Thank you! Yeah, the slime definitely needs some more work :-D
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Just beautiful, well done! It is a great example, how even very little interactivity in the sense of meaningful decisions can already lead to a strong immersion into the story. Pure art! Sure, some egdes of the story and the implementation are still rough, but this is only a jam version, a great starting point to go deeper if you want to. Personally, I felt very disconnected in the beginning from Gabriel, and I was not sure if it is intended. For me this added a whole other layer to the story, just as it should be for good art, it is in the eye of the beholder.
Thank you for the detailed review. You are right, you need to wait for an elevated place to be at the right location. It is meant to be the home sign, but it turned out that the NPC can be used as well :-)
All three planets are more or less only place holders, I ran out of time before I could create more fun levels.
Ok, I tested again. First of all I was mistaken, it was Firefox, not Chrome. In Firefox, the game starts in a bigger window and then the gameplay is hanging. Same for full screen. In Chrome there is no separate window and no full screen option and the game runs well. Same in Firefox if you reduce the window size.
When the game runs, it is actually a fun rage platformer, well done! :-)
This is a really strong foundation for a bigger game. Right now, the pirates are too many and too “unmotivated”, I mean, why are there pirates like these who attack you basically Kamikaze style? As the station is damaged, maybe you could just defend asteroids from hitting the station (basically including part of the original asteroids mechanics) and let pirates be a more sophisticated thing, harder to kill, but only on rare occasions.
Well done. First I ran to the right and just fell endlessly, probably something that should be prevented. Esc or restart did not work for me. I am glad I gave it another try, it is a solid platformer mechanic. Configurable controls would be great, on my keyboard it was very hard to play. The wall jump mechanic could feel better, I was hitting space a lot and did not find a smooth way to reliably climb up the walls. The art style is very cool and fits the theme and the game well.
Simple but fun, and yes, the Chrome dinosaur obviously comes to mind, which is not a bad thing. As others said: more variety for replayability would be nice. Also some twist about the void, currently it does not really add to the game besides the story. A simple idea could be that it consumes more of the screen so that you can’t look as much ahead anymore. And then maybe ways to get further ahead again so that the void is pushed back?