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JJ Rhind-Tutt

A member registered Oct 07, 2022

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I really liked the art style and the in game tutorial and the whole learn as you go approach, I really liked the way they were a part of the world and didn't seem out of place. Overall on the tutorial. I feel this made things easier to grasp seeing the controls and immediately doing them to progress. I encountered a bug early on that stopped progress. In the second room when only one robot spawns on the middle platform, he appeared to spawn in the background and I was unable to damage the robot as well as take damage from it. Here I also found pressing (;) opens the debug menu and allowed me to explore the level. As I again got stuck here on another playthrough I explored the rest of the game through this debug menu. Overall, I like the use of colour  to distinguish the different zones and styles and the end room being the toys owner / child room adds to the toys theme which I think was the approach. 

I did also find the punches had longer range than you would expect, where the animation ended, there was still a decent distance the punch travelled. Overall the animations where really well done and smooth. I did feel that the robots attack were a bit too slow as I was able to stand in front of them and mash punch until they died. 

Also the ability to dash was a nice touch but I did not end up using it in combat and stuck to just punches. If the dash did damage, which it might do but because it didn't seem to do anything to the dummy visually, kinda felt it wouldn't do anything to the robots. 

Overall I think the game was well made, both visually and mechanically, and with a couple bug fixes would be really good to play through in its entirety. 

Really fun, the way the characters ragdoll and move I think adds a lot of character to the overall game, get Gang Beasts vibes. One thing I thought could add another layer of depth would be to have the ship actually rock and this make it even harder for the players to control the characters, I think this would add another layer of like incidental story telling between the 2 players. 

Another thing is I didn't really feel a sense of impact when I struck the other player, I think this could be achieved through a sound effect and/or a physics effect when struck by the other player. 

It did take me a while to figure what the pickups where actually doing, at first I thought they just changed the colour of the objects in game but I think these changed overall movement ? I think these having a name related to what they do appear on screen when picked up would help the players understand better. 

I liked the game, both the art style and the music worked quite well together but initially it was very difficult to understand what the objective of the game is and what the controls are and what I should be doing. I believe the game is like a game of tag ? If so I think a way of seeing who is currently tagged would be helpful as well as a preview of the controls would be beneficial. 

Having multiple different levels also helps keep the battles different but again without knowing the controls and having to trial and error to find them, I got stuck in a pit until the timer ran out and the next level began. 

Overall I enjoyed it but something I would say would go a long way would be to have some sort of way to tell the players the controls.