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Kevin Minh

A member registered Oct 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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good luck on your game!

...okay, but,

 when are we getting the makeship plushies

thank you they and i oove you too :3

shhh, there's nothing strange with it at all, you're simply speaking into the void here...

Thank you so much for enjoying!

The Royal Guards are super cute aren't they??? That kind of relationship dynamic is ultra-adorable aughghghhhhh

Thank you for playing and making a video of the game! I appreciate it.

Loving the squishy thumbnail ahah. My boys, all SQUISHED!!! Unforgivable raaaaaaaah (/joking)

This is so late but thank you so much for playing and making a playthrough video of it! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and gave it five stars even despite all the audio issues.

After some debugging, I managed to figure out why some of the sounds couldn't be adjusted at all (it was an issue with registering new sound channels/mixers!), I've fixed that as well as did a pass through most of the sound effects to reduce and balance their volume. I'll be pushing an update in a few hours for both PC and web!

Thank you SO MUCH for playing again! It's an amazing experience seeing people not only play my games and enjoy them but ALSO go through the efforts to showcase them with videos.

So after some testing, I'm concluding that the crowd noise not being affected by volume sliders is a web build issue, as on the PC download build you can set it with volume sliders just fine.  It seems as if the web build has an issue with different channels using the same mixer; the crowd noise plays in a "BG_sound" channel which uses the "sound" mixer, but somehow the "sound" mixer on web doesn't affect any other channels besides the main sound channel (blegh).

In the upcoming update, I've reduced the volume pretty significantly, and I've also applied the bandaid fix of registering the crowd sound as music, which is weird but also you can adjust its volume in the menus now. Furthermore, I've did a full pass on most of the game's sounds, adjusting volumes and removing unnecessary sounds as needed. It should be pushed soon. Thank you for your feedback!

(deleted this once to fix a typo whoops)

Thank you so much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed the character writing and the art!!! 

Thank you! Please look forward to my future work!!!

Thank you for enjoying it! I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue and also the little bits of lore sprinkled throughout. I do plan to explore the setting and make more games with these dudes, so please look forward to my future works!

The crowd noise loudness has been reported, though it not being affected by volume sliders is a new one. I have a sneaking thought that I know what's going on and will fix it sometime in the future when I get the postmortem out.

Thank you again for playing!!!

Thank you!!! I’m glad you liked them! Hoping to make more games with them soon 😎❤️

Thank you so much for this lovely review, it really means a lot to see you enjoyed my writing and characters ;___;

The way Kaiser and Solaris' dynamic is built is that both of them want to be loved, but neither of them want to admit it (initially) for different reasons; Kaiser because he feels like his job and role requires him to put up a brave face of sorts (and accidentally ignore the entire communication aspect of it), and Solaris because he kind of just... is too reserved to ask for attention most of the time. I wasn't sure how to fit the entire, "opening up" part into a short word count (because oops! only started work 2 weeks into NaNoRenO), but I'm glad it came out well. I wonder if Kaiser being the one to offer his hand first came off as a good hint that he wants to be intimate?

I'll be expanding on this more in my post-mortem/"the making of" devlog but the initial concept for the game all the way back in October 2023 (wow) was that you'd be playing as Kaiser and making various conversational choices to have Solaris open up. There would have been multiple endings and the choice to offer his hand would only be available/not grayed out on the route to the best ending, when both of them are fully comfortable with each other. As you can see the scope ended up being cut down to a short-and-sweet kinetic novel, but I think it's better off that way considering the jam time limitations.

The hand-holding scene made me blush as all hell when I drew and programmed the expressions + the dialogue into the game so I am incredibly satisfied to see it have the desired effect on you ^_^ The relationship Kaiser and Solaris end up forming is very sweet and does take a romantic direction further down the line, too. I'm not sure what kind of game I want to make next but I really want to include these helmetboys in my works more going forward!

Once again thank you so much for playing Inside Out!!! I'll definitely try to play Monochrome Pixels when I have the time as well, it looks absolutely stunning and has an insane scope for a NaNoRenO game! Good job to your team for finishing it too!

Thank you for playing!

Please do! I'm sure you'd enjoy my other games if you loved this one!

very sorry for the bug jgskggjlkdg, but I'm glad you enjoyed it overall!

fjjdjdnsnfnd sorry about the weird fullscreen and gameplay issues you had… but I’m glad you think mystia is cute :’)


And yes I did receive a few reports about the slash timing/cooldowns being inconsistent. And you are also kind of correct - both the shot and the slash have the same timer variable with different cooldowns for both, so it's very easy to be in a situation where the first slash won't come out immediately when you tap. I'm not sure how I can go about fixing this yet but I'd definitely put it on my list for when I want to re-implement this mechanic.

Thank you for playing!


thank you for playing!

> the patterns were surprisingly doable without clearing bullets

see this is what mildly surprised me! here I thought that I made it so that you'd have to use sword to make patterns doable. but turns out I did not do that hard enough! one day I will make it so you must use the mechanic to survive...

also ye only multiplier affects score. you build multiplier by killing enemies fast to keep it at 6.4x

marisa with balls is indeed awesome

thank you for playing!!!

yayyy thanks for playing!!! :3c

yeah it’s my first time working with 320x240 resolution so like!!! a lot of the movement/bullet size stuff is still in need to finetuning. but I’m glad ya like it!!!


me and the besties being disgraces to tengu society!

this game, as janky as it was, has a lot of charm to it. like someone here mentioned it definitely reminds me of old school flash games - rough around the edges, but you can tell it was made with love and passion, and a good chunk of silliness. it's fun for what it is.

Disclaimer: I played the game first on v1.00 but beat it on v1.1.

that's a good question. what did I expect? well, I didn't really expect to get emotional over alice pc-98's misadventures through makai and out to gensokyo, but here we are.

I think what really got me and what really pushed me to beat the game was alice's monologue at the beginning.

"it's suffocating.

why do I feel empty, when I have everything I want?" 

I also ask myself this question often. I ask myself why I keep wanting more, even though I should already be happy with what I have.

I think it's human nature to keep wanting more, to keep seeing what lies at the end of the rainbow. just like how alice wants to get out of makai, just like how I kept pushing to beat this game, just like how I stayed determined even when I died to the forsaken laser wheels for the fifth time. there's not really a good answer for whether doing this is a good idea in the long run... wanting more, I mean. but whatever keeps us kicking, yeah?

thanks for making this game. and thanks for v1.1. I really needed that checkpoint update.

I finally got around to playing this game with a friend (Nutterbutterz, one of the awesome folks who worked on this game actually) and it was fantastic! We had such a blast throughout with him showing me the ropes and me blind-reacting to each of the levels, I was like "WHY IS LEVEL 2'S TERRAIN SO WHACK TO NAVIGATE AAAAAA" and he was like "LMAO BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS EASIER FOR PLAYERS THAN LEVEL 1 THOUGH???"

I absolutely enjoyed the art and music of the game, the title art is so silly and cute with all the little touches and the Miko Owl gawking at you, the font choices are stellar, the pixel art sprites are super cute, and Sanae's boss theme is such a banger!

Gameplay was also quite fun and I appreciate that recovery is fairly forgiving despite the increasing difficulty of the game throughout. I do have two complaints though: first, the inertia is really hard to work around which made dodging things like Okuu's laser walls and the Level 2 terrain frustrating. Secondly, you barely get any invincibility after getting hit, so it's very easy to be walled by enemies, lines of bullets, or lasers and just take a bunch of damage (45-60%) within 2-3 seconds without any chance to escape. If these issues can be worked, the gameplay would be so much smoother! I appreciate the fast pacing regardless, though.

Overall, I loved the game!!! I understand it seems like there's some bias in my rating because someone I know worked on this and also I'm a jam host - but my enjoyment of the game is genuine, promise!

hell yeah thats what we talkin about. thanks for enjoying!

Thanks for playing! It's definitely meant to be a harder game than my previous entries for sure :')

yeah the boss is pretty hard so I had to buff the number of lives you get a bit.

thank you for playing!!

Thank you very much for playing! I'm glad you enjoy it!

(but please actually use the slash lmaooo not using it at all is so cursed)

6 Ponderous Orbs

y'know, the jam happened during a pretty.... troublesome? time of my life. I was struggling with self-identity issues, self-esteem issues, trying to prove myself to people I was not sure would care, to people who would care, to people that I wanted to care, all while fearing that I'll let down the people that matter to me. I did find someone I really love, someone I want to stay with for the rest of my life... and I was afraid I'll let him down too. honestly it, uh, affected both my sleep and also my ability to work on my jam game, which is why I asked for an extension, haha...

so to see a game where one of my favourite characters (hatate) goes through almost the same struggles, and is comforted by an interesting character who I've always wanted to see more content of (satori)... honestly, it made me almost tear up (with joy). it was short and I got through it in approx. 10-15 mins... but I went back, made a save right before the "i think that's everything" choice... and I read the talk they had, like, a few times afterwards. it made me really happy. genuinely.

I want attention. I want to be loved. I think it's normal to be a little bit selfish and want something, or some things to yourself, sometimes. but at the same time... I'm happy to be reminded and reassured - that I have people who truly matter, that I have a genuine passion to create from my heart, that even if the little "circle" I've built for myself throughout the years is barely anything compared to the large "circles" others have, the "circles" I want... it's my own "circle" where I can be happy.

thanks for this game. five stars across the board.

Bird communism!

The writing is fantastic - how did you even pull this level of writing off in 3 days!?!? I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was indeed a good ending for everyone involved, and that you could genuinely befriend Utsuho - I was worried that you wouldn't be able to, or that it would be an up-to-chance sort of thing.

The chance decisions (talking to the chickens, scaring Aya, etc.) don't really seem to affect anything, and I haven't found any ways to raise my skill levels. Maybe there wasn't any time to implement the non-linear/skill aspects further, which is understandable. Still, it didn't affect my experience much, if at all. I really enjoyed reading and playing this!

Good work on the game!

Disclaimer: Played on Normal Mode.

At first the game didn't click that well with me, but after Hatate's fight the level design got more creative and I ended up genuinely having a massive lot of fun! The Burst/Double Jump is satisfying to master, albeit I felt like it was a bit weak against the fairies? It usually took like 3 bursts for me to take them down.

Hatate and Mamizou's fights were pretty so-so but Nue's fight had great design. I like how you had to climb upwards using both Burst and the normal shot to be able to attack her, and how the fairies spawning with every "floor" you ascend made doing so a tense race. Having Aya only be able to shoot downwards is a very clever mechanic.

Excellent job, overall!

11 Deaths | 14:46 Time

Hehe ❤️

Very strange, not sure what could be happening. Try the Compatibility .exe and see if it works for you? 

I can confirm the game has no viruses... I'm really sorry you encountered this issue :(

(1 edit)

Already posted a glowing review for this game on the Spooktober submission page, but just gonna repeat my thoughts with a tl;dr again. If you've already played malViolence: this is a great game. If you haven't played malViolence: both it and malViolence are great must-plays. Though I will say I think malViolence should be played first, then this one. I think the reveals & story beats are much better with the sequel's context.

It's been an amazing journey seeing how Mado and their team has developed their skills through their VNs. Absolutely getting five stars across the board from me!









+ The authorization input when you boot up the game is interesting. I only inputted "DEIDRE" so far since I already played malViolence... does it accept multiple answers?

+ GO!!!! uses Amen Breaks. best song in the game

+ "oh man I wish we could see what Deidre looked like in this time.. oh hey look we get a view of her, she looks pretty- oh wait no it's THIS part of the game- oh no fuck"

+ shriya game soon? (insert pleading face)

(1 edit)

Ooh... boy.

I promised Mado on Twitter that I would play protoViolence as soon as it came out. Well, uh, I had to postpone that until today. Partly because assignments and my own game project took over, but also because... I played malViolence already. I loved it, and I also had an idea what the conclusion to its prequel would be like. I knew it would be heavy, and I would need a good mental space for it.

I read protoViolence, and it was exactly what I expected it would be; something that's beautiful and horrifying. Of course, technically it's very impressive! I didn't know Ren'py was capable of all this. The dynamic panning, the smooth switch between dialogue boxes and ADV textboxes, the voiced bits, and the music all come together to create an experience that I feel like I should be paying for.

Story-wise, as a malViolence player I already knew how it was going to end, but even so the way the events unfolded kept me hooked on. I remember one of my small complaints about malViolence was that one of the main characters was kind of under-developed and there was too much tell over show, and protoViolence did a lot of work to justify this and flesh out everyone. Advancing through the gradual buildup and the inevitable end was very satisfying - but that actually doesn't sound like the best way to describe it considering the nature of the plot...

In the end, I highly recommend protoViolence. I've played all three of Mado and their team's VNs (Bad Faith, malViolence, and this), each one has shown improvements and great quality and I would definitely want to see more fantastic works from them.

You're welcome! Always nice to see more Godot developers making cool games. Good luck on future projects!

Short and simple game, I liked it!

Thanks for playing!