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A member registered Jan 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks a lot Snowly, Your game is awesome too :D

Thanks a lot!

Well it's technically dying and ressurecting haha... but i get what you mean and also agree with you. Thank you !

I do agree with your point there, i was planning to color code the wall to the trigger, but i don't have enough time.

Thank you so much for your kind words :)

Thank you very much, i really appreciate it!

Really polished game!, love the vibes and gameplay

Really cute frog, However it's too linear and doesn't allow for options. Overall, amazing game for a 3 day jam

This is one of the games of all time

Thank you very much, although i didn't sleep for 2 days straight, it's really motivating to finish it

Thank you, i'm glad you're enjoying the game :)

I love the concept and it's implementation on the theme!.
I'd like a way to jump across board so i can clear least squares as possible.

But overall, i really love the concept

It's a Meh highscoring game to be honest, however the enemy / player movemnt can be improved

It has a really high technical complexity!, however without a menu / tutorial, i fell like this is a really hard game to get into since no one knows how this game works. I love the visuals tho :)

Really good highscore game!, i love being the assassin and killing 5 guys at once, it's so satisfying. Also love the effects and particles :D

Amazing game and art!, i saw you're using a couple of assets and you tied it all up really nice with lighting and such!.

I however found a bug where if you died as a ghost in the third level (i think)  near the fire to the right, The player will get stuck underneath the floor.
That said, this game is really good with its visuals and also musics / sfx, i love it 

I agree with TheSnowly that the idea of body platformer is quite an obvious one for this jam, however, the execution is really nice although i'd prefer the movement speed to be faster because we're repeating  the same level over and over again.
I also think there's a balancing issue because i can't really finish the game with the sacrifices i have (or i'm just bad)

Overall i like the concept. You took a safe choice but the execution is really nice :D

Thank you !

Thank you very much!

Thank you for your feedback. I do think more levels and types are cool!. might come back to this game to give it some improvements!

ps.  i also encounter the bug that you mentioned, and i think it's a web thing?, because it's not happening in my editor.

Thank you, we woked really hard to make the difficulty progression feel like something!

It's nice when someone mentions that, Thank you 

I absolutely agree with you on all of your points!, the feedback for hitting enemy is quite nonexistent (yeah we didnt even think about it). and the teleportation is not immediately useful.

We were planning to make an upgradeable weapon /teleport range, but ran out of time before we were able to do that so we just decided to upgrade the teleportation range the lower your level is

Thank you so much for your feedback, we hope you enjoy our game! 😁

Yes!, the teleportation is there!

You attack with left click, and teleport with right click!, we try to explain it super intuitively in the how to, and also in the title screen, hope you can check again and give us another chance!, thanks 😁

Hi, unfortunately we're unable to deploy our games to linux, sorry :(

Ah!, good thing you reminded me!, i've rated it!

This game is super polished!, i really really love it, the generation is awesome although it's a little hard to get past 50. really really love the music and teleport mechanic! Super awesome game!, love it

also if you're willing, please check out my game, it also has procedural level generation!

I love the sound design!, and also the lights!, the effects really adds to the game

also if you're willing, please check out my game!

Yup, at earlier levels, the teleport range is not that much so that you are forced to fight, the more levels you play, it's really beneficial to run away from the enemy

Thanks a lot!, and already did! awesome

I really love the polish of this game!, it's  awesome! 

also if you're willing, you can check out my game and give feedback based on what you think!, thanks!

It's a really interesting game. At first it was really hard to grasp, but as i progresses it becomes a really cool and challanging game!., overall awesome works!

Yes, we really take inspiration from crypt of the necrodancer and applied it with our little twist on it! Thanks for playing our game!

Really well made, love the upgrades menu and the "upgrade bars" you made, it adds a lot for the game. i wish there was more feedback when the enemies are hurt, such as a red overlay or something.
overall awesome game!

Great game, i love the polish on the particle, health indicator, and cooldown indicator, i just wish it has sfx and music, really good game!

It's really fun, the only thing i would suggest is to simplify the player controls, overall nice works!

Love the musics!, for me the controls are a bit wacky and hard to use and besides that, really cool simple game, i love it!

Aahaha, thanks a lot! thanks to the programmer (my partner in this gamejam) we could get that awesome AI!

We can build it on linux if you want!

You're very welcome, i love it!

Thanks a lot, yeah, i agree the feedback on attack / attacked needs work

Solid game, i love the movement and teleport system!, and i also love the difficulty progression as you play through the game!