The game is very fun and fits the theme nicely. My only problem is the limit on the number of keys pressed. It may just me being a bit stupid, but the GNVJS level was odd with the S key limit. But nonetheless great game.
I tried my best with the moving platform, but the ball just won'ts to clip through the back. But I enjoyed the different controls (rotated the keyboard round).
I liked the control change, but the visual effect was a bit much for me. I think a timer at the end for how fast you was able to complete the level would be a nice.
Probably due to the resolution of the screens, but got a bug where clicking on the leaf would teleport it further and further away. But I understand the concept.
Looks good, but was a bit short. Maybe some layering mechanics where you do one thing that leads to another and then the key would be nice for diffculty and sap more time from the payer.