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FediJam community · Created a new topic AI definition?

I’m assuming you’re using LLM or other similar generative AI, but (not that I’m going to do it) could you look a bit around “self created” AI? Or something? Like, I could see throwing something in with a small language model, or something like ELISA.

I’m not sure I’m too bothered by it. I probably wouldn’t really play the games anyway. I might play enough that I’m like “yeah I got enough to have justified the game…” but that’s really generous sometimes.

Yeah, I don’t do Steam. I had 2FA attached to my phone number, lost my phone number, and the only thing I could do was delete my account, thus forever losing everything I had there. And I have tried to create an account, and I’m not sure if it’s because they are doing some “system detection” or something that because it “fails if it doesn’t pass” and they haven’t allowed it to pass for a system that looks like mine, or if there’s something more to it.

Sadly, I suspect that they don’t really look here. My comment about, “not sure how to fix this,” was more along the lines of, “I’m not sure what to point a developer to, in order to fix it”. I think at the time, I was aware that version was no longer available on my distribution. It’s 1.0.2 is masked, and that’s the oldest version I see. And this is requesting specifically (as of when I posted) 1.0.0. Which would mean having to manually install it.

I am in a situation where I may be able to build other versions, but I can’t test anything besides Linux and web. I can test web on iOS or is it iPadOS? While I’m OK with providing builds for other platforms, I’d rather not do so for a jam.

This doesn’t want to install through the app. I’ll give it a go through the website.

I don’t see any feedback regarding Linux. I’ve just downloaded the Linux build, I’ve not done anything with it yet. But I believe

Ah nice. Thank you.

Ah, it’s a daily thing… I was trying to see if there was a reason it kept giving the same sequence. Cool…

If you check to see in the “development logs” there are two different ones which have .zip files. At the bottom, just above the Comment section, they link to:

Christmas Update most recent


Scratch Island 1.0.1 Released

Both have .zip at the bottom of the post. Except, they look like links, but right now they don’t seem to be working.

That could be a thing to pop into the Discord to ask about… I’m fairly sure I actually downloaded this at some point. Though I can’t say how (maybe through the app?)

The two development logs have .zip files for various platforms. I do think I took a look at it, but I can’t say I got very far with testing.

It does work installing the Linux binary and chmod 755 it (which may be why it doesn’t work for the, and while for some reason really slow, the HTML5 version will work with it. The Linux binary works really quite nicely.

Hi there,

I’m on Linux, and looking at this with the and the Linux build isn’t installing correctly through the app, and the WebGL version doesn’t launch with the (I feel that’s an issue that could be fixed by the team either by launching an external browser, or enabling WebGL), and the Windows build has that (to me) strange issue that it can’t find Firejail 386 (32 bit builds have this problem). I can work around I think all of these issues. Well, nope… Not as easy as I had expected. The HTML5 version doesn’t seem to work even with the server in Chr… oh right… NoScript and the Windows version seems to not work with Wine 7.2

I think you can find me in the Jam Discord chat fairly easily…

I thought I had replied to this… But I’m not seeing it. Absolutely up to talking about it. Spent the day working on the current project, with lots and lots of learning to be had. Which I am thinking… “Yeah that’s what this is about,” but somewhat frustrating that I spent a huge part of the day trying to get something to work the way I would like it, to turn around and go… “Nah that’s been too much work, so I’m going to change to doing this another way that might be easier” and dang if it wasn’t practically trivial.

I saw someone do a first person fractal thing… So… Cool idea, and worth looking at more.

I mostly work with Twine… I’ve really not played with R previously. Been somewhat interested. I thought I had a team at least sort of a team. I do have experience with Godot and Ren’Py as well. Any idea as to what sort of game you might be interested in making?

I mostly work with Twine… I’ve really not played with R previously. Been somewhat interested. I thought I had a team at least sort of a team. I do have experience with Godot and Ren’Py as well. Any idea as to what sort of game you might be interested in making?

There’s a download link at the bottom below the comments. It.s a .rar file, which is “somewhat unusual” but I’ve noticed really rather common for some reason (I think there must be a reason, but I don’t know). I hope you figured it out…

Well, I managed to get it installed, and I couldn’t get TTS to install. Not sure what the issues were. But to me that was more than enough.

Just installing through the app, and I have to say, it sure beats my experience with the “tabletop” thing with that in the name which this looks to be heading to be an alternative to. I got it installed, and launched. I couldn’t do that with the other one. That’s a huge step in my mind.

I see others have said that the Windows version works, I would like to see a Linux build, even if Wine works well with it. But I’m incredibly impressed to see this on despite it being “somewhat harder” to find here than the Steam, Android, and iOS locations.

Thank you, I really enjoyed this. Cassie, for some reason it is a bit of a pain for me to play, but I know that I have played it before. Apparently I really like it, if I’ve gone through this before.

Get an error:

Unable to parse Build/HTML5.framework.js.gz! Loading pre-compressed (brotli or gzip) content via a file:// URL without a web server is not supported by this browser. Please use a local development web server to host compressed Unity content, or use the Unity Build and Run option.

I feel that there is not likely to be any updates. I commented about 10 months ago, that I’d like to see a new version with some things fixed, and commented that the latest release (at that time) was a year ago. If the developer is “active” in the sense that they are around and able to do stuff, and are getting notifications, it seems that they are not actually looking to “respond” to the desire to see some stuff at the very least fixed with the current build. There could well be a reason for that. Like… Is there a problem with updating it, as the engine used, is no longer available to them? If so, I can totally see why it wouldn’t be updated, because it would probably need to be (at least) totally refactored in order to get it to build even this level again.

Would you have to totally rework this, in order to get it to run without Flash? If you built it specifically as a Flash game, I totally get it, but if you’re exporting from some game engine, as a Flash game, it should be possible to export it as some other format (though it may require refactoring in order to do so).

The download is a .apk and it indicates that it is for windows and android. .apk isn’t supported by Windows, so I guess this isn’t really something that works for Windows (at least directly). I know there are claims to be able to run .apks but so far, I haven’t found any way that really works. Well, that works at all. I guess I wasn’t paying attention.

Still quite like it. Even if it is more game, than tool for me.

Thank you. It wasn’t a problem, it just was it seemed to be doing something not intended.

It is a neat idea, but in terms of it serving as a Pomodoro timer it seems it may actually work for a lot of people in “not recommended ways”. Ie. Rather than it being a timer in the corner to ignore, it becomes something of itself.

Which meant for me, it was a fun not quite idle game…

It seems to have flooded…


“Can I update my game when you finish the game jam” is a technical question of so if I know that, I would ask that in the general community. And to answer that… Your game project is your game project.

So. It really doesn’t make sense. What I really want to ask is about the jam. It is about how you want your jam to run.

It just seems you want your jam to just not run. It right sucks because I’d love to see someone actively promoting what this game jam is supposed to be doing.

I asked almost 90 days ago, and then you respond now… I guess I get why you have the long jam time… I was really asking if a person should just create a game/project and throw updates up while the jam progresses.

But it doesn’t really matter. My inspiration has turned into nothing and honestly I think I’m the only person in the jam.

I’m not really sure how to answer this. It seems that the term gachi covers a few different concepts, and some are “probably NSFW” and others are, “quite likely not NSFW, unless there’s something else” there. I’m seeing content which goes from gambling, gay porn, muscular (men?), so… it can be tricky to know what you are meaning. I’ve not really even dug that deeply into it, just enough to see that the meaning can be several different things.

I would say, tagging it NSFW if you are concerned that it should be, is not really a problem. And I’m not sure that if you’re willing to lean toward that, but feel it probably isn’t, not tagging it, and finding out later that maybe it should have been is a big problem. Personally, I would lean more toward tagging it as NSFW if that might be where it belongs. But that’s because I have seen people get up in arms that “kids are learning these terrible things in school these days” and the “terrible things” are often informed content about “if you’re going to engage in X activity, do so safely.”

There seem to be a few bugs/issues. You apparently can’t play as a girl. It seems like going certain places no matter how you play, leave you “Stuck” in a state that you can’t move forward with the game. It looks like one version was released somewhere around a year ago. Would someone like to work on this, I may be willing to put some time in either looking at where the bugs are, or actually fixing them if we can find a way to actually do that collaberatively. Good luck. Would love to see this work out, looks like a game which could be really fun if people didn’t run into breaking bugs.

The one which I got working seems to no longer be on my machine.  I have looked at the "alicia" model which is in openseeface-gd it will crash VTuberWebcam and Blender seems to not be able to import it.  I'm not sure if that project is working with Godot 3.4 official release.  I ran into an error with it when I tried.  

I'll look at these other exporters.

The other tools could be useful to.

Thank you.  

VTuberWebcam community · Created a new topic VRM Debugging

The supplied xbot.vrm seems to work consistently.  When it's not working, it seems like there's some issue with grabbing, or starting the camera.  

I have tried to use other models. 

One which I found a more "full" model that I could download (legally, though really only done for testing purposes before looking at paying for one), which ended up deeply skewed.  But the geometry seemed to be there/displayed.

Another after trying to edit the xbot.vrm through Blender, and exporting it as a vrm.  This ended up with missing geometry/undisplayed (transparent) geometry.  

Another where I imported and re-exported the xbot.vrm with the same issue with the "missing geometry".  

I'm not sure where to go in order to upgrade from that working model, to be able to figure out why other ones are not working.  

Probably not until I go and start working on a Twine project.