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A member registered Mar 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great atmosphere! the visuals and sound design really amplified the story! The subtle parallax effect brings life to what could have been a static screen. I didnt know what to do for the puzzle, maybe a help screen would have been useful, although I think I saw one on the main menu.

Well done, your team has something to be proud of :) 

Wow, this is quite an ambitious project for a game jam. A really immersive and well put together exploration. Well done guys!

Thanks! What issues did you have with the controls? There was only up and down :)

I fully agree with discovering the controls! I enjoyed that about the parts afterwards,  I think i just only learned to jump and thats what I was expecting to do, I didnt expect to shift mechanics so soon. It was fun after I got passed that though :)

Thanks! it was a fun game to make.

For the particles, its using the vfx graph (unity's new particle/effects system). in there you can specify a sphere for your particles to collide with. Then I messed around with the settings to make the particles REALLY attracted to the sphere and when they hit the sphere they bounce off. then I linked the sphere to the bouncy ball :) 

Took me a few tries to figure out but once I got a red shard it was very satisfying. Well done

Cool environment to run around in but I couldnt figure out what to do after that.

An intriguing game to play. I was a bit confused by the tone of the game. The name made me think of the 22 jump street reference, so I thought it would be silly but the game was the opposite. It has a very calm piano soundtrack and the visuals are atmospheric and the message behind the game is profound but then it ended with a picture of a silly bird and some text that I couldn't read before the game closed. 

I enjoyed the puzzles and reading, overall a fun game. Well done guys

Well done guys! This is a pretty fun game. Running around feels great! The shooting is excellent. The boss is brutal and nicely put together. Your level design works well too!

I couldnt finish it but I had fun :) 

Cute art style! It makes for really cool visuals when overlooking the whole level. I nearly quit right in the beginning out of frustration before I figured out the double jump. The jump SFX got a bit tired, I wish there was some more variation on that. It has a lot of cool little mechanics, love the pick up and drop and the swinging.

Good job guys!

Really fun and cute! Took me a few tries to figure out what was going on but that's half the fun. Looks great, feels great and has just the right amount of stress.

Great look and feel! The cutscenes were awesome and the sound design was perfect. The character controller felt a bit floaty. I wish there were checkpoints for falling in holes.

Well done!

Your urge to discover lead the way ;)
thanks for playing im glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing!
Making it was a lot less calming but I'm really happy with how it came out.

My name is jeff :(

Thanks for the awesome review Evan! I was thinking of a mobile game from the start but I know for the game jam it needed to be desktop so I want it to be as simple as possible. Thats a good suggestion on the dragging. I know a few people struggled and I think I got too close to the controls while making it and I was hoping it was a small learning curve to get over but it might have been a bit bigger than I thought.

Monkeys can hang on monkeys! I wanted to make a level where that was required to pass a level. What ends up happening is that if a monkey thinks it can stand on the ground then it would rather do that. Its a bit more obvious on the last level where there is a bit of room.

The plan was to have a few types of monkeys with different pros and cons and the goal is to get them all across to the end by working together. My GF likes to draw monkeys so that's why this whole game came to be :) 

Thank you so much for playing the game and for your kind words! After rigging the monkeys I tried to put physics elements where ever I could and I still wanted to do more but ran out of time. Evan was right, its is easy and satisfying to get physics in your game but it's difficult to master them and get them to do what you want so sometimes the monkeys can go off into weird places. Im glad you couldn't break it at least and enjoyed yourself ;)

I had 1 tomato that beat me there, sadly it did not count as a successful delivery.

how do you play this? there is no link.

Thanks for the feedback. Wow, you were not supposed to be able to throw them while they were on the air :') It was a level I made in a rush to be finished so thanks for bringing up this issue, I didn't think that could happen.

I didnt, I got as far as the watermelon and gave up. I'll give it another go if there is something cool ;)

I was on the keyboard.  I just never got it to flip consistantly, I always ended up jamming keys and hoping for the best. Maybe I didn't read the instructions correctly :( 

Thank you for your awesome feedback! Its really affirming to hear the same message from different people. Ill definitely look into these things if we take the game further :)

Cool aesthetic! 

Super cool intro! Loved being hurled through a wall into enemies!

I couldnt escape even though I got to the door at the end :( It was really cool to see all your progress through the game jam come together. I had fun ricocheting grenades off of the aliens :)

I kept getting stuck :( I love the clay look!

Windows build didnt run I think you need to attach the whole folder and not just the exe

Super satisfying watching the enemies get cut up by my tether

It was fun racing down with all the tomatoes I dropped!

Very cool look and feel and a great emotional journey! Well done guys!

The Scream!!! That gave me a fright, now we are even ;) My fave was the cape cobra! It feels good when you can knock the ball off of your body into your mouth. I was craving for the snake to go faster and faster. Well done I hope to see more from you in the future.

I liked the feel of it. How did you do that pixelated look?

I think you are missing a file, I couldn't get it to run

Cute game! I struggled a bit in the beginning but once I got a hang of the controls I was cruising!

Unplayable :( I didnt have any keybindings and the restore default didn't work

Cute game! I couldn't hit anything, 3 shots weren't enough. What did you make this in?

Absolute chaos! It was really fun looking for goodies but I struggled with the flip mechanic