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A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah we realised this..... Sry, we will update the version as soon as possible...

Yeah we realised this..... Sry, we will update the version as soon as possible...

Yeah we realised this..... Sry, we will update the version as soon as possible...

Than you for the feedback!!! I am working right bow actually to make the gampelay curve a bit steeper and to remind what the main objective is! And hepl the player find the oasis in the start! :)

Thank you for appreciating it!! I guess you could say so yes, there is not really a good guy or bad guy.... If you think you are the bad guy then you are the bad guy? I don't know

Cool mechanic indeed!

Thank you very much for your in depth review! Glad that you enjoyed it.... Everything got a bit roughed up during the end hence no collider on the house and the game is not very challenging ... Yes that might be why it did not work as well for you, I was planning for it to be played on windows... :)

(1 edit)

Cool Game! I like the gameplay!

I really loved this game!

pretty cool concept of the main gameplay!

Cool Game! Though the movement was kind of clunky and hard to control since the view was from the front! It was kind of hard to understand inventory system since you could scroll for different items bu I couldn't see them in my inventory....

Really cool game! But in the current state it was kind of hard to understand and play, some performance issues... But good job!

A very beautiful game! Art > Gameplay... I enjoyed palying it though!

I do not know if it just me but I can no access the game... :(

Yes I did not really understand the gameplay....

Yes I realised that now heheh, you get blind for things like that....

Pretty Cool Game!
