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Juicy Drake Studios

A member registered Nov 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

There is intimitate content with Corvolin at the end of day 4. In order to get to see them again you'll have to choose any but the last option when this "orange warmth" appears in your dreams.

(5 edits)

Hey there, Lone_Wanderer here,

I can check later on if the game runs on later Android versions. I just happened to get myself a new Android phone this month. My old one was running Android 8 which is what I was using to test the Android builds.

I imagine the reason why there might be some incompatibilities is because the game is still running on Godot 3.

I have been slowly working on fixing underlying engine code, but I can't give you an ETA when I will be finished. The kind of stuff I am working on should also take care of save file bugs.

edit: My current phone is running Android 14 and I can confirm that I get the same error message. But it lets me install the game anyway and it does work.

We'll investigate further. The error message "No matching ABIS" is specific to emulators it seems, however, it does give us a pointer to work with. I imagine we might have to update our android spk.

edit2: It should be fixed now. Let me know if it runs or not.


A gallery to view the art assets is planned, but it hasn't been high on our priority list yet as we are working on some other game features at the moment.

While it technically is easy to add in, we probably would want it to have some extra features, so we will let you know when we start implementing it.

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Thank you for your thought-out feedback, I hope to clear up any frustrations you may have with our development.

We were still working on it during all those months where we didn't push out a build. Since 2019 we have made multiple staff adjustments, the main story had been written out by a former writer and we had to do rewrites and fixed many of the worries you have.

I, Lone Wanderer, had joined the team in 2018 and always intended the game to delve into an angle of existential and psychological horror for which we had rewritten the entire game to fit our new standards.

It should hopefully become more clear by the time we get into the next chapter. This first chapter (which will be days 1 - 10) serves as a way to build the world, the characters, so that we can work with all of them in the segments that come up.

In order for the themes of the game to work, you also need to know who the people and environment around you are. This is why we are having routes where you can hang out with people. We do care about the identity crisis that Yarin would face in this situation, for which we also did create and push out new content in 0.3.9. We have added several more subtle hints at the main character experiencing a subdued but everpresent anxiety in most situations.

We are also almost finished with the amount of dates we want to add to the first chapter at least. We only have a few dates remaining before we move on to different types of content.

Regarding the option to spend time alone: We did also want to add an option in case one is not interested in hanging out with the other characters. We are also planning to add several short scenes to it, where Nyrok might find ways to occupy himself.

We do appreciate that you have been following our game project for this long, and if you feel like checking out our future content at your own pace, we will still be here.

(2 edits)

We do hope to release another batch of content sooner than next year (we hope for May or at worst June, actually), even though our prior release patterns might not inspire too much confidence. Even if we might not release many builds, we are working on the game.

We cannot tell you yet when new Brym content is going to come out, but we are working on it currently for day 9. It is taking us a bit, as we basically have to write out several different variances on him all throughout the entire day.

If you are interested in following along our development, we do make public dev diaries on our Patreon, occasionally, where we present things like our progress on character dates or stories. I imagine Brym will still have to cook for probably about a month at least still, before we can give more concrete news.

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Hello there!

No, we do not have additional scenes for Brando written out yet. It is something on our radar, and we are also getting quite a few requests for him.

Brando is a character we did talk and brainstorm a lot about, internally, but the focus with our upcoming content hadn't been on him yet.

We will let you know when there is news on him.

We had another report about the very same issue. It seems this bug has been around for a long while, actually, and we just missed it.

We'll fix it. Given that we are a version ahead by now on Patreon, it might not come out as a hot fix, but rather be fixed for version 0.3.9 when we release it here, hopefully next month.

Hello there!

We mentioned his life circumstances, as it did slow him down a bit. He still was able to find time to keep working on the game and produce not only a lot of backgrounds, but also UI work.

You will get to see the new backgrounds he's worked on in the next public build we will release.

The war is affecting our work directly and it makes things unfortunately, a bit unpredictable. Rauch is currently doing fine and we are giving him all the aid that we can during this time.


We apologize for the very late response, but internally we have been talking about creating and adding one sex scene with Brymror at least before the next story arc which will take place on days 11 onwards.

We do not have any concrete plans we can share at the moment, but unless things change, we were hoping to add this kind of intimate content with him either on day 9 or 10. Day 9 is still in the works at the moment and it's taking us a bit longer than usual to add more content of Brym because of all the potential variances with him.

Hey there! We can assure you and the rest of the community that work on the game continues and will continue. This has been a passion project from the start, and we all were aware of how difficult indie game development can be going into this. We had a rocky start and several years where we tried to find a direction and build a foundation for the game.

But while progress has been slow indeed (due to many factors throughout development which we've talked about in the past), one thing that always stayed the same is our passion to carry out our vision. After all this time, the team is still together, we're still just a bunch of good friends working together in our spare time, dealing with our life problems, slowly making this happen. It may take some more years, but all of us in this team still believe in the story of Yarin and are eager to see it through.

All of the money we receive from Patreon goes straight to the creative people in the team to ensure they can continue to produce content for the game. Even if we make slow progress with it, that money still helps out people's livelihoods, especially those in precarious circumstances (such as an ongoing war). Which is why we continue to be incredibly grateful for the community's support.

Not right now, but eventually there will be one yeah ^^

Our composer Sampling Kid posts them up himself. You can check out the playlist here.

The sequence in the bathroom will feel a bit more off at the moment, but there is more content being worked on and future plans that will further develop the context around it. The disorientation is intentional though. Also, we didn't intend for Brym's second date to be accessible before day 8, so that is a bug which will be addressed in a future version.

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Yes, there are several options you can tweak when it comes to text display and fast forwarding, you can look in the options menu under text settings. For example, the slider for text speed represents the words-per-minute speed you can read. Drag it towards the left for less speed (more delay), and if you drag it all the way to the left, it will disable gradual text reveal and show text instantly. You can adjust the delays for auto-forwarding in that menu as well. We suggest spending a little time playing with those settings and seeing what works for you. We will also try to add small descriptions to each setting in the future for more clarity.

Hey there! The snake is a character that will be part of the main plot across a future chapter of the game. For the second character you mentioned, his name is Brando, and we did have plans to add a scene where you can fuck him. It's just been on the backburner since we had to focus on other things. As for the bondage scene, you may be referring to Berac's scene in day 5. Berac will be replaced with a different character and that scene will be reworked in the near future. That said, there is still a bondage scene in the game which can happen on day 4 (one possible outcome of the Mindalu suite encounter) depending on your choices with her.

Hey there, yeah, Brym's decision changes depending on Yarin's choice. He may either give it a try but ask for some time to think about it, or friendzone Yarin. In case of the former, there may be a follow-up to it on a bonus scene by the end of day 10.

Hey there, if you are using Android, you should be able to just tap on the installer of the new version and it should instead prompt you to update the game you have installed already. There is no need to uninstall and reinstall the game, in fact doing so will cause your user data (save data, in-game options) to be reset.

If you are on PC platforms, the game is currently not an installable type, so you can simply launch the new executable and enjoy the new update while keeping all of your user data intact.

Updated the android download so that it directly links to the .apk file.

Unfortunately, Godot stores the save data in the app storage for security purposes on Android. So the only way to access it would be to root the device. Apologies for the issues.

The next public update will come out once the next patreon update is ready. We're current trying to get the next update out in August. And thank you for your patience.

Hi, we will be releasing 0.3.7 to the public once 0.3.8 is ready for Patreons. We are working on getting 0.3.8 ready with the writing side and hope to have something in the coming months. Thanks for your continued interest and hope you look forward to what we have!

Hi, the next update for patreon is actually ready to release this month. And it will be released publicly a month or so after that. Apologies for the long wait as we have all been busy but are still committed to getting this project moving forward. Thank you for your understanding.

Hey, thank you so much for the review! You are right that currently the further you get through the game, the less detailed it gets. That is a side effect of our development process, but rest assured that eventually every part of the game will be fully covered by art and audio the same way the prologue of the game is currently. Unfortunately due to the Ukraine crisis, we are in an uncertain situation regarding our future because our main artist is Russian, but so far we have been able to keep paying them. We'll see how this changes, but either way we know the direction we want to take with the game and despite having long delays between new builds, we're constantly improving our planning behind the scenes.

None of us is Ukrainian thankfully, although we know of a different furry visual novel dev team whose artist is Ukrainian... let's just say we're all hoping they'll get through this safely. Our main artist is Russian, which is the second worst option right now since we're constantly at risk of not being able to pay them anymore. Only time will tell how things will play out but we remain hopeful and everyone is doing their best to bring awareness and help wherever they can.

Thank you so much for the kind words, we're glad we could make your day with our game!

Hey there! By that we mean we are making new expressions for him and have adjusted his clothing a bit to make it so our sprite artist to draw him faster and more efficiently. We will explain this further in an upcoming Patreon dev diary post.

Hey there! Yes, we are still working on the game, albeit slowly and with a reduced crew as a result of the ongoing situation in Ukraine and the rather busy schedules some of us have. We acknowledge the lack of communication on our part, but we can assure you that from a development perspective we have never been more sure of where we want to take our story.

We are aiming to release a new build hopefully by the end of the month, which will contain day 8 and a few character dates. This content was in the making before the Ukraine invasion.

We have explained this in detail on this post from a few months ago.

Yes, this issue has been fixed in v0.3.6. You are using v0.3.5. The newer version is currently patron-only, but will eventually be released to everybody.

Do you have the specific line of dialogue before this issue occurs? That would help us a lot with identifying the bug.

Edit: We found what was causing the problem and it should be fixed now! Please let us know if you still encounter issues with the downloading and installation.

Admittedly none of us in the team is using the desktop client, so we are unfamiliar with the way its downloading/updating features function. It's pretty likely that this error has nothing to do with the game files at the very least, since the builds work just fine when installed manually. What we can tell you is that a regular update on our end means deleting the previous downloadable builds from and uploading the new ones. We haven't set up butler yet, which may be why this happens.

We released 0.3.6 for patrons at the start of December, and we are currently working on more content for the game. Due to the holidays, we may not post a new version this month, although it will depend on the pace we can manage over the next few weeks. Until then, you should check our Patreon for 0.3.6 (which also fixes a few game-breaking bugs from the previous version!).

Hey there, and thank you! The image is not about a planned date with Kovle, Rauch just wanted to draw this pic on his own a year ago.

Draxima will not be returning to the game, as we have fully refunded the patron who owns the character. We reiterate that we believe we made the decision in the best interests of the project, as originally explained in this Patreon post.

We are a small team and we do not want to overpromise that which we realize we cannot deliver on. We ultimately want this game to succeed and to avoid further development hell, but in order to do that, we had to reduce the overall game's complexity. At the same time, we understand that some may dislike our decision, but we can assure people that we know the path forward for this project and that this gives us more time to focus on fleshing out the other characters.

Perhaps try pressing the F key? That will make the game fullscreen. By default it starts up as a 1920x1080 window, but for smaller screens it might get out of bounds a bit. We will look for a fix for this in the future.

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Hey there! We're not sure we understand what you mean... could you be more specific?

The issue has been fixed in v0.3.6, which is currently patron only. For v0.3.5, you can try starting a new game and picking different choices throughout days 4 and 5. The issue is that on some choice menus, the variables which choices are selected weren't being reset correctly. So when the game reaches the point in the screenshot, it locks you out of selecting anything because it thinks all the choices were already selected.

Hey there! We don't have a griffin character, but we did have a feral black/white dragon named Draxima. Unfortunately, we have removed the character from the game. You can find more details about it in this post.

Hey there! We can assure you that this had nothing to do with our game files. The game is built using the latest stable version of the Godot Engine, which is a fully open source project, meaning every aspect of the engine (including file access permissions and security features) can be viewed and verified by the public. The game engine does not allow access to sensitive directories such as system paths. If such operation was performed, it would also usually be detected by malware detection services.