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Kirdi Re

A member registered May 23, 2020

Recent community posts

I found a solution: Do not decompress Ep2 in an empty directory. Move the directory with Ep1 to where you will decompress Ep2 into.

After replacing scripts.rpa with the corresponding rpy-files, I get:

game/english-game.rpy:29030: SyntaxWarning: name 'il_like' is assigned to before global declaration

  global il_like

Full traceback:

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 19, in script

    init 1 python:

  File "/home/andy/DancingColors-EP2-pc/renpy/", line 900, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/home/andy/DancingColors-EP2-pc/renpy/", line 1930, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 28, in <module>

    if persistent.gallery_button_unlocked == True and 1 not in persistent.completed_episodes:

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

While running game code:

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 19, in script

    init 1 python:

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 28, in <module>

    if persistent.gallery_button_unlocked == True and 1 not in persistent.completed_episodes:

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable


I tried to run Ep2 after the end of Ep1 on Linux, but it crashed with:

Full traceback:

  File "screens.rpyc", line 19, in script

    - ��j����]D��*�֛R��A�@�7��Ԝ�IdR���U�EQH����T�T3RKmR#�U��T?NjY8�v���eZ��TK9����Ә+�S�Su���:Sf����,��b��l��@�hc���a��ڌFQ�ue}T����r~u���6R�,zA��F

  File "/home/andy/DancingColors-EP2-pc/renpy/", line 900, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/home/andy/DancingColors-EP2-pc/renpy/", line 1930, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 28, in <module>

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

While running game code:

  File "game/screens.rpy", line 28, in <module>

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable


I do not know, if you changed your mind about the consequences of some choices, But some of the choices set flags, which are not used afterwards. As examples:

midaremovepath in version 0.52


Or have I missed the usages?

Hi Kthulian,

still one more error: When Bredita checks, which option of Lusts power in Mida you wanted (big dick or clones), v100midalustsex should be used instead of v100bathsesx.

Hi Kthulian,

one more error: If the player uses an end before version 1.0, the variable v100ending containes 0 and Bredita thinks you as developer of this game "sucks at this".

Hi Kthulian,

I think, I have found two errors in the coordination of results of menus:

When MC tries to dominate Alma without free sins, the flag v91almamindcontrol is not set and it has no consequences later.

When MC comes back from the elves and thinks about going to the city, he only minds Mida if he took her with him to Bredita (act2whereismida >=2: instead of act2whereismida >=1:).

That caused me some trouble to get to some of the endings.

Hi, with the rar-file inside the zip-file I could load a save and continue from there without incident. I have not tried new content yet.

When loading a save, I get this and an abort of the program:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/functions.rpy", line 22, in renpy_periodic


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 56, in music_notification

    tag = tinytag.TinyTag.get(f)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TinyTag'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 359, in bootstrap


  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 637, in main


  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 145, in run


  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 955, in run_context

  File "v98.rpyc", line 36, in script

  File "v98.rpyc", line 36, in script

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 2560, in execute


  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 615, in execute

    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 1494, in say

    who(what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 1394, in __call__

    self.do_display(who, what, cb_args=self.cb_args, dtt=dtt, **display_args)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 1048, in do_display


  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 741, in display_say

    rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='say', type=type, roll_forward=roll_forward)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 301, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/display/", line 2166, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/display/", line 3024, in interact_core


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 22, in renpy_periodic


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 56, in music_notification

    tag = tinytag.TinyTag.get(f)

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TinyTag'

Linux-6.6.15-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-kali-rolling x86_64


Ataegina Act II 0.9.5

Sun Jun 16 17:14:04 2024

If I ignore this error, I get to the start sceen.

I now get a syntax error:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 211, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 388, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 388, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 340, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

  File "game/functions.rpy", line 22, in renpy_periodic


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 27, in music_notification

    import tinytag

SyntaxError: encoding declaration in Unicode string (, line 0)

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 211, in script call

    call _gl_test

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 388, in script

    $ __gl_test()

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 823, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 1178, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 388, in <module>

    $ __gl_test()

  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 317, in _m1_00gltest__gl_test


  File "renpy/common/00gltest.rpy", line 340, in _gl_performance_test

    ui.interact(suppress_underlay=True, suppress_overlay=True)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 301, in interact

    rv =, **kwargs)

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/display/", line 2166, in interact

    repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/display/", line 3024, in interact_core


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 22, in renpy_periodic


  File "game/functions.rpy", line 27, in music_notification

    import tinytag

  File "/home/andy/AtaeginaActII-1.0-renpy-pc-update/renpy/", line 865, in load_module

    code = compile(source, filename, 'exec', renpy.python.old_compile_flags, 1)

SyntaxError: encoding declaration in Unicode string (, line 0)

Linux-6.6.15-amd64-x86_64-with-debian-kali-rolling x86_64


Ataegina Act II 0.9.5

Sun Jun 16 17:07:43 2024

I can try it. I saved 0.9.9.

On Linux, this happens, too. Additionally a text editor pops up with the message:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading < object (u'spells/demon_idle.png') at 0x7f83be0d7fd0>:

IOError: Couldn't find file 'spells/demon_idle.png'.

and a taceback.

Hi @thetruekaiser, I downloaded now both rar files and extracted them on Linux with 7z without a password.

Either they have been changed or something else wants a password (to get write permission for example) in your tries.


I tried both links now and got to a file server web site. The links there, I have not tested.


I am very surprised by that statement and I am not happy about it.

1. "MC is the ONLY male with a "Soul Code" in the Simulation." I have searched in the dialogues of the game code and have found no information, that supports this. "All other males are NPCs, the equivalent of a digital robot. They won't do ANYTHING that's adult or romantic nature with the heroines." Why? How should the heroines get a healthy sexual life with that? Should the MC care of all of them without knowing it? What if the soul code of many of the characters prefer monoamorous relationships? I think, that would be the managers of the simulation are causing suffer to many characters (already poor Beth). And also, if many people, who decides about hiring, are male, Angel and Mouse should be able to help Jen to find a job of her liking instead to get her into that sexy dancing job.

2. NTR: I also did not found any information, that the game will never contain NTR previous to this statement here. And as long as at a sexual interaction both partners have no sexual relationship or the other one of that relationship does not observe the interaction, it is no NTR, as far as I know that term (see TVTropes). Because Beth is in no sexual relationship and the wife of the male participant in the begin of Episode 4 does not observe the attempt of Beth and her husband, I do not see, how this attempt of cheating by the husband is near to NTR and why to change this beginning because of no-NTR.

Hi Kthulian,

I think, I have found a bug in v97.rpy(c):

After line 1121 in v97.rpy (build by unrpyc from v97.rpyc), the else of the if of line 1099 is missing. I guess, the code in lines 1107 to 1121 should be used in the else branch, too. I have not tried this, because I have no late saves, which would not fulfil the condition about the relationship with Ryo in line 1099.


(2 edits)

A few more points about the game:

After the fight with True Father, the numbers at the left are hidden and stay so until the end. But if at any step the game is saved and reloaded, they are shown again.

About endings: Most of the endings make sense to be an ending: Either the protagonist is dead (what could never the less could continue thanks to necromancy) or are not interested in the affairs any more (stay with Lust). But why not continue after becoming an Elite? Does that stop Father and the Sins to further their plans? And what does the good God do to help the world as an alternative to the havoc of the evil God? Shouldn't be there a difference between the good and the neutral God?

Hi, I found a bug: At lest with the v0.9.6 update for PC, a file spells/demon_idle.png is missing. It is neither in the v96.rpa, the scripts.rpa nor under the game directory in the update archive.

And I am disappointed by the one evil god ending. To answer "And that's what it is for eternity, you got all you wanted. Right?": No, wrong. To want to rule the world and to have killed many opposing persons, who themselves would have killed, does not tell, what his rules are nor that he does not respect his friends and lovers. I guess, I would like it more, if the evil actions would be classified more to react on what he did and to provide more than one evil end. Than it could make a difference for an evil protagonist, if he accept to combine with Father and become an only feared god or to defeat him and use later the power of the scepter to become a respected god. My protagonist chose to lean much of healing to get many to like him and to use that to further his goal to rule the world.


I have found a bug in 0.1.3a2, which is still in 0.1.3d: In file named "game//screens/individual girls screen.rpy" in line 2184 a character "}" is missing after the colour setting. You write, it was fixed in 0.1.3c!?

Some more points about the game:

1. MC tells, he works to pay the rent. I have not recognised any rent payment. If he would stop working at the shop, would his sister and he get problems with their rent?

2. The sister eats without reducing the listed food in the fridge. Also MC can eat her sandwiches. Does she have their own food in the fridge and have always enough from her work? Why do only girls eat cakes and not the MC himself?

2. How is time before and after the door to the plaza connected? You can fight many enemies in the dungeon without time change before the door, but learning to cast spells used p one part of the day. Also, going back and forth around the city doses not increase time, but to pee does?

3. If the sister is shown to be in some room at the room overview, in some she is not shown in that room, if MC enters, for example in the spare room.

Otherwise I like the game. Keep up. :-)

Hi, hoping the game is still developed further, here some remarks:

1. I found a bug: If the MC pays for Rucas and his dinner or pays for Angies and his breakfast, no money is subtracted from the money, which is shown by his phone. I have not found other payments, which are not subtracted.

2. I am confused about some parts of the story: June is caretaker of Charlee, Tiffany and the MC and she have given birth more than once. Is she mother of some or all of these three? Or is she rising them without being the biological mother of any of them? I tend to the later, because all three call her "caretaker" and the two girls and the MC are friends.

3. Tiffany addressed the MC in a way, which shows, as far as I understood it, that he is older than her. Where does this should play, that the currency is $, someone between 18 and 21 is allowed to drink alcohol but Ruca thinks, she has to prevent him from seeing explicit sex scenes on TV? And why has Ruca so much trouble to start a romantic/sexual relationship with the "boy" of her friend? She and MC are adults and not (yet) family related to each other.

4. I think, the text should be dependent, of what happened before. For example, in the scene when MC gets the job as a clerk, the text implies, the MC was never been there even he visits it many times not in the morning.

5. Also the selection of possible scenes should be influenced by what happened before. For example, after doing the pictures with the red clothing for June, the scenes of taking pictures of June in her own cloth with the realtor, her and the MC came up again.

6. When should the school of the MC start? I did not get any hint at it at the time, it should start. The contradicting hints came before: Ruca said at the drive from the train station toher home, it would be one and a half months after that day, which I interpret as around day 45. But June moved before that time and asked before that, why MC is missing school.

(1 edit)

Hi, I like this game. But I have found two bugs and one story annoyance:

1. At least in Act2 (0.9.3) I got at many (all?) starts of fights messages about some "0", which blocked the attack of the opponent and was killed by it. I guess, a flag about someone summoned was not reset correctly.

2. In the tower room with the 7 flames, when I first was asked, if the opponent shall have more health or more attack and I choosed more attack, after been afraid it did not attack any more in the full battle. In a second try, it attacked like I would have expected. I have not tried to activate that bug again, but I think, I started the buggy one with an attack, which caused the opponent to not attack for a few turns.

3. When MC is searching for Alma, he is to much sidetracked or forgets about that too much. I was annoyed about the evening meal and the hours drinking. After that, I rejected sexual offers, which has cost sympathy with two ladies, to get to Alma faster, only to sleep alone.

But I like the story so far (my MC is good) and I am happy to see 0.9.5 is out.

In files for Linux are missing. The compiled pyc files are from Python 3.9 but that is missing. I could not run the game under Linux with an installled Python 3.11.

I would like another ending: Max can get Celeste out of town before the reinforcement arrives.

Other than that, I liked the story and I guessed some similar causes for some events like it was explained later. (dreams and sorcery)

Hi, I have downloaded a version for android, which is shown as 1.0, which still has that defect.

(1 edit)
Hi Goldfishbunz, I think, not many have your problem. I guess, your PC/laptop uses Windows. The game for Windows is distributed as a rar-archive. Have you extracted the files first and start the game from run to run without reextracting the files? When you run the game, are you allowed to write into the extracted folders and to write into the files? Maybe an empty save file is contained in the archive. More ideas I do not have. Maybe Siren has some more ideas, what may cause your troubles.

As far as I know, exiting the game will not trigger a save. You have to save the game yourself while playing or activate the auto save at every start of a day. You may try to look for the files with the saves in the filesystem while the game is still running.

For all, who can not shoot on Android:
The game has two modes of input:
One with two sets of four buttons. One set at the lower left, the other at the lower right. Shoot with the X button on the right.
The other with either two buttons on the lower right or no buttons. Shoot with the X button on the right. Are the buttons missing in an area, where the health is shown, switch to the other mode and back again. Then the two button should be shown.
To switch between the two modes, use the small red button in the middle at the lower border of the screen.

Hi, in 0.13.2 and still in 0.14.4, if you use a created advanced package, it is not removed from the key items.
You should use a program, which can unpack rar files, like 7zip.
Go to the menu (with B) and to the items. Activate the items (left) and choose Z-cola. Activate it. If chars are displayed, choose your char.

Never mind, I found the answer in the forum.

Hi Siren,

I tried the game on an Android tablet, but could neither remove characters from text like names nor leave the option menu. Is somewhere a manual, how to play? May I am missing some needed hardware (some keys...) on my tablet?