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A member registered Apr 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the critique! I totally agree on the lack of explanation on where to go in the game, especially with the initial camera view only showing a segment of the level. Next time I will definitely find a way to make that better. I also agree that the game wasn't very polished. I kind of focused on getting the levels done at first and integrating  everything I needed to, and in the end I didn't get to play test that much or fix some bugs, which is something I should work on for next time! You brought up many good points which I will keep in mind for next game!

Thank you so much on this very detailed critique! I definitely agree that I needed some sort of objective, especially since most of the stage is off the initial camera view. I also agree on the visual overload which you talked about. Once I figured out that you could make some sort of pseudo animation with instantiating I think I got a bit to excited with it! These are great points you brought up and I'll make sure to address them next time! 

Thanks! I kinda got the music in last minute so I'm glad it turned out fine in the end.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you!

This was a good game! I liked the atmosphere and story and I thought the gameplay was pretty fun  as well.  The enemy design, sound effects, and music were cool too. Good job!

This was a nice and polished game! I liked the creative concept and well constructed puzzles in it. The gameplay was pretty smooth as well, and the music was nice too! 

This was a nice game! The art was cool and I felt that the music fit the game well. I thought the inclusion of a harder stage that you have to go to when you die was a cool touch. There was a bit of lag in attacking sometimes, but it didn't take away from the fun!

This was a fun game! The title screen animation was a nice touch. I liked the mechanic of choosing a weapon before you starts since if you die you could always try something else ( at least for me ), which I thought was a nice way to address the theme. The music was also fun and added to your game well! All in all your game seemed really polished!

A creative and nice way to implement the theme! I like how the game unravels the clues as time goes on but how it's still possible to save everyone from the very start. Nice game!

Nice game! I liked the concept and I thought the gameplay was fun as well. The music was also nice and I liked its contrast between the two worlds.

Thanks for the feedback guys! I'll make sure to keep everything in mind next time I make a game.

Awesome game! This is pong except with great scenery and awesome music. For me I feel like it's a game to play when you want to decompress and have fun. Keep going at it, I can't wait to see what you make next!

Hey guys, I just updated the game yesterday, so its a lot better now!

Thanks for the feedback! I'll get on it.