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A member registered Oct 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ay, I played this game and didn't know it was in the decade jam!

I love it. Great job.

The game is perfect

Some things I liked are...

1. The Music: The music in the first zone was lacking but everything other than that was a banger.

2. The graphics: The graphics make you feel like you are playing an old NES classic.

3. The Gameplay: The controls are weird at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly. The game mechanics are very well made, and I love the "Jab down on a enemy and get boosted up" mechanic.

The game is perfect so far. But here are some things I didn't like.


10/10. Please continue it.

Thanks for everyone who rated my game.

I will try to make it a lot better than it was before using you guys' feedback, and constructive criticism.
Like I said, I will make a big update for the game, but until then, thank you to everyone who rated my game...
It really means a lot to have people like my games and show support.

Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback and I wish you well with your projects.

Thanks for everyone who rated my game.

I will try to make it a lot better than it was before using you guys' feedback, and constructive criticism.
Like I said, I will make a big update for the game, but until then, thank you to everyone who rated my game and told me how they feel about it. It really means a lot to have people like my games and show support.

Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback and I wish you well with your projects.

Thank you for your kind feedback. My favorite is the second boss too. I do plan on adding a big update to the game that will add new guns, bosses, enemies, levels, and fix most of the glitches, so stick around if you want to see that. But if you enjoyed this game, you're free to try the first game as well. Thank you for playing.

I like it. The music and art are good.

I love this game.

This is a very good game I like the music, and the art looks good. Also, it plays very, very well. I love this game. Good job.

Good job. I do think the controls are a little awkward specifically the J to jump and F to fire. But I think it's very good.

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I will update my game eventually, but what am I going to add? Well, you guys have spoken, and I will add the following...

1. Effects: Effects will be stuff like when a bullet hits objects.

2. Levels: It will have levels but you will be able to go back to previous levels to unlock new stuff.

3. Guns: I will add new guns, and maybe possibly a menu.

4. Possible Jetpack: I might add a jetpack, we'll see.

5. New Enemies: I will make new enemies, each one acting diffrent from the other.

6. New bosses: I will make unique and new bosses rather than just copying the regular enemies.

7. New Music: I got some feedback on the music, the music I chose is not good for the vibe people want, and I understand, so I'll change the music.

8. Glitches and Bugs: I will fix the glitches and bugs in the game.

Thank you to everyone for your kind criticism, and I will use it to build up my game. If you have any ideas and critiques then I welcome constructive criticism with open arms.

Thank you so much, the feedback means a lot. There are a lot of bugs, I know, and things that are just lacking. But I need to erase half the game anyway to make it much more how I like it. These issues you good people have pointed out will be addressed in the next update. Thank you for the feedback

Thank you. But the dash thing isn't fully a glitch, it is a mechanism that makes the player dash out of enemies so he can't just stay in them. But I know what you mean, and just because it has a purpose doesn't mean it's good. So, I will make sure to remove that in my next big update as well. Thanks for the feedback.

Thank you so much. I couldn't decide on what kind of music I wanted. But I will fix that issue. as for the first boss, I could definitely add a checkpoint. I'll add it sometime. VFX is something I completely forgot about. I will add VFX in my next update, now that you mention it.
Thank you so much for your constructive criticism. I will use this to better my games future.

Okay actually that looks like a good game, I will try it.

That's very good VegeTato. Great work

Do I have permission to make a Bitlandia fan game?

Thank you.

Спасибо за ваш отзыв, но я хотел бы узнать, о каких именно ошибках вы говорите?

I like it.

Thank you for your review. I will definitely keep it up. I'm pretty bad at picking controls, so I'm thinking of maybe adding three control options.

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I genuinely thought I might win😭
Jokes aside, really good game.

When I played this, I out loud said this is probably winning.

Thank you for your feedback. I think I'm built different cause I think the controls are fine😅 But I see your point. I'll try to fix the controls. In the meantime you can use a Playstation controller, the controls for controllers are in the description (I think).

Pretty good

I am working on a Metroidvania type game called Rhetts Journey and it looks pretty decent so far.

(3 edits)

Thank you. As for the hitbox collisions, I'll try to fix it.

Thank you so much❤️

How many game jams are you going to sign this game up for???

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"Lurn Moment"

It only said half my name.

Mine did

The Graphics are not bad, I like blocky graphics.

The story is good, and the ending left me satisfied.

I wasn't a fan of the AI sounding voices, but halfway through I didn't notice it as much.

The game mechanics are good.

All the notes and collectables felt awesome to collect.

And it was overall a good game. 9/10.

(1 edit)

The ending left me speechless.

The controls are delayed on my laptop. I've tried refreshing, opening this on a new page, but it is always delayed, it's sad cause I don't see a way to download it either. I can't play for this reason.

this is a good game, I want to see games like this when I search up Mario in itch.io, not non-functioning kind that are made by 7-year-olds in scratch or something. this is really good.

I got 22 on the box game.

This is amazing, good to know there are people on this site who put effort into Mario. all the other Mario fangames on this site are trash, this one is a rare instance of a good Mario fangame. I was so excited when I saw the good graphics, the multiple worlds and themes, and the fact that there's 70 levels. I couldn't make a game like this if I tried.

Really good game, I like how it basically loops. And the twist was a good one too.