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Joda Interactive

A member registered Mar 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah we really needed a tutorial… I wanted to add some sort of tutorial and some sort of indication to denote that you are in the acceptable set threshold but it didn’t come through in time. And yeah I’m a full stack / cloud engineer by trade and spinning up some AWS infrastructure in Go for the leaderboard was a quick and easy way to make it happen. Thank you so much for playing and leaving your thoughts!

LETSGO good job! If I could do one thing differently, it would have been to make a tutorial or something to explain how to play. I know it’s a bit obtuse. Thanks for playing!

Yeah… if I could have gotten one more thing in the game it would have been a tutorial or something. The learning curve is pretty intense without it

I completely understand. If you do a post-jam version I’m sure it’ll be an absolute blast.

This was pretty fun but I had a hard time trying to get through the tutorial but I still had fun. I loved the visuals and audio overall. Good job team!

Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate you giving the game a try.

I struggled A LOT before I got the hang of where stuff is. It’s so chaotic but I’m a fan!

For curiosity sake I wanted to see how long I could play before it crashed. I did the supernova a couple times but when I tried to go from Mars 50A/100A to next upgrade it halted up and that was the end of my run. I’m not sure if it was because of that action or if something else triggered it but it was fun while it lasted :)

Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I am on a mission to play and rate as many of the entries as I can. I haven’t gotten to yours yet but I will!

It takes a while and the oil leaks faster and faster so the further you get in the game it takes longer and longer. If we had more time, I would have liked to add more information about the mechanics. It is what it is. Glad you had fun! I played your game before the jam ended but haven’t been back to rate it yet. It’s on my agenda for the week

I can completely relate. I had similar issues

I’m trying to play through all the submissions and rate them properly. I’ll probably get to yours tomorrow. I’ve been excited to get back to it to be honest.

I did! It was fun. If you patch it after the jam or something I would love to finish it.

I really really enjoy puzzle games and this one is no different. The text particle effect at the beginning absolutely threw me. I think the only thing I would grip about really is that the text can be hard to read and there is no clear way to reset a level and remembering which box went with which icon is kinda weird. Other than that, a very solid puzzle game with cute little characters and theme.

This was a fun experience. It was so pretty and I was pleasantly surprised when I made a whale friend. I was less pleasantly surprised when all the schools of fish ran away from me and my new whale friend :(

Jokes aside, the minimalistic visuals and soothing sounds was an amazing experience. I hope I got to see all that it has to offer!

I enjoyed this game until I realized that I can’t destroy something off of a tile (or at least I couldn’t figure out how to) and that kept me from beingc able to build the big thing. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the game.

If you would have told me that this was just a puzzle game that came out, I would have had no idea it came from a jam. It’s so clean and polished and well put together. The look and feel of the puzzles and the satisfying audio is just so good. Great job! I hope you consider doing more with this after the jam!

I have enjoyed having this game open on a side monitor all day. It’s such a satisfying incremental idler game with amazing visuals. The only thing that was unclear to me was when I started earning science until I actually read the thing and realized what was doing it.

I might have played this game more than any other game from the jam. The addictive nature of “just one more run” and getting the time down just a little bit more. I think I have the cycles down to get a better time but the best I could actually string together was 183ish for now. I’ll be back!

that’s wild! challenge (I won’t be able to achieve) accepted

wow that’s fast! I might have to try again to set a good score! You guys did great!

I had a lot of fun but with 3 hours left between the 9 and 10, the enemy refused to despawn on death and my guy just stood there punching forever.

That was so fun! I beat it in 541.7931s and it was a stressful blast the whole time. The music really sells it especially when the threat level increases. I’ve never been more scared of little skeleton sprites

Ohhhh that makes sense. You just get a ton of shield over time. I thought maybe it was a weird timing thing or something. I enjoyed my time. I could totally see this game concept growing and becoming quite a fun time. Do you plan on working on it after the jam?

I was hoping it would get an update! I plan to play every game tomorrow in the voting period. I’ve been excited to get back to this one. I’ll let you know how it goes for me.

I defeated the wizard! This was an absolute blast especially after figuring out if you just tap into the enemy and immediately back away, you can escape getting hit nearly every time.

I love puzzle games. After spending a week making a game about clocks I hate rotation. This game features a ton of rotation. I still love this puzzle game.

I really enjoyed this game! I did the 20 round short play but I don’t even know what my final score though was because it just went right back to the menu but it was somewhere around 700k or so. I had fun and liked the art. Good job!

I really like this game concept! I got a score of 95 and I don’t know if that’s good or bad but I’d like to see this idea grow more. Are you thinking of doing a post-jam version?

That makes sense. Is this repository public? I’d love to see the codebase after the jam is over especially the cool camera mechanic. I enjoyed it a lot and I’m excited to see the full thing at voting time!

This is such a neat idea! I tried to game the system by just having my ducks go around the perimeter clockwise always but I got got by the next duck spawning on top of an existing duck and knocking them both out! Can’t wait to see what you get up to next.

I really enjoy it so far though I got some slight motion sickness or something early on and the camera sometimes doesn’t show all the planets. I do really like the concept so far. I played it until it took trillions to upgrade anything to the next level.

Played until there were no more moves! Pretty awesome so far.

(1 edit)

absolutely! that’s one of the things I have in my todo list. Thanks for checking out the game