to manage and made it hard to progress or know if I was doing the right thing. I overall like the game, I just have a lot to say since I think it has a great concept!

Music made me think of the merry go round theme in SM64 which was a bit unsettling but so on point especially as you scrambling to find the remaining cell to lyse. Using the other virus as a blockade that could block the you or the big immune cell really changed the stage of the game naturally which I thought was great game design. Lots of fun!

I envy the control of the scope this game appears to have given the game jam setting. For sure, that is one of the things that I struggle with in a game jam is knowing what features to add in the condensed dev cycle. It seems like the core gameplay loop of your game is very solid and after achieving that loop, you could add additional features to enhance the game. The full game experience felt very polished and it felt like it provided when it promised on all fronts.

Loved the music, it was very fitting given I will explode in ten seconds if I don't touch a green gem.

A couple pieces of constructive criticism:

The green arrow that tells you where the next gem is located is drawn underneath the tiles, so sometimes it is obscured when the gem spawn below you. 

Also regarding the arrow, it disappears when you are close enough to the gem, however it seems like the arrow will go away before the gem is on screen and my brain is not smart enough to connect remember where the arrow was pointing. I think in general it is a minor gripe, but I think it often costs me some time which is heartbreaking in a time based game.

I also got a high score of ten with Bitboy and I am not enough of a sadist to try that with jankman.

Thanks so much for playing. I will make sure to notify the whole team so they can see all the complements you gave us. Seeing people's feedback and comments on our game really gives us the motivation to keep developing so I thank you for that.

Also, thanks for the specific feedback, it makes it way easier to fix an issue if we know what it is rather than the usual reports of: "feels buggy". The way that the hazards are working currently is that there are two different tilemaps, one are normal blocks and the other are hazard blocks. The issue is that we use the same palette so all the blocks have hazard variants that look indistinguishable from the regular blocks as a player. If some regular blocks were misplaced as hazard blocks it leads to them stealth killing the player. We will do another pass over the blocks types and get all those issues ironed out.

Ill make sure to forward your other pieces of feedback to the relevant people since they can provide more insight than I am able to in their respective expertise. 

We are looking to release a v1.1 version of the game that has all the features that we developed for the game that were not able make into the final product due to bugs or programmer time constraints (was trapped in class till 6 and wasn't able to get all the art assets implemented before submission at 8). After that, we would like to continue our development and add new mechanics that we didn't have time to explore due to the scope of a game jam project.