Alittle late to the party, but the slime is super cute! :D
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The game is super fun! I am a huge Tower Defense fan, I loved how you play someone who summons the enemies :)
The sound effects are super cute, the levels are fun.
Maybe set a limit as to how many mobs are on the level? It seems like I can just spam Space and win every level :)
Other than that, its super fun! I'd definitely buy this game ;P
I accidentally clicked on it on the discord channel, and I couldn't have been happier that I found this game...
The idea is super creative, I loved tamagotchi when I was a kid, it gave me such a nostalgic feeling.
The game is super cute and the music is cheerful, I replayed a couple of times haha.
Even tho I was afraid that it would take a dark turn, I'm glad it didn't.
Thank you so much for this game, I loved it alot...
This is a really cute game! :)
Love the lo-fi aspect of it when a black hole is chasing you across the map and is getting bigger haha.
Sometimes it felt alittle slow, especially after picking up alot of upgrades and you'd just watch the ball fly from one place to another for a while, but overall I think this is a pretty fun and relaxing game to play :)