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A member registered Dec 11, 2018 · View creator page →

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This resembles me of the New Horizon movie... Gave similar feelings. Great textures and sounds helps at that.

I didn't have to mind about fear meter at all before I finished the game. Or maybe I was lucky.

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You did good. Best parts are combat, music and that it's actually 2D game (saw from a comment). It looks so much like 3D =)

I try to find bugs too. The graphical one is that the jail bars aren't rendered if you look them from sides and not directly facing those. Another one happened when I tried to use the smiley item. On first use nothing seemed to happen. Then I tried to use it again and got this error.


Thanks for testing =) I'll add some kind of hints somewhere for little extra help. The story text tells what to do but not how. There are somewhat hidden stuff in the fire dungeon that you need to find to be able to finish the game

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Yeah, both of those are bugs that I've fixed but can't update the game until the jam ends. There will be new stuff too.

The "block" with a candle next to the fire man is kind of like inverted so it lets you in but not out...sorry =P

Sounds actually gets paused if game window gets focus e.g getting back to game after alt+tabbing. If focus is lost sounds would be resumed but because game doesn't run while unfocused, you don't hear anything. I hope that's the case and not something else too?

You'll need both characters if you want to finish the game.

Congratz. Hell'o World thanks you ;) Indeed. A challenging game is a good thing.

Very good one and the best so far. Exploring was fun.

The ending was a little bit frustrating...or I didn't know what to do there. But did it a few tries later anyway.

A fine playable game with all necessary things. Not more or less.

Few times at the beginning I ended up outside walls and had to restart.

Thanks. I agree on those issues. There are already many things in my todo list =)

Thanks =) Yeah, such a bug was found next to the grid of the starting position. I built the map wrong accidentally and can't update it yet during voting I think

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I liked the idea of two worlds and horror theme fits to that.

Moving around for so many steps was tiring. I couldn't get past the white blocks so I went back for the "normal" world, then came back and nearby the blocks the world changed again and I quit because didn't want to go back again ;)

The biggest bug I found must be that dropping partly used ammo and picking it up again restores the ammo to the max. Feels like it uses the ammo data instead of runtime data?

A different kind of game and in a good way. I'll this later again because I tried to press esc to see if something comes up...but it quit the game xD

Felt like a pretty complete game already. Very nice.

An interesting combination of crawling and military.

My laptop with RTX 3060 (and incompatible drivers with D3D12?) couldn't handle the game and fps was just about 20-30.

I found a major bug. You can go through obstacles while turning, at least the boxes on the first level.

Thanks, glad you liked it =) The "water" side will be improved later because I ran out of time

Thank you. That's right. You have to bring the characters together. There are 2 ways to do it.

You have really thought about the feedback. So much of it =D Good points that I'll take care of later. Sounds seems to be bugged in some cases then

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The map felt like pretty well done. Art too. And of course 2 piggies that splashed on my screen

Thanks...found & fixed. I had accidentally built those grids wrong even though it looked correct xD

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Nice, thanks =) Good feedback too. I'll update the game after voting ends.

Do you remember what and where it happened when you got stuck? I'll try to fix it but I couldn't find any reason. About items, it's probably because an item is close to you but not on the same grid as you are. It can be kind of confusing so I'll replace picking up to use mouse.

Yes, retry and quit buttons will be there later.

Basically good but pretty easy though. Background looks so nice

Nice game with a different kind of idea. Tutorial fits in well

Thanks for feedback (and to others too). I clearly have to add some hints about what to do in game. That's why your scores makes sense =D

I like this kind of games and this is fun too. But it's not fair to compare a jam game to other games made in much longer period so I'm gonna say this feels very nicely done and it could be easy to continue. Pixel art looks good too.

I gave all the treats after all maybe because of so nice atmosphere =P I even had images in my mind about how it all felt like being there while playing and that doesn't happen so often with games. The ending was pretty cool too. Very nice in its own way.

The worst issue is that I couldn't read some of the texts while kiddo walks because they went away way too fast

Thanks! Yeah that's exactly why I had a plan to change cursor or make an effect when it's possible to interact with something but ran out of time =) But also it can be nice to find out things yourself on a small game like this. I'm not sure which is better

Thank you =) You too!

This is the first jam game I've gone all the way through so it surely affected in some ways =) I've played as little kid Chip 'n Dales too, was fun!

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Ohh...=/ Thanks for telling. It seems fixed now.

I'm not sure why, though. Hopefully it stays active now.