Great little game. You have to finish the game to see the sweet dance at the end.
Jordan Greening
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Great game. I got very close to beating the first boss several times but eventually gave up. Maybe a slower skill jump per boss is needed, at least for a game jam. I thought the controls were tight, liked the shooting feedback. The boss cinematic was cool! Maybe a passive energy gain would be cool, for just staying alive.
We really appreciate the detailed response. Perhaps the game will grow in the future, and it would be a lot of fun to expand the world.
Good catch on the Wyrm boundaries; need to fix that.
With the dodging issue you had, it's based on where your mouse cursor is. You can see the direction with the arrow next to your character. But it is good to note this isn't obvious.
Great game. Love the art and music. I was genuinely scared of the sun god. My dudes kept jumping into the boss instead of throwing the spears. Sometimes, the bosses would move and then kill the guys without giving enough reaction time to dodge. Maybe give a second leeway? Anyway, I loved it, maybe the most unique art in the jam.