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A member registered Apr 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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There is a "drag" button if you hold shift, so it's possible to drag boxes out of corners :) Will think about how to make this more clear though!

Having a limited jump height is a deliberate design decision, to encourage combining the boxes into stair-like compositions. Likewise with the stationary sizing pads, where we want to create a more frantic back-and-forth gameplay, and where an important part of the player's skill is learning how to measure up box sizes from afar. But will take your feedback into consideration, the important thing in the end is to make a fun game!

Thank you, I am a big fan of Huey as well!

Wow, I love the fluent animation and responsive controls, feels very organic! And great mechanic with running out of yourself. I could see that this would have been a classic for the GBA or DS.

(1 edit)

Loved the graphics and the sense of accomplishment! However, it's easy to accidentally block yourself from the steering area if you built to many buildings nearby it. But I eventually got in again and enjoyed recognizing the different continents :D

Thanks, yes, evolving the game play over time is definitely next on the list!

I really liked the concept of tactically switching between swords! However, the game froze once when I reached the first checkpoint and then again on the next level when I fell down the water :(

Nice music that really adds to the hecticness! I also enjoyed trying out the different weapons and looking forward to the deal of the next wave. But as another commenter said, it would have been nice with a few seconds to relax, resupply and get ready in between waves. 

You took the best part of Spore and made it a really chill and relaxing experience. I especially like that the world around you seems alive, with the other cells going about their business :) Also, cool upgrades!

Thank you! Portal was a big inspiration theme wise. The research lab setting is something we would like to make more pronounced in a future iteration!

Thank you so much!

Great game! I'd love to have something like this on my phone. However, I found it very hard to click and send units. Is it not enough to click when the marker turns red, does it have to be even more centered on the settlement?

Very interesting game mechanic and clever puzzles! I also liked the music but unfortunately the bird chirping was a little bit too grating for my ears so I ended up muting the sound. Still, 5/5!

Nice music and satisfying to break things! It was hard to avoid touching the green buildings so I'm glad there wasn't too much punishment for hitting them

Really polished and unique and interesting mechanic! I got to the icicle juggling level and then it got too hard for me :D