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Jyrus UnCageD

A member registered Jun 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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Stickball is a quite simple and addicting game, dodge balls and try to hit them towards the goal to score points, really enjoyed it. controls are right in front of you so see what you need to do. hurt my eyes a little bit trying to read the game over text but that could of been fixed with a thicker outline on the words


Follows theme of Dodging pretty well as well as optional theme of one room being a basketball court


art and aesthetics are well done and complimentarily to each other, nothing seems out of place, art style is the same all around giving it good immersion.


audio was balanced, simple and catchy music, simple sound effects, with ability to music each one in the top right.

Rating as Follows:


DodgeWars is a Reaction based game where as enemies approach you have to dodge before they get too close. the how to play screen said something about using the shift key but I never was given a time to use it / never seemed to do anything when pressed. noticed I could spam the space bar and no disadvantage would come my way.


I mean technically you are dodging the enemies but its seems to me more life you are collecting/ attacking them.


Art was simple and familiar to each other all round, nothing seemed out of place in art terms.


you ever played team fortress 2 or and valve game? where the intro blows your ears out and can never be turned down? you have also achieved the skull rattling explosion at the start I have my pc volume on 14% and it was still very loud, as well as the zombie groan which sounded like the Minecraft zombie one, a nice volume slider somewhere could easily help with that trouble. the music was gentle and nice though, did enjoy that.

Rating as Follows:


Warp Dash is an Interesting Wave Survival Game, move around the area dodging enemies and shooting them to destroy them but every time you shoot, time speeds up for a second. I found lining up multiple enemies really satisficing but achieved a bug that allowed me to wander off screen, seeming endlessly.


you are in fact Dodging in Warp dash so it follows the Theme, can also cover the One Room Theme as it seems like the play area is all one area.


the simple art was nice, wish player and enemies had a little bit more detail rather than squares


no music only sound effects, upon first shot, I jumped from how loud the sound was. but they were nice sound effects, all relating to what they meant to easily know what is happening.

Rating as Follows:


Toy Rescue is a straightforward game, sling the toy around avoiding the vacuum cleaner while collecting other toys that fall onto the play area, the controls felt not entirely in my control.


followed the theme Dodging by avoiding the vacuum, also can be seen following the optional theme One Room due to the play area only being the same one every time.


The Models and textures for the vacuum cleaner and toys were very sharp and detailed but in regards to the level design it seemed off, a little more detail into the background/play area would of given the whole game a face lift.


only sounds I heard was the drum sound every time the player would collide with anything and the soft hum of the vacuum cleaner, it didn't over power your eyes which was nice.

Rating as Follows:


Disappointment Simulator was unfortunately... Not a Disappointment! simple collect and dodge game, but with the satire of doing immoral activities to gain score. the personal insult after the game over screen was a nice touch, enjoyed Being Vile and Repulsive! there was no in game instructions on what to do but my Swollen Gamer Brain figured it out.


Follows Dodging theme by Dodging Responsibilities, can also fall under the One Room theme due to the black void being counted as a room.


simple art, mostly words as the art, easy to read, easy on the eyes, disappointment aesthetic was well done as well throughout the whole project.


I didn't hear a single audio piece in the game, felt maybe some delinquent sounds when collecting items or related audio to the responsibility that causes you to lose.

Rating as Follows:


4 Block Dodge is a simple 2D survival game where you try to last as long as you can without colliding with the pink objects that appear from every side of the screen. I enjoyed it but my attention would start to wonder due to how slow that game would progress, I couldn't achieve any game breaking bugs (unfortunately  ;) ) noticed small bug with leader board but it doesn't have any effect on gameplay so it was okay. No In game instructions to say how to play but lucky my Pro MLG gamer brain knew what to do.


follows the Dodging Theme, even makes sure by having it in the name, can also cover the optional theme of One Room. 


The Aesthetics of 4 Block Dodge were simple, nothing flashy, nothing highly detailed, just a green cube dodging pink blocks on a white background.


I didn't hear a single bit of audio from the game, feel a nice steady beat could keep me engaged and playing

Rating as Follows:


Bomballded is a simple touch typing game that can be played with keyboard, gamepad (xbox controller) or a mixture of both! given my skills in touch typing (Hardly any) the game was interesting id find myself dragging my fingers across numerous keys hope I press the correct one in time! overall interesting Concept.


It follows the theme of Dodging quiet well using avoiding Dodgeballs as the main take away, it also falls under the optional theme of One Room as the whole game appears to not leave the Yellow and Red room.


The Aesthetics of Bomballded are very simple colours and art, recent angle bodies with legs as player/enemies, art all blends nicely together and nothing looks out place other than when the dodgeballs are in motion it is a little taxing on the eyes.


Sound in the game was used quite well, simple background music, audio indicator when hit my dodgeballs letting you know about it

Rating as Follows:


Bomballded is a simple touch typing game that can be played with keyboard, gamepad (xbox controller) or a mixture of both! given my skills in touch typing (Hardly any) the game was interesting id find myself dragging my fingers across numerous keys hope I press the correct one in time! overall interesting Concept.


It follows the theme of Dodging quiet well using avoiding Dodgeballs as the main take away, it also falls under the optional theme of One Room as the whole game appears to not leave the Yellow and Red room.


The Aesthetics of Bomballded are very simple colours and art, recent angle bodies with legs as player/enemies, art all blends nicely together and nothing looks out place other than when the dodgeballs are in motion it is a little taxing on the eyes.


Soundin the game was used quite well, simple background music, audio indicator when hit my dodgeballs letting you know about it

Wasn't able to Run due to not being able to launch game (don't have a python3 compiler.) notify me if any changes are made so I can redo my rating 

After reorganizing the files in the zip I got it to run. Feedback as followed:


Space Adventure has a simple gameplay design to it, W/ Up arrow to fly up, S/ Down arrow to fly down, Avoid the incoming (Space Rocks?/Meteors?/Comets?/Asteroids?) Objects. Some issues I experienced were the Objects were Spawning in the middle of the screen(1920 x1080 Display), the hitboxes were sometimes larger that the object portrays. when I did in collide with said Objects it was difficult to know that I indeed did due to no audio/visual feedback of change other than my score resetting to 0.


Following the Theme Dodging, It does follow it, You dodge the Objects, can also count towards the optional Theme of One Room. for assumed space can we seen as only one room.


The Colourful Background is Easy on the eyes and allows you to focus on the more prominent objects, All the art had the same style so made it feel immersive to the game world.


The only Audio that I heard was the background music, it wasn't overly loud or super quiet to me. volume wise sat around the right area, music consisted of a simple loop that was catchy and enjoyable.

The Game is unplayable due to no executional application, keep me posted on any fixes so I can redo my rating

Can't play/rate your game due to the unplayable Web GL issue, hope you learn of a way to fix it or have windows downloadable version.  keep me updated if these changes are made

write up a post mortem. what went well and what went wrong. i failed by not knowing how to code the main mechanic i was gonna use :D learn from it and try again in other jams. failure is the greatest teacher

The theme for Geta Game Jam 6 is: Alchemy

taken from Geta's twitter